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Minecraft Multiverse-Core Plugin Addons

in Plugins

mc head By Nathan Young

Multiverse Core Addons


While developing a Minecraft server, many owners decide they want multiple worlds for their players to enjoy. This is an extremely common feature in the community, as it provides you with the means to host factions, skyblock, prison, and other game types together. Alternatively, smaller servers may only want extra maps for users to enjoy rather than large gamemodes. Regardless of the network’s setup, doing this tends to involve making portals to enter each world. This is only accomplished through the Multiverse-Core plugin and its many addons. Whether you want a custom portal or signs for transportation, you have plenty of options. There’s even a way to have Nether and End dimensions per world on your game server. Due to all these features and functionality, some owners may be confused about their processes. With this in mind, we’ve created this Apex Hosting guide to show you how to install and use Multiverse addons on your Minecraft server.

How to Download

  1. Navigate to Multiverse-Core on Bukkit, then click Download Latest File.
    Multiverse Download
  2. Save this file somewhere easily accessible on your computer for later.
  3. Afterward, return to the main page and select your desired addon(s).
    Multiverse Plugin
  4. Proceed to download and save their respective files accordingly.
  5. Repeat this process for the WorldEdit plugin too, as it’ll come in handy later on.



Before installing your Multiverse addons, make sure that Spigot or Paper are selected in the Game File area. This is required to support all plugins, making this absolutely necessary. Once you’ve done this, follow the instructions below to start uploading your downloaded files into the server.

  1. Head towards your Apex server panel, then click FTP File Access near the top left.
    Minecraft FTP
  2. Type your Password in the text box and press the Login button to gain access.
    Minecraft FTP Login
  3. Once logged in, navigate to the plugins directory and click Upload at the top left corner.
  4. Proceed to drag and drop the downloaded files into the respective area.
    Multiverse Addons Installation
  5. Wait for them to reach 100%, then return to the main panel and Restart the server.


Getting Started

Minecraft Multiverse Addons Guide

After joining the server, you’ll want to become an operator to have all permissions in-game. This is required to use Multiverse and its addons without issues. Whether you’re only wanting portals to other worlds or simply linking nether dimensions, becoming an operator is required. Once you’ve done this, it’s encouraged that you make new worlds if you haven’t already. This is done by executing the /mv create command, which provides you with extra details in-chat about its usage. In cases where you already have extra worlds, then you can begin reviewing the subsections below to learn more about Multiverse addons. This comes in handy when trying to figure out how to make portals, linking dimensions, and even having shared inventories across maps. Throughout most of these processes, you’ll be using the //wand command from WorldEdit. Keep this in mind when following the information below to get started.

Multiverse Portals Tutorial

The Multiverse Portals addon is a popular one to try out in Minecraft, as it provides you with ways to make interactive gateways. These can be setup in a single or multiple worlds, even crossing dimensions too. Before following the guide below, you’ll want to narrow down where you want the portals to be in-game. In most cases, this portion of the process is the longest since some Minecraft server owners want a hub or carefully built structure for their portals. When you’re ready to start, follow these directions to make and link them according to your desired setup.

  1. While in-game, build your desired portal and run the //wand command.
    Multiverse Portals
  2. Afterward, select your two positions for players to enter the portal.
    Multiverse Portal Creation
  3. Once you’ve done this, execute /mvp create [name1] to make the portal.
    Multiverse Create Portal
  4. Repeat this process for your second portal, but with a new [name2] tag.
  5. Run /mvp select [name1] for the first portal, then /mvp modify dest p:[name2]
    Multiverse Create Portal Steps
  6. Execute the same commands, but with your other name tag to finish the setup.
  7. If successful, you should be able to teleport between portals on the server.

When you’re finished making all your portals, we encourage you to install LuckPerms or another permissions management plugin to allow portals for your players. Doing this involves you assigning the multiverse.portal.access.[name] node on an account, group, or rank. Make sure the name tag is spelled correctly, along with everything else so they can begin using the portal(s). Similar permission nodes will be used for other Multiverse interactions in the subsections below, so keep this in mind.

Using Sign Portals

Instead of having actual portals for players to enter, you can choose to create signs for that. Using the Multiverse Sign Portals addon is how you and others can implement this functionality. This works by taking an existing gateway and simply attaching it to a sign, meaning this doesn’t create new ones. In other words, you’ll have to make an actual portal before using this feature. Additionally, players will need to have the access permission nodes before teleporting with signs. With all this in mind, review the instructions below when you’re ready to get started.

  1. While having existing portals in the server, place down a sign anywhere you want.
  2. Type [mv] on the second line, then enter p:[name] on the third to make a portal sign.
    Multiverse Portal Signs
  3. Afterward, right-click on the sign to see if you’re teleported properly.
    Multiverse Sign Portal

    Note: If “[mv]” is red, then the sign wasn’t created correctly for this setup.


