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Minecraft Server Common Terms and Phrases

Posted: Feb 22, 2016 in Minecraft

mc head By ApexHosting

As a Minecraft server owner you will be exposed to a lot of new terminologies used to reference certain aspects related to running the server. This list here aims to provide you with a quick explanation of the most common terms and phrases used by server admins.



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The server software API (Application Programming Interface) that platforms such as Craftbukkit and Spigot use. See “Bukkit plugins”.

Bukkit API

The Application Programming Interface for Bukkit. Provides an easy way to write server-side plugins for Bukkit. Plugins written using the Bukkit API will usually not require constant updating for each release of Bukkit, requiring minimal upkeep time for the developer.

Bukkit plugins

Plugins that are written with the Bukkit API, and possibly some internal Minecraft code as well. See “NMS”.


BungeeCord is a standalone Java application which acts as a proxy allowing the connection of multiple Minecraft servers. BungeeCord has a primary IP that players connect to, upon connection the proxy puts the player on the define default-server usually the hub. For more information on BungeeCord see BungeeCord plugins and BungeeCord Bukkit-plugins.

BungeeCord plugins

BungeeCord plugins are plugins written to run on the BungeeCord proxy. It is recommended that servers that use BungeeCord, use BungeeCord plugins where applicable as it saves on having to install a Bukkit plugin on each individual server and being on the BungeeCord end results in the plugin not touching the main server thread.

BungeeCord Bukkit-plugins

BungeeCord Bukkit plugins are plugins that run on the Bukkit server and interact with BungeeCord, some BungeeCord plugins have Bukkit counterparts to perform functions on the Bukkit server on behalf of the BungeeCord plugin as some functions cannot be completed on the BungeeCord end.


Unlike renting dedicated servers where a host allows you usage of a server that you don’t own, colocation is where you put your physical server in rented space within a datacenter which then provides it with services such as internet, power and cooling. This is a good solution for larger servers, and can be cheaper in the long run compared to renting dedicated servers.


Short for Central Processing Unit. The CPU is essentially the brain of the computer, it usually handles most data manipulation and calculation. A CPU is a component which exists on both servers and personal computers, including recent smartphones and tablets. In Minecraft Server Hosting, selecting a good CPU is essential as selecting a poor CPU may throttle a servers performance. Clock speed is the most important technical rating of a processor, make sure that you have over 3.2Ghz available.


A portmanteau of CraftServer and Bukkit. This is a Minecraft server that allows the installation of Bukkit plugins and focuses on preserving vanilla behavior, rather than introducing addition configuration or performance optimizations. Compare with “Spigot”.

Dedicated server

These are servers in which you have all of the resources allocated to you and full control over the machine (Dedicated server). Dedicated server providers generally are more expensive but are suggested for larger Minecraft servers and networks as they offer more flexibility and power. Dedicated servers are also usually unmanaged, meaning near minimal support is provided by the provider and, as a result, users are expected to have a full understanding of the Operating System and workings of the server. Concepts necessary to understand when purchasing a dedicated server include the use of SSH [Secure Shell] and a general understanding of networking and server security.


There are currently 3 dimensions: The Overworld (the “normal” game world), The Nether (a “hell” dimension), and The End (a sparse floating island, home to the Enderdragon). All three are surrounded by The Void. Other dimensions can be added by Mods. Theses dimensions together create the world in which users play on.


Short for Domain Name System. This is how IP addresses are resolved to human-readable names (ex: spigotmc.org resolves to A records directly associate domain names to IP addresses. All domain names consist of a SLD (Second-Level Domain) and a TLD (Top-Level Domain). The TLD is the right-most label (www.example.com) and the SLD is the label left of the TLD (www.example.com). Depending upon the TLD used depends upon whether you have control over the SLD or not. Examples of domain names include apexminecrafthosting.com and ovh.co.uk. Subdomains are domains which have another name and dot in front of the domain name. Example include billing.apexminecrafthosting.com and play.apexmc.com.

