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Start an MCMMO Server

Last modified on Jul 29, 2022 in gametypes

mc head By ApexHosting


Setup Time: 5 – 10 Mins
Setup Difficulty: Easy
Players: 1+


MCMMO is a plugin that has been around for ages. It’s common on many survival type server as a sort of enhancement for the base game of Minecraft. It adds in a ton of new skills that players can level up that affect the way the game is played in both the PvP and PvE aspects of the game. For example, you can level up your sword skill that will allow you to do more damage to both players and mobs with a sword. However, that’s not where it ends. There are also “environmental” skills that can affect how you interact with the environment such as Fishing and Acrobatics. Both skills that don’t necessarily affect PvP in an enormous way but can definitely affect how you play Minecraft in general. Along with mcMMO, this game type also has Jobs and MobArena that only enhance the mcMMO gameplay offered.
Here at Apex Hosting the installation of the mcMMO game type is as easy as selecting the game type from the drop-down bar on your Multicraft Control panel! Once you’ve selected it simply restart your server and you’ll be good to go and ready to experience enhanced survival!

How to Add MCMMO to a Minecraft Server

When you first install the mcMMO game type on your server you’ll be logged into a spawn area where you can see some of the basic information about the server. Once you’re ready to leave spawn you’ll have to go to the wilderness teleporter to get to the wild. Or you can go to the MobArena down the road and join it with /ma j! Once you’re in the wild you’ll be able to play and begin the grind to the top of the mcMMO leaderboards. In terms of commands and specifically, mcMMO you can type /mcmmo help to see all of the mcMMO commands you’re able to perform. Jobs is another big aspect of the server and it plays directly off of mcMMO, if you’d like more information on the commands that Jobs utilizes simply type /jobs help. mcMMO and Jobs definitely intertwine with how this game type is set up and it’s up to you to find out how to best utilize them in tandem! In addition to these core plugins, there are also a few ranks on the server that you can work through. Starting with “Roamer” and working all the way up to “Knight” as you progress you unlock the ability to join more jobs as well as job boosts and mcMMO boosts that will let you level up your skills even faster. From here, it’s all up to you!

Opening Process

Initially downloaded a few plugins that are often associated with servers running mcMMO and just servers in general. Plugins are as follows: WorldEdit, HealthBar, ClearLagg, PlugMan, WorldBorder, NametagEdit, Multiverse-Core, WorldGuard, LuckPerms, NoWeather, mcMMO, ActionAnnouncer, Vault, ProtocolSupport, ShopGUIPlus, Essentials, MobArena, Jobs, HolographicDisplays, Citizens, Quests, EssentialsChat, CommandNPC, EssentialsSpawn, Titlemanager, and Sentinel. Don’t worry if you don’t initially understand what all of this means as that will be covered momentarily! These plugins were chosen based on their ability to create a sort of “amplified” survival server with a focus around the skill trees that mcMMO provides while also providing other gameplay mechanics that are not present within vanilla minecraft!

Unique Plugins

ActionAnnouncer – First on our list is ActionAnnouncer, this is a relatively lightweight and simple plugin that allows you to configure pop up messages that inform players of pretty much anything you’d like! If you navigate to your plugins page via the Multicraft control panel you can click on the ActionAnnouncer folder and there you’ll see a config.yml file. Upon opening, there are various settings, and a few test announcements provided. If you’d rather not use this plugin at all you can disable it via the second line in the config file. The test announcements can also be changed as well as the interval between messages and how long the messages will stay displayed on screen for. Obviously the rest is up to you at this point but make sure that you keep any announcements you add in the same format as the test announcements provided!

AreaShop – Areashop is the plugin that this game type will use for the rentable player cells as well as the playershops area. It allows you to create regions with the WorldEdit plugin and then add those regions to be rentable by players. Each region can be set for a different amount of time and a different price. For example in the prison server game type that this plugin will be featured in the block one cells will be much cheaper than the block nine cells due to their reduced size. The player shops will also be rented based on size with the larger ones being more expensive and the smaller tents being less so. The base command for this plugin is /as which will bring up all the other commands necessary to utilize the plugin. There shouldn’t be much to do although you can change the prices and time constraints of the different regions if you wish.

Jobs – Jobs is a plugin that you’ll often see used in conjunction with mcMMO. They play off one another quite well and if configured correctly and used correctly Jobs can be a great addition to any survival type server. It allows the player to join different “jobs” in which they are paid for in-game actions. The job “Woodcutter” for example, that the plugin has by default, will pay players to cut down trees and even plant saplings to replace them. Most other jobs by default have elements similar to this where they pay based on a “break” and “place” function. Obviously these can be configured and in Jobs, there are a TON of options for configuration. The base command for this plugin is /jobs and that will open up a menu that shows most of the other relevant commands. You can edit the jobs that are already there in place by default or you can create brand new jobs related to pretty much anything you want that’s present in Minecraft.