How to Link Nether Portals

Many Minecraft survival servers with Multiverse installed want to have multiple Nether dimensions too. Using the Multiverse Nether Portals addons is how this is accomplished. The exact process can be complicated for some but becomes easier to digest with context. By default, new worlds created by the plugin don’t include the Nether. This means you must manually create it with commands before trying to link portals. Without doing this, it’ll return a chat message if players attempt to use the Nether in-game. The following steps guide you through the process of creating nethers and linking portals between worlds.

  1. Make a Nether portal in your desired world, then run /mv create [world] nether in-chat.
    Multiverse Nether Portal
  2. Afterward, execute /mvnp link nether [world1] [world2] to connect the portals.
    Multiverse Link Nether Portals
  3. Rerun the same command, but switch the world tags around so everything works out.
  4. If successful, you’ll be able to teleport between dimensions for that world.
    Multiverse Nether Portal Link

    Optional: Use /mvtp link end … if you want the other dimension too.


Multiverse Inventories Guide

Whether you’re in survival or creative mode, sometimes having a shared inventory or other aspects is helpful on your Minecraft server. This is amplified if you’re hosting factions with unique mines for players to use, as losing gear after teleporting isn’t ideal. Due to this, the Multiverse Inventories addon is a must have for your setup. It involves you creating a shared group, then assigning specific worlds and options to them. This process can be daunting at first in-game, as there’s lots of text to deal with while doing it. With this in mind, we’ve compiled directions for you to follow below.

  1. Run the /mv list command, then type /mvinv group to start the process.
    Multiverse Inventories
  2. Make note of your desired worlds, then enter Create in-chat to continue.
  3. Choose a name for this group, then type your world names accordingly.
    Multiverse Create Group
  4. Afterward, enter @ and select a sharing option for this group.
    Multiverse Share Options

    Note: using “all” is preferred, but here’s a complete list of them.

  5. When you’re finished, retype @ in-chat to successfully make the group.
    Multiverse World Sharing Settings
  6. If successful, you’ll have the sharing options enabled between your worlds.


Common Issues

Multiverse Addons Aren’t Working

In some cases, players may notice no addons are working on the Minecraft server. This is likely caused by failing to install the main Multiverse-Core plugin, as it’s a dependency for others to work properly. Although, having outdated versions of these can also result in the same situation. This means you’ll want to double-check that you’ve downloaded the latest builds of all files and uploaded them into the plugins directory via FTP. Additionally, make sure Spigot or Paper with your corresponding version is selected from the Game File area in the main panel. After ensuring everything is correctly set up, restart the server to see if that helps. If the situation persists, then consider becoming an operator to begin using the plugin and addons.

Portal 1 Works, but Not Portal 2

After setting up your Multiverse portals and only the first one works, then make sure to correctly configure the other remaining gateway. Remember, you must use the /mvp select [name] command before linking them together. Doing this will get everything working as intended, which can be confirmed by walking through your portals. Occasionally, nothing will resolve the situation. This could be caused by the initial step for the portals, setting its positions with WorldEdit. We encourage you to make a standard gateway and ensure the first-last point covers the entire entrance so it works properly. For example, using glass panes, liquids, or the entire frame should be perfect for this setup.

Unable to Teleport with Portals/Signs

If the players are unable to use portals, despite them being correctly configured, then consider checking the permissions. Remember, users or groups must have the multiverse.portal.access.[name] node for this to work. The same applies to anyone wanting sign access too, even if the “[mv]” appears as green in-game. Alternatively, becoming an operator or replacing “[name]’ with “*” in the permission will resolve the situation. If you’re still having issues with this particular problem, we encourage you to contact us for additional support.

Nether World isn’t Found

An extremely common issue to encounter is the world not finding a Nether dimension to use for the portal. This happens when improper linkage has occurred. Remember, you must first create the Nether with the /mv create [world] nether command before linking anything. After doing this, connect them and vice versa so both ways work as intended in-game. If you already have an existing Nether, then you may need to unlink it from the other world so there’s no incompatibility. This is achieved with the /mvnp unlink command, along with the same arguments like nether, end, [world1], etc. Doing this should resolve the problem and allow the Nether to be linked with your Multiverse world.

Shared Options Aren’t Applied

After setting up a group for shared options, you may still have some issues. This can be frustrating, especially if you’re using the default worlds from the server. Fortunately, you can redefine the groups accordingly to resolve the situation. For example, run the /mvinv group command and type Delete, then continue to enter Default. This removes the basic worlds from the shared group while keeping your other ones intact. Alternatively, you can use Edit instead of “Delete” to make any necessary changes. Remember, disabling specific options requires you to prefix them with a minus sign (-).

Useful Links

How to Install and Use Multiverse
Installing WorldEdit on Minecraft
How to Become a Minecraft Server Operator
Setting up LuckPerms on Minecraft

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