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How To Set Up a Minecraft Forge Server

Last modified on Dec 18, 2023 in Control Panel

mc head By Nathan Young


Having the ability to host your own Minecraft server provides you with endless entertainment, as friends can join to embark on grand adventures. After defeating the Ender Dragon and completing many other tasks, you might want more content to enjoy. One way to achieve this is by making a Minecraft Forge server, opening the door for mods. This setup gives you the opportunity to add custom items, blocks, mobs, dimensions, and lots of other features to the game. Whether you want to battle crazy bosses or explore new worlds, you have plenty of options to try out. As for setting this up, it’ll only take a few minutes since our panel simplifies the entire process for your convenience. This even applies to custom Forge versions, if you need a specific build for your mods. However, some newcomers to the modding scene may not be familiar with our system. Due to this, we’ve created this Apex Hosting guide to show you how to set up a Minecraft Forge server.

Getting Started

Forge Servers Minecraft

There are two possible ways to create a Forge server in Minecraft, using the latest versions or preparing custom builds. The process for both of these are straightforward, with minor differences. The following subsections will show you each method to make a Forge server, along with other information to get you started with mods. Keep in mind that you and others alike don’t have to download files to complete this setup. This saves you time since all you need to do is select Forge in the panel, then possibly configure the custom version if you want. Otherwise, you’d be set and ready to go in minutes! When you’re ready, review the details below.

Setting Up a Forge Server

Before getting started, you’ll want to purchase a server with us if you don’t already have one. This will give you a panel to manage everything, which will be used for this process. The steps below guide you through the entire process to set up Forge on the server, with many game versions available.

  1. Head towards your Apex server panel, then locate the Game File area down below.
    Minecraft Custom Server
  2. Once found, click on the currently selected option and type “Forge” in the search bar.
    Minecraft Forge Server Hosting
  3. When you’ve located the correct version, press it and confirm this in the prompts.
  4. On the final confirmation, make sure to click Restart Now to begin loading Forge.


Choosing Custom Versions

If you’re wanting a custom Forge build, then find one on their official website. Make note of the Version numbers, as you’ll use them in the panel for an automatic installation. After finding and copying this, follow along below to begin this process.

  1. While on your server panel, click Customizations near the left-hand side.
  2. Proceed to enter your desired version in the Forge Installer text box.
    Minecraft Custom Forge Build
  3. After doing this, click the option and press Queue Installation in the following prompt.
  4. Once you’ve done this, continue to press the Restart Now button to load the server.
    Minecraft Forge


Modding Capabilities

Minecraft Mods

When the server setup is completed, you can begin adding mods in the FTP panel. This process involves you downloading modifications, then uploading them into the mods directory. Afterward, you can restart the server to load them in-game. Make sure to have Forge installed on your Minecraft launcher, along with the mods you want. Whether these add new biomes or items, you have endless options. We encourage you to review our Mods page to see what’s available. Otherwise, review the table below for some popular ones to try out in Minecraft.

ApotheosisGives you and other players alike an RPG experience in Minecraft, meaning random dungeons, bosses, tier-specific loot, or new enchantments are possible.
Biomes O’ PlentyProvides you with the ability to generate countless new biomes in the Minecraft world, ranging from forests to unique caves.
Epic FightOverhauls the entire combat system with brand new skills, abilities, movement, and animations to enhance the gameplay.
CobblemonIntroduces you to Pokemon in Minecraft, with almost all of them available to catch and use in battles against others.
CreateGrants players the opportunity to create small to large scale machines, factories, and other fantastic creations.


Common Issues

My Server Crashed

In some cases, you and others alike may find that the server crashed after installing Forge through the panel. This tends to happen if you have existing mods that aren’t for your selected game version. We strongly recommend removing or updating them to resolve the situation. However, you can alternatively create a new server profile for a clean installation of Forge. This means you’ll have nothing in the FTP panel, ensuring no conflict arises with your setup. If the situation persists, then this could indicate you’re using a world that was created on a higher Minecraft version. Solving this means you must select the correct type in the Game File area, then restart. Otherwise, generating a new world is another method to fix the issue. After trying these solutions out and nothing seems to work, consider reaching out to our Support.

Custom Forge Version isn’t Used

Occasionally, the panel will not use your desired Forge version due to the latest one already being active. There are two ways to resolve this situation, clicking Refresh Icon (Redo Action) or manually deleting the jar folder in the FTP area and restarting the server. Regardless of the one used, these will fix the problem so you can enjoy the custom Forge build. If this persists, then double check you’re entering a valid Version number in the respective field. For example, “47.1.1” is for Forge 1.20.1 which isn’t the latest stable build of it. Ensuring these values are correct is extremely important, as one mistake or error can result in failure.

Unable to Use Mods

After setting up the Forge server successfully, mods can be used to enhance the gameplay. If you’re unable to get this working, then make sure the downloaded files are being uploaded in the mods directory in the FTP panel. All of these must reach 100% before you restart the server, but some of them may require additional dependencies to function properly. These may include libraries or other mods, which are normally found on their CurseForge page under “Relations”. Other times this information can be located in the modification’s description section. Besides this, confirm you’ve downloaded and installed the correct Minecraft version for the mod on the panel, as failing to do this will make them unusable.

Useful Links

Official Forge Website
How to Install Mods on Minecraft Servers
Installing Forge on the Minecraft Launcher
Apex Hosting Mods Knowledgebase

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