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Server Version Updates December 2nd 2020

Posted: Dec 2, 2020 in Minecraft Server Updates

mc head By ApexHosting

This is an organized list compiling the version updates for Minecraft, plugins, mods, gametypes, and proxies for December 2nd. Tons of updates and additions to our favorite pastime, from incessant bug fixing to new mods. You’re sure to not get bored with all these updates.
First, the Mod Packs. All the Mods 6 rolls in with a decent update, adding mods and bug fixes, on top of updating all the mods. Enigmatica 6 added tons of mods. Like, a bajillion mods. they then removed an equivalent amount of mods, so it’s almost like they remade the entire modpack. Can’t wait to see all the optimization updates to come. The Endless Frontier fixes a bunch of bugs, but nothing more. Valhelsia 3 adds some mods while removing a single one. Sounds ideal.
Now, the Mod Based. Forge 1.16.4 makes a small change to the harvest checks, like they have for the past few weeks.
Next, the Plugin Based. Paper 1.16 fixes a plugin having an issues with listing. Tuinity 1.16 set up a page for bstats.
Lastly, Vanilla swoops in with a bountiful snapshot that updates many aspects of the new mechanics along with tons of bug fixes. The Caves and Cliffs update is looking to be quite awesome!

Mod Packs:

  • All the Mods 6 (ATM6) updated from 1.3.2 to 1.3.3
    – Added Environmental Energy
    – Added Environmental Core
    – Added Environmental Tech
    – Added Iron Furnaces (Allthemodium recipes added)
    – Fixed KubeJS recipes
    – Fixed xray glitch
    – Fixed white issue on maps
    – Updated All the Mods
    – Forge Version is 35.1.4
  • Enigmatica 6 updated from 0.2.17 to 0.3.0
    – Added: Archer’s Paradox, Ars Nouveau, AttributeFix, Botania Additions, Botany Trees, Builders Crafts & Additions (Forge), Chisels & Bits, CoFH core, CobbleGenRandomizer, Config Swapper, Crafting Station, CreativeCore, EmbellishCraft, Ensorcellation, Ensorcelled, FTB Chunks, FTB, Essentials, FTB GUI Library, FTB Quests, FTB Ranks, FTB Teams, Farmer’s Delight, Framed Compacting Drawers, GeckoLib, Glassential, Guns Without Roses, Immersive Posts, Item Filters, LibX, Lost Trinkets, Mapper Base, McJtyLib, Meet Your Fight, More Overlays Updated, MythicBotany, Nature’s Aura, Oh The Biomes You’ll Go, Plonk, Pretty Pipes, RFTools Base, RFTools Builder, RFTools Control, RFTools Storage, RFTools Utility, Rare Ice (Forge/Fabric), RecipeBuffers, Refined Storage: Requestify, Resourceful Bees, Rhino, Screenshot to Clipboard (Forge), Seals, Tetra, The Mighty Architect, The Official Enigmatica Resource Pack, Thermal Expansion, Thermal Foundation, Thermal Innovation, Thermal Locomotion, Tips, Travel Anchors
    Useful Railroads, XNet, XNet Gases, XercaMod, and mGui
    – Numerous bug fixes
    – Removed: Abnormals Core, Applied Energistics 2, Armor Toughness Bar, Artifacts, Bamboo Blocks, Big Buckets, Buzzier Bees, Carpet Stairs Mod, Cauldron Recipes, Citadel, Click Machine, Cloth Config API (Forge), Culinary Construct, Dark Paintings, Environmental Creepers, Extended, Lights, Global XP, Just Enough Resources (JER), Laser Relays, Let Sleeping Dogs Lie, Light Overlay (Rift/Forge/Fabric), Ma Enchants, Ma Essentials, Metal Barrels, Mod Name Tooltip, Neon Craft Mod, No Potion Shift, Open Loader, Pretty Beaches, Productive Bees, Rope Bridge, Simply, Backpacks, Snow Under Trees, Stronger Snowballs, TellMe, The Conjurer, The Endergetic Expansion, Tool Belt, Trample Stopper, Waddles, Xaero’s Minimap, Xaero’s World Map, ☃ Snow! Real Magic!, 🌳 Passable Foliage, 🥝 Kiwi
  • The Endless Frontier updated from 6.1 to 6.2
    – Plenty of bug fixes
  • Valhelsia 3 updated from pre6-3.1.0 to pre7-3.1.0
    – Added: KubeJS Immersive Engineering, and KubeJS Mechanism
    – Removed: Double Slabs

