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Chat Page Overview

Last modified on Feb 25, 2021 in control panel

mc head By ApexHosting


The Chat Page enables users to communicate with the players on the server without being logged on in-game. In addition to this you can view who’s online and enact basic management like kicking the player and view the chat log. When a user sends a message from the panel their panel name is used when addressing the message.

Utilizing the chat

  1. Head to the Apex Game Panel.
  2. To the left of the page, click on the Chat Tab.
  3. The following page provides you with an interface for viewing, communicating, and a player list for managing connected players. The viewing portion logs all chat which you can review later when needed. The communication portion is an input for the message you want to send to the players. The player list shows all connected players and allows you to kick them if you have the necessary permissions.

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