DDoS and DoS

DDoS is a type of attack known as a Distributed Denial of Service attack which involves one or multiple people with a goal of disabling a service that is connected to the internet. Usually it is done by the use of multiple compromised servers flooding the target server resulting in the target server become unresponsive and crashing, this is where the denial of service comes from in the name. The distributed comes from the fact that it involves multiple servers, a DoS (Denial of Service attack) is an attack which comes from one location.


A firewall is a program which is configured on a server to secure a network by only allowing incoming and outgoing connections to occur on certain ports, this is especially useful in scenarios in which BungeeCord is installed to only allow players to connect through the BungeeCord IP. Though, even if BungeeCord is not installed, it is still a recommended security practice to setup a firewall on any server.


File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used to transfer files from one host to another host over a TCP-based network, such as the Internet. In other words, it allows you to transfer files over the internet to another machine, in most cases to your Minecraft server.


Short for Game Server Provider. These providers typically provide a panel for administering your server (Usually Multicraft, McMyAdmin or TCAdmin). While they may be easier to set up, drawbacks such as: a lack of flexibility and control, overselling (you don’t get the resources you pay for), lack of benchmarking and general overpricing are enough to put most off. GSPs are a good starting point for new owners to learn about administering servers but are not recommended for larger servers. This is a form of shared hosting in which several users share resources allocated by the host on their server’s node. GSPs consist of hosts which only sell Minecraft hosting and they normally restrict the user in what they can install/customize.


These are players in the game that steal from other players in the game. They could destroy your stuff, kill you, and take your items. If a player were to do that to you, you could say that they were griefing. These players could fortunately banned by the owner or admins in the server that you’re in. These players could be considered the “trolls” of Minecraft.


This means “hosting on a home internet connection”. There is generally disapproval towards homehosting (unless you are testing) because of reasons such as: dynamic IP addresses, messing around with multiple Firewalls and bandwidth/usage limitations by ISPs (internet service provider). In addition, homehosting is usually disapproved of due to issues related to DDoS [Distributed Denial of Service attack] and Dos [Denial of Service attack] attacks, as in the case a home hosted server is hit by an attack, the internet service hosting the server is also hit offline. When debating homehosting, it is also essential to note the hardware in which the server will be hosted on and whether your ISP (Internet Service Provider) allows servers to run off residential internet connections (Most home internet plans). If you already own a suitable server, colocation may be a cheaper option with a faster connection speed and reduced latency (time taken for data to travel between server and client).


The means used to run your Minecraft server on. See GSP, VPS, dedicated servers, homehosting, and colocation for the various options. Options such as VPS, dedicated server, homehosting and colocation also allow for the hosting of services such as a website and voice server in addition to a Minecraft server.

IP address

The numeric address which identifies each computer connected to the internet. Like a telephone number is for having a conversation with someone, an IP address is how one device communicates with another over the internet. There are two types of IP address: Dynamic or Static. Dynamic IP addresses change every few days/weeks and are the type provided by most home ISPs (internet service provider). This is inconvenient for hosting a server because it’s like your telephone number changing every week. Static IP addresses remain the same and are suggested for hosting servers.


A JAR file is a packaged file, that usually combines multiple Java class files and associated resources into a single file for distribution. JAR files allow easy bundled distribution of everything needed to run an application (such as plugins/server software), make them much more ideal than requiring the end user to individually download all the files they need to run an application. You will see JAR files a lot if running a Minecraft server, this is because plugins along with server software (such as Spigot and BungeeCord) are all distributed as JAR files.


The programming language that Minecraft and vanilla-based servers use. May also refer to the Java Virtual Machine, which runs Java programs, and the Java Developer Kit, which compiles Java programs. This is a dependency to run Minecraft.


This stands for “Local Area Network”.
This is just like an SMP, but when you’re playing with others on LAN, you have to be connected to the same router.


Mobs are any monsters or creatures in Minecraft. There are three different kinds of mobs in the game. Passive Mobs are creatures that will NEVER hurt you. Hostile Mobs are creatures in the game that will attack if you’re in a close enough range. Creatures such as Endermen, Wolves, and ZombiePigmen will only attack if you attack them. These are known as Neutral Mobs. Endermen will attack if you stare at them as well. ZombiePigmen and Wolves will gang up to kill you if you anger them.


