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As one of the most experienced and knowledgeable server hosts on the market, Apex Hosting has got you covered with top of the line Project Zomboid Dedicated Server. With an industry-leading support team and servers that are setup within minutes of purchasing, you are ready to run your Project Zomboid without any roadblocks. Our top of the line dedicated server hardware allows you to run your Project Zomboid without ever having to worry about lag or latency, no matter which of our worldwide locations the server is located in.
With our years of knowledge as a server host and an outstanding team of developers, we at Apex have been able to channel our expertise to develop an easily operated and dynamic game panel accessible to all of our clients. With understanding of the importance of accessing your server controls at any time, our game panel can be accessed from any mobile device or computer, optimizing your experience and allowing you to manage your server no matter where you are. Backing up all of this is our world-class support team at the ready for any issues that may arise, 24/7.
Managing and creating a dedicated Project Zomboid server can be a very difficult task. To do this it requires expensive hardware, specialized software, and unlimited bandwidth in order to provide the best possible experience for players. Seeing how difficult this setup is, we decided to take the difficult part out of your hands. We offer an affordable, simple Project Zomboid server setup allowing you to play with your friends easier than ever before. As one of the oldest and most experienced server hosts in the world, Apex Hosting has perfected how to effectively and efficiently manage these servers. Starting a Project Zomboid server is not as simple as installing some software. These servers require dedicated server software that allow outside connections for any player. Our system does all of this hard work for you while automatically updating the server to the latest version. We also make managing the server easier than ever with our web-based game panel. This allows you to install mods, change the map, control the server settings, and much more! Without a dedicated server, you will be relying on random servers in the server browser every time you wish to play. With a Project Zomboid Server from Apex Hosting, any player can join your server whenever they please.
Always online servers with industry leading performance.
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Loading a new world in Project Zomboid seems daunting, especially to newcomers due to the different...
Our test servers around the world provide the lowest ping for your players.
Project Zomboid is a third-person zombie survival game that can be played alone or with others. With a massive map and customizable sandbox, you will need to loot, craft, build, farm, and fight to survive. Use vehicles and tools to flee to safety or to build zombie-proof forts. Be weary, as hunger, thirst, illness, and more is a danger to your character in their day-to-day life. Build up your survival skills before nature reclaims what was taken, as you fight against endless hordes in the vast world. With a full line-of-sight system, as well as sound and visibility mechanics, you’ll be forced to hide amongst the shadows as you fight to survive in the world of Project Zomboid.
Managing and creating a dedicated Project Zomboid server can be a very difficult task. To do this it requires expensive hardware, specialized software, and unlimited bandwidth in order to provide the best possible experience for players. Seeing how difficult this setup is, we decided to take the difficult part out of your hands. We offer an affordable, simple Project Zomboid server setup allowing you to play with your friends easier than ever before. As one of the oldest and most experienced server hosts in the world, Apex Hosting has perfected how to effectively and efficiently manage these servers. Starting a Project Zomboid server is not as simple as installing some software. These servers require dedicated server software that allow outside connections for any player. Our system does all of this hard work for you while automatically updating the server to the latest version. We also make managing the server easier than ever with our web-based game panel. This allows you to install mods, change the map, control the server settings, and much more! Without a dedicated server, you will be relying on random servers in the server browser every time you wish to play. With a Project Zomboid Server from Apex Hosting, any player can join your server whenever they please.
In order to join a Project Zomboid server, first visit your Apex Server Panel and log in. From here, scroll down and locate the “IP Address:Port” section, then copy the information to the right. Once complete, launch Steam and navigate to “View” > “Servers” at the top. Press “Add a Server”, then paste in the IP and port. Press “Add this Address to Favorites”, then refresh the page. From here, simply click on the server name and press “Connect” to join. This will launch the game and prompt you for connection details. Simply enter a password if applicable, then enter a desired username and password to join.
To become an admin on the server, visit the Apex Server Panel and log in. Afterwards, navigate to the “Customizations” tab on the left-hand side. Under the Security section, locate the “Admin Password” and “Admin Username” fields. Change this to whichever secure login you desire, then restart the server. Begin to join the game as usual, but stop at the user login screen. Replace your normal username with the selected admin username, then use the admin password from earlier. Now when you join, you will be a server administrator.
To add mods to a Project Zomboid server, you will first need to locate the workshop mod you desire. Once located, check the description for a Mod ID and Workshop ID number and save those for later. On the Apex Server Panel, log into the FTP File Access on the left-hand side. From here, locate and enter the “Server” folder, then locate the [YourWorldName].ini file. Press “edit” to the far-right to open the file editor. In the “Mods=” section, paste any Mod IDs, separated by a semicolon (;). Then in the “WorkshopItems=” section, paste any workshop ID numbers, separated by a semicolon (;). Once complete, press “Save” and restart the server to load the mods!