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Builders Crafts & Additions

in Mods

mc head By Nathan Young

Builder's Crafts & Additions


Building in Minecraft is a key part of the gameplay for millions of players, as it’s an open world sandbox experience. There are countless blocks and materials to use for your creations but may lack a few features that some want. For instance, pillars or furniture are highly sought after in-game since they add detail to any structure. Most builders want more options for their projects, as plain designs aren’t ideal for many. Solving this introduces you to the Builders Crafts & Additions mod for Forge, adding tons of new blocks for you to try out. This isn’t only for building materials, as you’re given the opportunity to implement an arcade in your Minecraft world. There are many possibilities with this mod, especially with all its storage blocks like cabinets. Setting it up on your server is quickly done on our panel, as it’s designed with convenience in mind. However, some newcomers to the modding scene may be confused about the whole process. Due to this, we’ve created this Apex Hosting guide to show you how to install and use Builders Crafts & Additions in Minecraft.

How to Download

  1. Navigate to Builders Crafts & Additions on CurseForge, then click Files at the top.
    Builders Crafts & Additions CurseForge
  2. Locate your desired Game Version for this modification.
  3. Afterward, press its three vertical dots on the right and select Download File.
    Builders Crafts & Additions Download
  4. Wait for this to finish, then save it somewhere easily accessible on your computer.


Client Installation

Before getting started, you and others alike must install Forge on the Minecraft launcher. This allows mods to work properly without any incompatibility issues. In other words, this is extremely important and required to accomplish. After doing this, follow along below to install Builders Crafts & Additions in Minecraft.

  1. Open your Minecraft launcher and click Installations at the top.
    Minecraft Installations
  2. Proceed to find your previously installed Forge profile, then click its Folder icon.
    Minecraft Forge Profile
  3. In the newly opened window, locate and enter the mods directory from the list.
    Note: If you don’t see this, then create it before proceeding with the installation.
  4. While in this folder, simply drag and drop the downloaded file.
    Builders Crafts & Additions Client Installation
  5. Return to the main launcher and press the Play button for your Forge profile.


Server Installation

Similar to the above section, you’ll need to set up Forge on the server panel to support mods. This is achieved by selecting it with the corresponding version in the Game File area, then restarting to generate its required files. Afterward, the steps below will guide you through the installation process for the Builders Crafts & Additions mod.

  1. Head towards your Apex server panel and click FTP File Access near the top left.
    Minecraft FTP Server
  2. Continue to type your Password accordingly, then press the Login button.
    Minecraft FTP Login
  3. Proceed to enter the mods folder and click the Upload button at the top left corner.
  4. While in this directory, drag and drop the file into the respective area.
    Builders Crafts & Additions Server Installation
  5. Wait for this to reach 100%, then return to the main panel and Restart the server.


Getting Started

Builders Crafts & Additions

After joining the server, you’ll want to collect some resources and building materials to prepare for the mod’s features. Although, we strongly recommend installing JEI to easily and quickly review any crafting recipes. This comes in handy when making pillars, tables, and other new blocks from Builders Crafts & Additions. Once you begin creating structures with the mod, you’ll want to play around with works and not for your design(s). Remember, the possibilities are endless and typically it takes creativity for highly detailed buildings. We’ll be showcasing almost everything from this mod in the subsections below to get you started, among giving some ideas for structures.

Panels & Pillars

Starting off we’re introduced to panels and pillars, which have many different variations. These resemble stairs or slabs in the sense of materials and placement. For example, panels can be turned around and merged into others. Whether you want stone or wood, there’ll be a choice for you to consider. This applies to pillars too, but can only be placed either up or down. In other words, you wouldn’t be able to make horizontal creations with these kinds of blocks.

Builders Crafts & Additions Panels Pillars

Regardless of this, these new additions come in handy when making large buildings or implementing extra detail in rooms.

Tables & Chairs

Builders Crafts & Additions Tables Chairs

Instead of having stairs for sitting down, you can use many different kinds from the mod. Whether these are stools, benches, or standard chairs, you have plenty of options. The same concept from before applies, meaning you can use all wood variants for them. As for tables, you have identical types to try out, allowing you to further customize the interior of your structures. This spices up everything, especially if you use other decorations like plants on top of them.

