Trading Post Minecraft Mod
in Mods
By Nathan Young

Collecting resources or upgrading equipment in your Vanilla Minecraft server can be time consuming, especially if players are having a hard time finding materials. This can quickly become problematic or frustrating for some, leading them to search for solutions. Fortunately, trading with villagers allows you to easily obtain valuable materials, armor, weapons, tools, and special enchantments. In some cases, players will create farms for better trades to get exactly what they want in-game. This can be overwhelming if there are too many villagers, as you’ll need to interact with each one to find your desired material(s). Luckily, using the Trading Post modification provides you with an easier method to trade with villagers. Simply craft and place down a specific block to instantly view all nearby offers, increasing the quality of life in your server. This is a simple and small mod that can enhance everyone’s gameplay experience with a better trading system. Setting it up to play with friends is quickly done on our panel, but may confuse newcomers to the hosting scene. Due to this, we’ll show you how to install and use Trading Post on your Minecraft server in this Apex Hosting tutorial.
How to Download
- Navigate to Trading Post on CurseForge, then click
near the top. - Scroll down and select your desired
Game Version
of the modification. - On the right-hand side of your screen, press the
button. - Save this file somewhere easily accessible on your computer for later.
- Do the same for the following dependency: Puzzles Lib.
Important: If you’re planning to use Fabric for this process, then make sure to download Forge Config API Port and Fabric API. These are required to make everything run smoothly in-game for both the server and client. Otherwise, Forge users may continue to the installations without downloading more modifications.
Client Installation
Before doing anything, install Forge or Fabric on your Minecraft launcher. This is required to support modifications in the game, making it absolutely necessary. When you’re ready, follow along below to begin setting up the mods on your client.
- Open your Minecraft launcher and select
at the top. - Locate your previously installed Forge or Fabric profile, then click its
icon. - Find and enter the mods directory in the newly opened window.
Note: If you’re not seeing this, then create it before continuing with the installation. - Proceed to drag and drop the mod files in this folder, then return to the launcher.
- Press the
button on your modded profile to begin loading everything.
Server Installation
Similarly to the client installation, you need to set up Forge or Fabric on your Minecraft server. This is done by selecting it from the Game File area in your main panel. After doing this, restart the server and follow the instructions below to start installing the mods.
- Head towards your Apex server panel, then click
FTP File Access
near the top left. - Continue to type your
in the text box and press theLogin
button. - Locate and enter the mods directory from the list of files.
- Afterward, press the
button near the top left corner of your screen. - Drag and drop the mod files in the respective area, then wait for them to reach
. - Return to the main panel and
the server to load everything.
Getting Started

Upon joining the server, players need to search for a village or navigate to their existing one. Whether you already have a farm setup or not, having available trades is required to use this modification. After reaching them, crafting and using a trading post block is the next step. Fortunately, its recipe isn’t too complicated or valuable to make. This means anyone in your server can easily play with the mod to enhance their trading experience. Although, there’s a few tips and tricks that you should know about. With this in mind, review the subsections below to get started with the Trading Post modification.
Locating Villages
Throughout your world, villages can be found in almost every biome. This may take some time, but shouldn’t be too long since they tend to be near spawn. However, using the /locate
command with operator privileges allows you to quickly find a village. This is technically cheating, but will save you time during this entire process. Although, this only applies to players that don’t have villagers yet. In other words, if you already have available trades, then skip ahead down below to continue.

Trading Post Recipe

Crafting a trading post only requires 3x Wood Planks, 2x Sticks, and 1x Emerald. This makes it widely available for players to make, as the only valuable resource is its mineral. There can be multiple of these if you want, amplifying the amount of trade offers you can view in its menu. Make sure to have enough emeralds though, which may be hard to obtain if you aren’t lucky with loot chests, trading, or finding it in the world.
Using a Trading Post
When you’ve created this block and want to use it, make sure it’s in the center of all nearby villagers. This process can be tedious if you’re only using a normal village, as there isn’t equal distance between traders to the middle. However, transporting them around to suit your needs is a workaround to this potential issue. We highly recommend doing this, but it isn’t required for you to begin using the trading post. Alternatively, building a structure to house all desired villagers is another option to try out.

