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Posted: May 2, 2023 in Minecraft
Countless players in Minecraft’s community want the best experience possible, especially with friends. This is done by using modifications or modpacks, which typically requires a separate launcher. Setting up mods can be a tough challenge, as there are tons of clients to try out. This might spark some questions, like what is the best Minecraft launcher for mods? Answering this involves learning about all the popular ones, but don’t worry! We’ll be breaking down the most common and helpful launchers for you to get started. These all have similarities, such as having the ability to instantly download any modpack or quickly install mods to a custom profile. This sounds pretty convenient and you’re not alone in that assessment, but it all boils down to preferences. Enough about all that, let’s jump right into the best modded Minecraft launchers!
Instead of using Forge or Fabric on your default Minecraft launchers, there’s ton of custom ones available to try out! These have built-in modpacks and allows you to customize them, even easily uploading individual mods into profiles. Due to the absurd amount of modded clients, you and others will likely be confused or overwhelmed. In some cases, players may decide to simply download all of them just in case! Regardless of which one(s) you install, you’ll want to know some of their features beforehand. This will save you frustrations from figuring out the best Minecraft launcher for mods on your own. Alternatively, you’ll waste time and energy trying to determine what’s suitable for you. The list below shows you popular ones to review, plus another section for other clients if nothing seemed to spark your interest.
Starting off with the most popular Minecraft launcher, CurseForge is the safest and most reliable source for mods, modpacks, bukkit plugins, and so much more. They even offer other games too! Whether you’re wanting to make a custom profile or try out the hottest pack, you have endless options. Its user interface is friendly and convenient for many users, especially if you’re needing to allocate memory or tweak settings. CurseForge is the most trusted launcher among the bunch, but there’s many others that are near its status too.
Another amazing launcher is brought to you by the Feed The Beast (FTB) team, mainly for their official modpacks. The developers stopped releasing on CurseForge and decided to only use their client. This is known as the FTB App, offering players the ability to enjoy countless packs by their team. Its software is the same as CurseForge, as they both agreed to be partners. However, users primarily use this launcher to play FTB modpacks and nothing else. Keep this in mind as if you decide to try it out, as setting up custom profiles is easier on CurseForge.
Considered to be an all-in-one client, the ATLauncher provides players with the ability to download and install FTB, CurseForge, and other types of modpacks. That’s not all! Using this will allow you to even import custom packs to easily play with them instead of constantly reconfiguring the default launcher. This all sounds nice, but are there any downsides? It depends on what you mean, but compared to others this one has a messier user interface. On top of that, there’s another window for logs that must be opened while using ATLauncher.
The last one on our list is the Void Launcher, created by the Voidswrath team. This only allows you to play with their official modpacks, similar to the FTB App. For example, if you’re wanting to try out Crazy Craft, then this launcher is required. There’s a limited amount of packs you can enjoy, as they aren’t too popular compared to other alternatives. Despite this, it’s still an extremely common launcher to use for mods in Minecraft. Although, there’s plenty of options besides the listed ones above.
Rather than using CurseForge or anything else, players have the chance to explore more. Some of these include Technic, TLauncher, GDLauncher, and other clients. Each of them have unique designs and features, like having the opportunity to quickly install skins or capes on top of your modifications. It depends on the launcher you choose, but should satisfy your modding needs. We highly recommend one of the major ones above, as they’re safer and more reliable than the smaller kinds. Don’t worry though, if you decide to use Technic or anything else, you’ll still have a wonderful experience in Minecraft!
You’ve learned about the most popular and lesser known Minecraft launchers, but what’s the best one? As previously mentioned somewhere, it all comes down to your preferences. Remember, each client is different with its own unique properties. Whether you’re wanting to favor modpacks or make custom profiles with individual mods, it changes which type you should use. However, since almost everyone and everything uses CurseForge, this is likely the best choice. We encourage you to give it a shot and see if that suits you! Otherwise, download other ones to see if they’re a little bit better for your desired setup.
With so many Minecraft launchers to try out for mods, it can be challenging to find the best one. The perfect one may just be around the corner for you or has yet to be discovered, but there’s always clients on the market for you to review. Make sure to check out any of them that sparked your interest! Otherwise, you can try researching them on your own if you’re a daredevil. Besides this, we hope this blog gave you more insight into the topic and helped you make a decision. Have a good one, gamers!