Player List Overview
Last modified on Sep 2, 2022 in control panel
By ApexHosting
As a server owner, having access to the players that have joined the server can be vital. Whether it is to gauge how many players have joined, providing the players with permissions, or to track down specific players, this can all be achieved through the game panel’s Player tab. Here, players can have a set name, be assigned to a panel user, set as banned, and much more. Additionally, you will have access to a variety of information such as the player’s last quit reason, IP address, and when they were last seen. Understanding and navigating the Players tab can be confusing for unfamiliar players, so we have created this Apex Hosting guide to ease you through the setup process.
Creating a New Player
- Navigate to the Apex Server Panel.
- Proceed to the
tab on the left-hand side. - Press
Create Player
in the top-left. - Provide the following details:
Define the players in-game Minecraft username.
Grant certain permissions to the server from the panel. The following list of available roles is in ascending order, meaning the listed roles include the capabilities of all of the roles above them:
Can see basic information about a server such as online status and number of players.
Can use chat, view available commands and use certain cheat functionality if enabled by the server owner.
Can start servers, use the “admin say” command, see the server console, summon/kick/tp players, use the “give” command and download backups.
Super Moderator
Can issue server commands, stop/restart the server and start backups.
Provides full control over all server functions such as managing players, editing configs, etc.
Can provide FTP Access to other players.
Can provide co-owner status to other users.
Assign to User
Attaches the player name to a registered user on the panel.
You can set the respective players ban status on the server. If banned, the panel will automatically prevent the player from joining the server.
Editing an Existing Player
- Navigate to the Apex Server Panel.
- Proceed to the
tab on the left-hand side. - Select the desired player from the list.
- Using the above criteria, edit the player’s information.
- Press
once complete.
With that, you should now have an understanding of the Players tab from your game server panel. Using this, you can view plenty of vital information about each player that has joined your server at a given time. This is used for banning, giving permissions, or even checking the previous IPs of players to see if a banned player is attempting to return. With your newfound knowledge of how to create and edit existing players, you can now provide the necessary adjustments and continue your server hosting adventure!