If you click on the Jobs folder in your Multicraft control panel you’ll see that there are quite a few files within it, the ones that are really the most important to you are jobConfig.yml and generalConfig.yml. These are the two files that will allow you to edit the base functionality of the plugin and give you the most customization over it. First, we’ll cover the generalConfig.yml file. Upon openings you’ll see different storage methods the plugin can use such as MySQL or SQLite, for now, unless you’re versed in MySQL and have a database set up for it, you can leave this as SQLite. Further down you’ll see options for how many decimals you want money, experience, and points to be shown down to as well as other options such as whether or not you want the plugin to add a prefix to your chat based on the jobs that players have. You’ll also be able to set the maximum amount of experience, money, or points that players are able to receive in a certain amount of time. All of the base functionality of the plugin can be changed here. Moving on to the jobConfig.yml file we find that this is where you can edit or create/remove any jobs that are present in the file. The first half of the file is literally a tutorial explaining how it all works and how to go about editing the file if that’s what you’d like to do, afterward it’s all up to you to edit and configure to your heart’s content.

mcMMO – Alright, this is it, the core of this gametype. mcMMO is a plugin that has been used in the Minecraft community for years. It takes core Minecraft mechanics and allows them to become a more in-depth RPG type experience. Within the plugin there are unique skill trees that can be leveled up which allows for improvements on various aspects of Minecraft. Along with these skill trees for players to master it allows the server owners the ability to configure said trees which are super useful when a necessary nerf or buff comes into play related to one of these skills. mcMMO is another plugin that has quite a few different files in its plugin folder that can be configured. Obviously chief amongst these is the actual config.yml file but many of the other yml files also have relevance to the plugin’s customization and the way it operates. We’ll go through a few of them here briefly to get an idea of how they work. First off in the base config.yml you can find the different base functions related to the 14 skills mcMMO provides, these are all your general settings that apply to the core functionality of the plugin. The other yml files all are different branches of the plugin some that you can choose to disable completely or edit. If you’d like to change how a skill tree acquires exp or the max level that can be achieved or something more advanced than just the core functionality of mcMMO you’ll have to go to the advanced.yml file. There are also files like the treasure.yml and potions.yml file that relate to a specific skill such as Fishing or Brewing and this is where you can edit things related to those certain skills. Such as how potion brewing works or what items players may have a chance to pull out of the water at various levels through fishing. Overall there is an absurd amount of potential customization offered within mcMMO and you can take whatever aspects of the plugin you enjoy and amplify them to be at the forefront of your specific server.

MobArena – MobArena is another plugin that fits well with this idea of enhanced survival. Obviously, in the base game of Minecraft there are mobs that you can go out and fight during the night or in caves, but generally they’re fairly easy to beat and you don’t have to put much thought into it. This is where MobArena comes into play. This plugin features fully customizable arenas, classes, lobbies and of course, Mobs. The base command for MobArena is /ma help, which will yet again open up a large menu of commands to look through. You can customize every aspect of this plugin with commands or through the config file, and it’s one of the most user-friendly config files you’ll find. Upon opening the config.yml file you’ll find the different classes at the beginning that players can choose from when fighting in the arena, once you’ve finished with that you can move on to the various arena settings that you would like to change. Finally, you end with the configuration of the various customizable “waves” of monsters! As with many plugins it has preset classes and waves so theoretically it’s plug and play, you don’t have to do anything, however, if you’d like to make your own “waves” of mobs or classes with different specialties, and even Mob Bosses, that is entirely possible with this plugin. Once you have an arena built you simply type /ma setup (arenaname) and you’ll be able to enter the setup phase for that arena that allows you to customize the various aspects of it, such as the spawn points and the lobby area associated with it. If you find it too confusing to create your own Mobs there are also plenty of config files posted online that various members of the Minecraft community have made available for free!

Quests – If you’d like to add additional in-game content for your players to enjoy then Quests is the plugin for you. It also features integration with mcMMO and allows players to complete in-game challenges for mcMMO credit which they can redeem to up their levels. Quests can be used pretty much however you would like, there are a ton of add-ons that can be found on their spigot page that allow for a variety of questing experiences and various levels of integration and challenges. You can go as in-depth as adding moving NPC’s that will provide a quest for a player and assist them on their way or something as simple as challenging them to mine a certain number of diamonds in a day. The possibilities are endless and to get you started we’ve added a few basic quests for you to start with and go from there. In order to edit or create quests you’ll have to navigate to the Quests folder on your Multicraft Control Panel. There you’ll see the different yml files. The yml file you’ll want to edit is the quests.yml file, this is where you can create and edit quests, the event.yml file is also important because it allows you to create events that are triggered by completing different portions of the quests you create. The base command is /quests and to list all the available quests you can type /quests list.

Common Plugins

Citizens – Citizens is the plugin that enables the creation of NPC (Non-Player Characters) in your server.

