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How to Make an Offline Minecraft Server

Last modified on Nov 3, 2022 in general

mc head By Nathan Young


Minecraft server owners can create amazing networks or unique communities to have a wonderful gameplay experience. However in some cases, specific setups can encounter problems and players would be unable to join. This may hinder in-game development, and could lead people to becoming uninterested. These scenarios can be resolved by making an offline server, as this allows the ability to create networks so anyone can join. Alternatively, some owners may want to increase Minecraft’s accessibility to their friends, which is also solved by making the server offline. There are a few tasks to review before configuration, as issues can arise if done incorrectly. Due to this, Apex Hosting will teach you how to properly make an offline Minecraft server.


Before setting the server to offline, you’ll want to make sure a few tasks are completed. This will protect player progression in the world(s), ensure plugin/mod functionality, and secure connections. If an offline Minecraft server is incorrectly configured, then it could lead to problems that may ruin gameplay. Due to this, we’ll review important preparation steps to get you started. However, if you’re trying to build a network then review our Bungeecord Setup guide instead.

World Management

Minecraft Cube World

The world’s progression will remain, but the player’s data will be reset when switching from online to offline mode. We strongly recommend joining the game and moving all player inventories into chests at memorable locations, as this will protect items from being removed. This might be difficult if there are many players, but having each of them join to do it will save progression. However, it should be noted that player location would be reset too after making the mode change. Most server owners store items near spawn, as this allows people to easily retrieve their loot after setting the server to offline. With this in mind, do this for all worlds and dimensions so everything is saved. Otherwise, creating a new world would work without issues.

Server Security

By far the most important preparation measure is securing Minecraft connections, as you wouldn’t want players to login on admin or staff accounts. Additionally, offline servers are susceptible to bot attacks that ruin everything for real players. Setting up protection is crucial for worlds, users, and connections so no harm is done. There are several plugins and mods to locate for this process, which will prevent bots and any malicious intents. A popular function is to force players to register with a password, making their account protected from someone else trying to access it. Others may include verifying IP addresses, authorizing specific players, and more. Researching these addons might be challenging, so review our Finding Mods and Finding Plugins tutorials to get this started.

Minecraft Server Security


Checking Addon Settings

In some cases, plugins and mods may not fully work on offline servers due to them relying on UUIDs. This is an ID for every Minecraft account, which is used by Mojang’s authentication services to validate player connections. Changing the modes will alter how these UUIDs are generated and used, making some plugins or mods reset specific player data. Double-check your settings in their respective configuration file from the FTP File Access area. These files are located inside the main plugins or mods directory, then inside their specific folder. If you see any compatibility settings for offline servers while viewing the file, enable them. Make sure to Save the file to ensure changes apply on the next restart. Another good tip is you copy down player data from these files to replace when new UUIDs are generated, as this will completely retain homes, in-game money, or other features.

Offline Server Setup

When you’re done preparing everything, the final step is to make the server offline. This is an easier process compared to the preparation instructions, which we’ll review down below.

  1. Head towards your Apex server panel and press the Stop button.
  2. Afterward, locate and click on Config Files near the top left.
    Apex Server Config Files
  3. Once there, select Server Settings and find the Online Mode option.
  4. Change it from Enabled to Disabled in the dropdown menu.
    Apex Server Disable Online Mode
  5. When this is completed, scroll down and press Save to keep the changes.
  6. Return to the main panel and Restart the server to apply the new mode.
  7. After it loads, try joining the server to confirm everything worked.


Recommended Addons

Now that the server is offline, you’ll likely want to install a few plugins or mods to restore player skins, secure the server, among other features. Find a list of them down below, then start reviewing their pages to get a better understanding of their functionality. As for installing them, review our How to Add Mods and How to Add Plugins tutorials.

OpeNLoginForces all players to register with a password to use for future connections.
LoginSecurityAllows for more registry control and offers a captcha to new players.
AntiBotProtection against fast or slow bot attacks, and ping disturbances among other aspects.
SkinsRestorerGrants all players the ability to restore their skins for offline servers.


Simple LoginSimple registration feature that forces people to use their password to play.
AuthModBetter account management to protect players through authentication measures.
ReAuthClient-only functionality that helps manage offline accounts through the game.
CustomSkinLoaderRestores player skins from online or local resources.


Common Issues

Progress is Deleted
If your world changed during this process, then rename the world to the correct one from the panel. Visit our guide here to help with this reconfiguration. However, if the world’s name has not changed, then the issue might be caused by not completely moving over items into chests. For instance, anything in ender chests should be transferred into normal ones. If this wasn’t done, then that’ll explain the missing data. Otherwise, it could be related to a potential UUID conflict with plugins or mods.
Cannot Join Server
After finishing the setup and players can’t join, then double-check the IP address, as this could be reasoning for connectivity problems. Other times, it’ll be from plugins or mods preventing players from joining since the UUIDs were changed. Solving this scenario requires manually swapping the online IDs with offline variants. A good resource to easily obtain these other UUIDs is a generator, which will automatically display the correct string of text. Copy those values and paste them accordingly for the mod or plugin file(s).
Login with any Account
This particular issue is very common, as offline servers don’t allow for Mojang’s authentication system. Solving it requires securing your server, making accounts forced to register with passwords to protect them. A registered player in the server can safely join without the worry of others accessing the account. Review our Recommended Addons section to download the necessary files for protection.

Useful Links

How to Add Minecraft Mods
How to Upload Minecraft Plugins
How to Create a Bungeecord Server
How to Make a New World

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