Mod is short for “modification” and is essentially anything that changes the content of the game. It can refer to anything from adding new materials to adjusting design elements in creative mode to adding difficulty levels. Mods are user-created content that isn’t contained within the initial install and has to be downloaded to be added to the game. These can be installed one at a time or in a bundle, but be warned: Modifying the game can cause it to stop working.


The creators and developers of Minecraft, Mojang was founded by Markkus Persson, Jakob Porser, and Carl Manneh. The company was recently acquired by Microsoft for $2.5 billion.


Short for net.minecraft.server. This is the Java package that powers Minecraft servers. Plugins using “NMS Code” rely on aspects not exposed through the Bukkit API, and thus may require constant updating to keep up with new releases. Bukkit plugins are advised to use the Bukkit API whenever possible.


Short for org.bukkit.craftbukkit. A few plugins use special functions from OBC to do things that usually aren’t possible with NMS or the Bukkit API. Plugins depending on OBC or NMS need to be kept up to date, otherwise they would crash the server they are used on every time CB (CraftBukkit) or Spigot updates to support a new version of Minecraft (ex: 1.7).

Online-Mode vs. Offline-Mode

Mojang requires that you purchase a license of the game in order to play on Minecraft servers and singleplayer. Some servers choose to allow non-paid users (users that have not purchased a copy of Minecraft) to play on their server. In order to do this, they need to change their server’s mode to offline, making it so Minecraft doesn’t try to stop people who didn’t buy the game. These servers are often referred to as “cracked” servers. Offline mode servers were designed for developer use to allow developers to test their mods/plugins without needing to purchased additional accounts to test with, offline mode servers also work when Mojang session servers are down. The downside to a public offline mode server is that players can choose the username they want, this allows users to choose the username of a server administrator and to gain administrator permissions.


Overselling occurs with GSPs and VPS providers as resources are shared between clients on the same node (Dedicated server). Overselling is the practice of telling the customer that they will receive a certain set of resources [Ex. 8 GB of RAM] but to sell a larger amount of RAM on a server than the servers maximum capacity. As a result of this, an individual client’s server may overlap resources with other servers on the node. Overselling may also occur with other resources such as a CPU.


A web interface that typically provides access to the server console, performing common server tasks, modifying files, scheduling tasks, and collecting server data. These are provided by GSPs, and can be installed (at a price depending on the max player count) on VPSs and dedicated servers. Panels are inherently not easily scriptable (however, McMyAdmin comes with an API), but can be useful in situations where SSH access isn’t possible. Panels are useful at times, but may provide issues at other times, for example, in the case a jar is attempted to be used when native support is not available. In scenarios like the one previously mentioned, panels may bring up issues which may be an inconvenience to the user of the panel including returning the server as offline when it is online in reality. Examples include McMyAdmin, Multicraft, TCAdmin and others. Apex Hosting uses Multicraft 2.0 to manage its servers.


A Plugin is like a mod that you would install to your server. Other players don’t have to install the mod to their Minecraft. The owner of the server has to install the plugin into the server.


The port is where the traffic will pass to your Minecraft server software. The default port is 25565, and as such, clients will not need to enter the port when they connect (Minecraft will assume the server is running on the default port). If your port is something other than 25565, setting up SRV records is recommended so the address players use to connect with is simpler/easier to remember. SRV record inform the Minecraft client when they try and connect that the server is actually not on the default port and can be reached on a different port. See “DNS”.


The reload command is a command that is built into Craftbukkit that simulates the server restarting without kicking off the players, while some server owners like to use this command to avoid kicking players off the server, the use of the reload command is not recommended on production servers. Reloading is designed to be used on non production servers, the use of reload on a production server can have severe consequences such as memory leaks. Some plugins provide an individual reload command that only reloads the plugins individual configuration file, this command can be used on production servers as it does not have the negative side effects that the Bukkit reload command has.


The restart command is a command that is built into Craftbukkit that turns off, and turns back on the server upon execution. Players online before the restart command is executed are kicked off the server with the message defined in the spigot.yml. Restarting is recommended when the goal is to install a new plugin, update a server jar, or update a configuration file. Restarting may also be useful every set period of time (Ex: 12 hours), this frees up server resources and reduces server lag.