After placing the trading post down and right-clicking
it, a large GUI appears on your screen. If done correctly, you should see lots of trades from most or all your villagers. There’s also a search option at the top left corner, just in case you’re having trouble finding what you need. Once you’ve made the trade, experience points are dropped near the trading post block. This acts as if you directly traded with a villager, which is a wonderful feature to enjoy. As previously mentioned, make sure to have lots of emeralds on hand for your offers.
Getting More Trades
If you’re wanting to get more trade offers from villages, then assigning them specific workstations is required. This may involve using barrels, smelters, brewing stands, and other similar blocks. We highly suggest reviewing our official guide to understand what all villager professions are and how to assign them. Doing this enough times may grant you better trades than ever before, such as the ability to exchange emeralds for mending books. Otherwise, you’ll have to continue trying your luck at different villages until finding what you want.

Better Trading Farms

Instead of locating villages to hopefully get better deals, force them to trade in your base. This can be done by transporting them with minecarts or boats, but can be time consuming. Once you’ve gathered some, assigning them professions and ensuring they don’t escape is the next step. If all of this goes to plan, you’ll have a trading farm that can be easily accessed with this modification. Regardless of your base’s design, this will work effectively for everyone wanting to trade with villagers. However, remember that you can have multiple trading posts stationed around your structures to get the most out of your experience.
If you’re wanting to have more control over your Trading Post, then editing the mod’s configuration is required. This allows you to change its range, meaning it can integrate more trades if the values are increased. Otherwise, limiting this feature and even preventing specific offers is an option to try out. Regardless of what you intend to do, the steps below show you how to access and edit these settings.
- Navigate to the
FTP File Access
area in your panel and login with your password. - Afterward, locate and enter your world’s directory, then click the serverconfig folder.
- Continue to press
on the tradingpost-server.toml file, revealing its contents. - Make any of your desired changes, then click
at the top of the editor. - Return to the main panel and
the server to apply these edits.
Common Issues
A common problem to encounter is failing to join the server successfully, which can be caused by several reasons. One of these is entering an invalid IP Address:Port or Subdomain when connecting. This directly impacts how players join the server, as a simple mistake or error can result in failure. Fortunately, you can verify if the address is correct by reviewing your main panel. Besides this, another possible issue is incorrectly installing the modifications on the Minecraft launcher. Make sure you have Forge or Fabric configured on the client before adding the files to the mods directory. Remember, if you intend to use Fabric then you’ll have to set up its dependencies: Forge Config API Port and Fabric API. Otherwise, only use Puzzles Lib with Trading Post to get everything working. If you still have ongoing problems, then this may indicate an underlying issue on the server.
If no one can join and your server isn’t coming online, then a crash may have happened. This can be confirmed by checking the Console
in your panel, then looking for something related to crashing. The most common reason for this is missing a required dependency or more. Double-check you’ve successfully uploaded all needed files into the mods directory in your FTP panel. Afterward, restart the server to begin loading everything to see if that fixed the situation. However, Forge or Fabric have to be selected in the Game File
area of your panel before any of these steps. Similarly, Minecraft launchers may also crash if this isn’t resolved. Besides all of this, ensuring all the game versions are the same is another factor to keep in mind. For example, you cannot have a Fabric 1.19.2 setup with Trading Post for 1.19.3. The same applies if you’re trying to use Forge and Fabric files together, so confirm everything matches. Afterward, restart your server or launcher to try again to see if that fixed the situation.
Useful Links
Trading Post on CurseForge
How to Add Mods to a Minecraft Server
Modded Server Optimization Guide
How to Join a Minecraft Server