Mod Based:

  • Forge 1.16.4 updated from 35.1.3 to 35.1.7
    – Call Harvest check event even if the block doesn’t require any tool

Plugin Based:

  • Paper 1.16 updated from 288 to 298
    – Fixed plugin provides not being listed behind name in /plugins
  • Tuinity 1.16 updated from 170 to 173
    – Setup bstats page


  • Vanilla Snapshot updated from 20w46a to 20w48a
    – Right-clicking a bundle in the inventory now empties one item from the bundle
    – Using a bundle now throws out its entire content into the world
    – Advanced tooltips now show how full a bundle is
    – Candles can now only be placed if there is a solid surface below
    – Wearing any piece of leather armour now prevents freezing entirely
    – Changed textures for amethysts, candles, clocks and compasses
    – Forms a stalactite if placed on the ceiling or a stalagmite if placed on the floor
    – Can be combined to form longer stalactites & stalagmites
    – Stalagmites break if not attached to something below
    – Landing or jumping on a stalagmite hurts! They are sharp
    – Stalactites fall down if not attached to something above
    – Being hit by falling stalactite hurts! They are sharp
    – Stalactites drip water (or lava if there is lava above the ceiling)
    – A stalactite with a water source above the ceiling will gradually fill a cauldron below with water
    – A stalactite with a lava source above the ceiling will fill a cauldron below with lava after a while
    – Thrown tridents break pointed dripstone
    MC-3615 – Lava and water are completely transparent at certain height levels
    MC-176614 – Swimming and doing certain actions make the player look very odd/does not have animations for swimming + doing certain actions
    MC-198864 – World border does not render below y=0 / above y=255
    MC-203602 – Spyglass animation is wrong when swimming
    MC-203645 – Spyglass wobbles when walking while in use
    MC-203824 – Weird Hand animation when attacking and using spyglass at the same time
    MC-203925 – Items inside of a bundle disappear if you empty the bundle in the inventory when in Creative mode while the inventory is full
    MC-203951 – The elder guardian particle moves when an elder guardian moves
    MC-204323 – Inconsistency: Crafting copper blocks into slabs only yields 4 slabs instead of 6
    MC-204424 – Using a spyglass while gliding with an elytra points the spyglass down in third person view
    MC-205041 – Full leather armour does not prevent freezing damage
    MC-205069 – Powdered snow doesn’t give you frozen effect in creative mode
    MC-205072 – Snow Ambient Effect sometimes don’t show correctly on the edge of a Powder Snow Block
    MC-205145 – Compass with nothing to point to will spin very rapidly when in bundle.
    MC-205197 – Creating a map from an empty map no longer plays a sound
    MC-205220 – Cannot manipulate horse.saddle using /item command
    MC-205269 – Chest closing sounds desynced with closing animations
    MC-205321 – Item modifiers that change the item type don’t work on entities
    MC-205445 – The Fabulous graphics warning is shown at the wrong time
    MC-205492 – The ‘Include entities’ option in the structure block UI is the opposite of the actual behavior
    MC-205567 – TNT flashes are translucent once again
    MC-205627 – Item modifiers that change the count to 0 don’t completely remove the item
    MC-206058 – /item modify doesn’t visually update the model of an item in an item frame

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