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The Floor Is Lava Minecraft Plugin

Last modified on Jun 5, 2023 in plugins

mc head By Nathan Young


Hosting a Minecraft server can be loads of fun, especially with minigame plugins. There are many types to try in your world, but most players are familiar with standard modes such as Spleef, Parkour, Skywars, among others. This can pose issues while creating a fun server for your friends, as researching plugins can be a challenging task. Luckily, The Floor Is Lava plugin offers a unique experience that has been popularized by online communities. An area of your world is closed off and a timer starts, then when it finishes a bunch of lava spawns. This causes players to seek higher ground and use resources wisely. The lava slowly rises over time, eating away everything in its path. It’s only over when one player or team is the last alive, but can play out differently depending on your configuration. With this in mind, Apex Hosting will guide you through The Floor Is Lava plugin to make your Minecraft experience fun!


The Floor Is Lava plugin was originally released by rtm516 in mid-2019 for Minecraft 1.14, and has yet to receive any update. However, this plugin works on 1.19 and most likely other versions. This means the plugin is flexible and optimized enough to perform without any issues in-game. We’ll go through the instructions needed to install it on the server, so you can start enjoying this minigame. Although, review our plugin installation guide to learn more about this process.

  1. Head towards The Floor Is Lava’s Spigot page, then press Download Now.
    The Floor is Lava Download
  2. After downloading the plugin, navigate to your Apex server panel and click FTP File Access in the top left corner.
  3. Login with your password, then locate and enter in the plugins directory.
  4. Near the top left, press Upload and drop the plugin’s JAR file in the respective area.
    The Floor is Lava Plugin Installation
  5. Wait for it to reach 100%, then return to the main panel to Restart the server.
  6. Once it finishes loading, join the server and type /plugins to confirm if it works.
    Minecraft The Floor is Lava Plugins

    Note: If the plugin appears in the list as red or is missing, then it’s broken. Otherwise, if it’s green then everything should work.


Getting Started

Minecraft Lava Floor Plugin

After installing the minigame plugin and joining the server, there will be no apparent change. The only notable difference is the small world border, which should start from spawn and extend to its configured value. Besides this, there isn’t anything else until the minigame starts. Afterward, lava will instantly take over the world and rise slowly as the rounds proceed. However, it will not stop until it reaches the max height limit. This will also permanently stay in your world, meaning that the lava will remain. Consider that when you start the minigame, as it’s best to use a throwaway map or custom one for it.

Starting the Game

Minecraft The Floor is Lava Start

Before anything happens, you’ll need to start the minigame with the /start command. Players who can use this require the operator role or the thefloorislava.start permission node. Once the command is initiated, the chat will confirm and display the configured value before it actually starts. By default, it takes 20 minutes for the lava to spawn, giving enough time for players to get resources. Unfortunately, the chat messages cannot be customized so that must remain. When the game finally starts, make sure to collect many blocks and food items, as this will help you survive.

Rising Lava

Minecraft Village in Lava

As the minigame progresses, everything will be lava and players must build upwards to stay alive. Otherwise, they’ll burn to their deaths in fire. One of the best resources to use is water, as this will make lava into obsidian. This will allow for anyone to survive for a little longer until the next round starts. It could also be used for climbing mountains or making lavacast structures, which should help with survival. Although by default the lava appears every 60 seconds and increases by three block levels. This is configurable in the plugin’s file, which we’ll get into.


The Floor Is Lava plugin allows server owners to manage its start height, border size, block type, and more. It’s not too customizable, as there are only six settings to edit. However, the important aspects to the minigame are controlled in these options. They’re found in the config.yml file once installed on the server, which you can learn how to access down below.

  1. Head towards the FTP File Access area from the server panel.
    Apex Server FTP File Access
  2. Use your password to login, then navigate to the plugins directory.
  3. Afterward, click the TheFloorIsLava folder and press Edit for the config.yml file.
    The Floor is Lava Configuration
  4. It’ll display the following settings, which are customizable.
    startHeight: 64
    borderSize: 200
    block: LAVA
    gracePeriod: 20
    roundTimer: 60
    increaseAmount: 3

  5. Once you make the appropriate changes, click Save at the top.
  6. Return to the main panel and Restart the server to apply the edit.


Common Issues

Plugin Not Working
This typically means the plugin is being rejected by the server or you lack permissions. Double-check the following: have the thefloorislava.start permission or operator privileges, and if the server is on version 1.13 or below. Assuming the server’s version isn’t higher than 1.13, then the plugin may not fully work. This is due to it being created on 1.14, but should work as intended on newer releases. As for the permissions, if the server is correctly configured then permissions should work. Otherwise, see if using OP Level 4 for your account would do the trick.
No Configuration File
After uploading the plugin, make sure to Restart the server so the configuration file can properly generate. Otherwise, there will be nothing to edit and the minigame wouldn’t function in-game. However, if restarting the server doesn’t work, then there is likely a version-related issue. For example, a server running on 1.12.2 cannot load the plugin due to it being for 1.14. Keep this in mind as you install the plugin and configure the server.

Useful Links

The Floor is Lava Spigot Page
How to Add Plugins
How to Join a Minecraft Server
How to Become a Server Operator

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