How to Fix ‘Invalid Session’ on Minecraft
Last modified on Aug 12, 2024 in Server Errors
By Nathan Young
Launching up Minecraft to play with friends on a server can be challenging, as unforeseen errors can arise. One of these is known as an invalid session, resulting in a failed connection. This doesn’t only impact one server, but all of them – making this a horrendous problem for players. Troubleshooting such an issue is difficult too since there isn’t a noticeable direct cause for it. Fortunately, we’ve created this Apex Hosting guide to show you how to fix the invalid session error on Minecraft to get you back on track. Let’s begin!
What is an ‘Invalid Session’?

Upon loading Minecraft and joining any dedicated server, it may result in a “Failed to login: Invalid session” error message. This doesn’t happen all the time, but all players encountered this situation at least once. Finding the cause is difficult, but mainly boils down to your account having problems with Mojang’s authentication system. Players may find themselves having an invalid session when launching multiple instances of Minecraft with other accounts. There are more examples that can trigger this error, such as not being logged in the correct Microsoft account.
Fixing the ‘Invalid Session’ Error
Due to the wide range of causes for the Minecraft invalid session error, we’ll showcase universal methods to resolve the situation. Each of these are worthy to try out, as almost all cases can be fixed with them! However, if nothing works – then this could indicate an issue with Mojang’s authentication. There should be a different error message for that, but many players report an invalid session whenever the system malfunctions or is in maintenance mode.

The most popular method to fix the invalid session error is to restart Minecraft and the launcher. This typically resolves the whole situation, as rebooting everything helps the authentication system. All you need to do is close the game and launcher, then start them back up. Afterwards, join any server to see if that worked.
On the slim chance that restarting didn’t help, consider logging out of your Microsoft account – then log in again. This method forces the system to re-recognize your credentials, giving you the best odds to fix the Minecraft invalid session issue. Make sure to use the same account when trying this solution out.
In cases where nothing works and/or you have a cracked account, enable offline mode for the Minecraft server. This effectively removes the authentication system from registering connections, resolving the invalid session error. Learn more information about this process by visiting here.

When you fix the Minecraft invalid session error, preventing it from happening again is ideal. We strongly encourage you to avoid launching multiple games at once with different accounts, as this can cause the issue to happen. Additionally, try using the “Direct Connection” method to join Minecraft servers – accessible in the Multiplayer area. Another way to avoid this error is to not have the game opened for too long without playing.
Invalid Sessions in Minecraft
Encountering any type of issue in Minecraft can be frustrating, especially if it impacts your ability to join dedicated servers like an invalid session. Fortunately, there are multiple ways to fix the situation. Whether you restart the game or completely create an offline server, you have the power to resolve the problem. In cases where nothing seems to be working, consider reaching out to our 24/7 Support Team to see if they can offer alternative solutions.
Minecraft ‘Invalid Session’ – FAQ
The invalid session error message for Minecraft is the result of Mojang’s authentication system having issues with your account. Nothing appears to be a direct cause for it, other than the problem sporadically happening for players.
Restarting your game / launcher, re-logging into your Microsoft account, and creating an offline Minecraft server are all ways to fix the invalid session error. However, the ReAuth mod for Forge could be used to resolve the situation – no guarantees.
Avoid launching two or more instances of Minecraft with different accounts to prevent an invalid session. Another way includes using the “Direct Connection” method to join servers. Additionally, closing out of the game when you’re not playing is also a possibility.
Useful Links
Minecraft Server Optimization Guide
How to Make an Offline Minecraft Server
How to Fix ‘Failed to Verify Username’ Error
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