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Minecraft Server Hosting for Education

Minecraft: Education Edition is an open world game that promotes creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving in an immersive environment where the only limit is your imagination, as said by Mojang.

Essentially, this is a version of Minecraft developed to be hyper-efficient at utilizing resources and content tailored to a classroom setting. Classmates can collaborate with one another on projects, they can document their work, personalize their game experience, and much more. And now, we have a Server Hosting dedicated to that!!

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Historic Locations - Art

Using Mods and Plugins to redefine the gameplay

With Minecraft: Education Edition students learn basic coding concepts with a choose-your-own-adventure game, exploring different worlds of Minecraft.

Using your coding superpowers, players will choose their own adventure and connect with great innovators and inventions in science, architecture, music, engineering, and more.

Adding Mods and Plugins to your gameplay will unlock endless possibilities!

Code with Minecraft - Art

Architecture and learning to build in Minecraft

Either building start from scratch or following a guide to replicate a historical building, students push their building skills by emulating architectural styles. Each student or pair of students chooses a style and builds it with the large number of courses and challenges that Minecraft: Education Edition offers in its page.

With Green Building challenge you will not only learn about architecture, you’ll also Investigate innovations in buildings that help to save energy and protect the environment.

Minecraft Education - Art

Team Building

Whether alone or with a group of friends or at school, with Minecraft: Education Edition you can learn about various subjects with premade lessons or your very own challenges and lessons.

Also, with Minecraft Hosting you can host a server for your group of friends in the worlds created for your own study and practice.

Apex Minecraft Scholarship

The Worlds Only Minecraft Scholarship.

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Remote Education Made of Cubes

Reimagine education with Minecraft & Apex Hosting.

Team Building

The accessibility/ease of use of Minecraft, the endless creator tools and the prestige of Minecraft as an IP, everything just clicks. It’s such a simple idea, and is made possible by bringing what children are interested in outside of school into the classroom.

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Minecraft for Design

The main strength of Education Edition is its variety and accessibility for all types of content. Want to teach kids about the Civil War? Done.

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Architecture Education

Want to also teach them simple mathematical division, no major changes needed! This interconnectivity throughout the entire game has a major impact on learning and student engagement, and that is what makes this version of Minecraft viable.

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