A Minecraft server lets players engage in multiplayer games online. No two servers are alike, and they’re typically configured into specific game types. These can range from team-based or solo-player-versus-solo-player combat to capture-the-flag and last-player-standing matches.


SQL is a query language (Structured Query Language). SQL is not a database management system, SQL is used to insert data, update/delete, create schema and query into a database that supports SQL (ex: MongoDB supports BSON format).


The trace of the method calls that have caused an exception (error). These are very useful in debugging. For more information, see reading stacktraces.


The basic male default skin in the game, Steve is the name of the playable character that gamers control. His basic appearance is a man with a light blue shirt, blue jeans, gray shoes, and dark hair.


A stack is full amount that a player could hold, which is 64 items in a slot. Snowballs, Eggs, and Enderpearls could be stacked to a maximum of 16. Tools, Armor, and Weapons (except for arrows) cannot be stacked unless using a Minecraft editing program.

Strip Mining

Strip Mining is a method used in the game to find rare ores. The player must mine in a straight line. After they finish mining their first strip they create another strip 2 blocks apart the from the previous one.


This stands for “Survival Single Player”.


SMPstands for “Survival Multiple Player”.


A fork (the code is cloned and then modified) of CraftBukkit that offers additional features such as enhanced configurability, direct passthrough of player IP addresses from BungeeCord, many performance optimizations and additional API functions. Spigot will generally update to newer Minecraft releases earlier than CraftBukkit, this is because of the deobfuscation method that was introduced on the Minecraft 1.6 release. As of the Minecraft 1.5 release, Spigot became the first Bukkit server software to allow 1.5 clients to join.


A unique string of numbers and letters that represents a Minecraft account. After 1.8, servers use this as the key method of identification for users for items such as a whitelist, and bans. This UUID persists through username changes, making it an essential way to keep track of players.


The Minecraft server that you download from minecraft.net. It is obfuscated, and does not provide any standard API functionality. Vanilla-based servers decompile and convert this into human-readable form and add additional API functionality. Vanilla behavior refers to the server software having the same gameplay mechanics as the vanilla server.


Short for Virtual Private Server. This is a form of shared hosting that generally provides more flexibility, better performance and a lower price due to them being unmanaged (Minimal support from the provider). This comes at the expense of a steeper learning curve, though it can be a more rewarding experience. There is the same issue with GSPs in that the host may oversell (not getting all the resources paid for as VPSs are usually grouped together on a main node (Dedicated Server) shared with other customers of your VPS provider) the VPS, though it is often easier to notice when this happens due to the tools available through the provided flexibility. Hosts normally offer administrator/root access to the server and you are generally not restricted in what you can install. These are good starting points for a small to medium-sized Minecraft server, and allow the hosting of other services such as a website or voice server on the same VPS.

Vanilla Minecraft

Vanilla is Original Minecraft. No Plugins, or Mods installed into the world or server.


The sum total of the different dimensions of the Minecraft world. There are currently 3 dimensions: The Overworld (the “normal” gameworld), The Nether (a “hell” dimension), and The End (a sparse floating island, home to the Enderdragon). All three are surrounded by The Void. Other dimensions can be added by Mods.


A program that “wraps”, e.g. receives, parses, and sends data to the server console to perform tasks, such as crash detection and recovery, scheduled commands, chat integration with IRC, and other features. Most panels include a server wrapper. mark2 is an example of a pure server wrapper. RemoteToolkit cannot be considered as a pure server wrapper, as it relies on a Bukkit plugin for crash detection and does not perform queries and pings like a true server wrapper. However, some features show characteristics of a server wrapper. Wrappers and panels are recommended over startup scripts for most servers, due to the additional features and scriptability.


The configuration format which Bukkit-based servers use. YAML files end with the .yml extension. Spacing is extremely important in YAML, so if your config fails to validate, the file can be checked using the Online YAML Parser. Errors, which can usually be found in a console on server startup may also provide an indication as to where the error is occurring in the config (Including the line number and location). As previously mentioned, the most common YAML errors occur from spacing issues as well as the lack of characters such as quotation marks, and semi-colons.

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