These types of blocks are perfect for almost anything in Minecraft, as they make your rooms feel alive.

Sofas & Signs

Adding more details into your base can be done with sofas and hanging signs. For example, an inviting space tends to have couches and lovely artwork, which is possible with this mod. These sofas come in many colors, as it’s from wool materials. This means you can have black, white, orange, red, and several others if you want. As for hanging signs, you can use this outside or even inside and attach another item on it. This can be extremely helpful for shops or anything else for your creations.

Builders Crafts & Additions Sofas Signs


Storage Blocks

Builders Crafts & Additions Storage Blocks

While making kitchens or storage rooms, you may want something else other than chests and furnaces. Fortunately, this mod provides you with many unique blocks to store items. These include cabinets, drawers, nightstands, and shelves. Larger types allow for more space, while smaller ones are limited. Keep this in mind when making your rooms in the structures. Besides this, these building blocks help with implementing more details in your base, while also being capable of storage.

Similar to other features from the mod, you can have many different kinds of them.

Arcade Machines

Unlike other features from Builders Crafts & Additions, players can consider using arcade machines in their base. This is a fun way to spice up your gameplay, as anyone can begin playing a minigame in Minecraft. As for the types of arcade machines, there are only wood-based variants available. This doesn’t impact the minigame, as it only determines the appearance of the interactable block. These come in handy when making a game room or other similar areas in your base.

Builders Crafts & Additions Arcade
Minecraft Arcade Game

As for the actual minigame available in these arcade machines, players can only play Snake. This is where you collect small dots and slowly grow, making it harder to continue. If you accidentally touch yourself, it’ll end the game. The controls are extremely simple, as it uses WASD or Arrow keys to move the snake character. After gathering some dots, you can see the score at the top left corner of the screen. Keep in mind that if you mistakenly leave the machine, your progress will not be saved. This means you must play until being defeated for the game to be completed.


Miscellaneous Blocks

Builders Crafts & Additions Mod

There are more blocks available from the Builders Crafts & Additions mod that players can use in-game. These include reinforced fences, ladders, garden guards, among others like four-way rails, pathed gravel, and even an interactable speaker. Whether you want to further customize your bases or the exteriors of them, these building materials come in handy. This is amplified by some of their uses, such as the rails allowing for enhanced minecart systems. Otherwise, using the speakers can amplify the sound of your jukeboxes. We encourage you to play around with all of these wonderful features from the mod to determine the best ones suited for your creations in Minecraft.

Common Issues

Cannot Join the Server

While attempting to join the Minecraft server and your connection is rejected, make sure to have installed Builders Crafts & Additions in your local mods folder. Remember, this is accessible by clicking your previously configured Forge profile. Although, double check you’ve downloaded the correct game version for the modification since this can pose issues if there’s conflict. For instance, Forge 1.19.4 cannot work with anything on 1.18.2. Once you’ve made these corrections, try again to see if that works. If the problem persists, then this could mean there’s an underlying issue on the server. Make sure you’ve done similar steps on the panel, meaning uploading the downloaded file into the mods directory and having Forge selected in the Game File area. This should get everything working for you and others to enjoy Builders Crafts & Additions in Minecraft.

My Launcher is Crashing

In cases where your launcher is crashing after installing the mod, then it’s likely related to some conflict. If you have other modifications, then consider removing them to see if it works by itself. Keep in mind that different furniture mods can be incompatible with Builders Crafts & Additions. In these situations, either this or the other modification must be removed for this to work. Besides this possible cause, you may need to allocate more memory to the launcher. Otherwise, double-checking the game versions is another step toward fixing the problem.

Unable to Sit in Furniture

In the latest version of the mod, there’s an issue with sitting down in applicable blocks. This can be bypassed if you continue trying, specifically at different angles. However, choosing other versions of Builders Crafts & Additions could resolve this issue entirely. Alternatively, you can see about installing sit mods to hopefully fix everything. Just remember that the game versions must match, as this could pose even more problems if they don’t.

Useful Links

Builders Crafts & Additions on CurseForge
Just Enough Items (JEI) Mod Guide
How to Set Up a Forge Server in Minecraft
Installing Forge on the Minecraft Launcher

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