ClearLag – ClearLag is a common plugin for any type of Minecraft server, essentially what it does is allows you to remove any trouble entities that may exist on your server. .

CommandNPC – This plugin is what allows the NPCs near spawn to open up the GUI (Graphical User Interface) when you right-click on them.

Essentials – Essentials is the quintessential (pun intended) Minecraft plugin, it enables all of the most recognizable and used commands in the game, from something as simple as setting a spawn point to creating kits, to setting warps, Essentials does it all.

HolographicDisplays – HolographicDisplays allows the server owner or staff members to create easy to see and edit displays that can be used to relay information in a clean and timely manner to players.

Multiverse (Core) – Multiverse is another plugin you’ll often find in various types of Minecraft servers that enables multiple worlds to be used on a single server. The way that it is best applied in a survival server with a mcMMO focus like this one is by allowing you to separate a “spawn-world” from the main world that you’ll play in.

NametagEdit – This is a fairly lightweight plugin mostly used for aesthetic purposes that allow you to set up different prefixes and suffixes that appear over playerheads.

LuckPerms – This is the basis for all permissions on your server.

Rankup – Rankup is a plugin that lets you use the /rankup command to move through the ranks defined by LuckPerms, there are 6 ranks to move through by default and as you gain money through jobs and mcMMO you’ll be able to rank up and unlock some really neat perks, extra sethomes, as well as the ability to rank up your jobs and mcMMO skills even faster.

Dynamic Shop – This plugin is the basis for your server’s economy. It allows you to set up GUI based shops that players can buy and sell various in-game items from. You can set item price, amount, etc. within the plugin. This is definitely a plugin that you’ll want to mainly edit via the config files on your control panel. We do have a preset economy set up for this game type but if you would like to change it or edit any of the prices or quantities listed you’ll need to go to the ShopGUIPlus folder on your control panel. There you’ll find the shops.yml file which stores all of the shops currently present and active on your server. By following the formatting there it should be relatively straightforward to change or add anything you’d like to any of the various shops. The way that we have this plugin setup on the mcMMO game type servers has the shops open up by clicking on the NPCs near the spawn area but you can also access them without going to the shop by using the /shop command. The rest of the in-game commands for this plugin can be found via the spigot link below.

TitleManager – TitleManager is a useful plugin for such things as configuring a pop-up welcome message upon players joining your server, or making your tab list more information regarding your server.

Vault – Vault is used on nearly every server for storing various data as well as allowing plugins to hook into one another and work as a conglomerate.

WorldEdit – This is quite literally a tool used for editing the physical Minecraft world on your server.

WorldGuard – WorldGuard is a plugin that lets you set up different flags for specific areas on your server (or entire worlds) that you would like to protect.

This concludes our plugin list section for the mcMMO server Gametype! (No really, you’re done. I promise)

Default Editable Configurations

(Plugins omitted from this section are left as default and do not have to be edited to be used or should only be edited by the customer based on their intentions)


  • Two test announcements at intervals of 60 with 6 second display times, can be changed
  • Test announcements inform that they can be disabled or changed
  • Announce on join set to true, noted that it can be changed



  • Mostly left as default except for warning messages and removal message
  • Clearly listed in the warning messages that they can be changed in the config



  • Used to create shop NPC and Wild NPC
  • Documentation informs how to create/edit commands for NPCs



  • Kept mostly the same, added /kit survival
  • No nickname prefix
  • Added generic informative motd



  • Added some informative graphics around spawn
  • Lines that tell the player they can be changed or edited to their liking



  • Left mostly default, changed chat prefixes to not be so obnoxious
  • Some slight adjusting to nerf a couple op jobs



  • Left Default



  • Created arena with a few basic waves to showcase plugin



  • Two worlds, one spawn world one survival world as is custom for many such servers



  • Based upon the rank1, rank2, rank3 groups created in LuckPerms as default groups
  • Noted that they can be changed by owner



  • Created simple group progression with 3 premade groups
  • rank1, rank2, rank3 with subtle differences to simulate progression
  • Used as template for owners



  • Created a few basic quests (Stone Miner, Mob Hunter, Catch Fish, Timed Quest)
  • Noted in documentation that they can be changed



  • Default shops with basic economy
  • Noted that they can be changed via config



  • Default configuration for tablist
  • Added default welcome pop up message as well



  • Set default WorldBorder to 15000 blocks
  • WorldBorder message shows it can be changed



  • Guarded spawn area and added HoloDisplay detailing changes
  • Listed HoloDisplay of flags used

Works Used

Thomas Schleginski’s Arena – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_Q4ay10WZw
This was a great MobArena that went along really well with what I did with the spawn area. Perfect little arena to fit right next to the rest of spawn.

How To Make a mcMMO Server With Apex Hosting

  1. Select your server package from our pricing page
  2. On the ‘Configure Your Server’ page, complete the required fields
  3. Under ‘Server Version’, select your version from the dropdown list
  4. Complete the order and your mcMMO server will be created instantly