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How to Get Rid of Water in Minecraft

Last modified on Sep 18, 2024 in General

mc head By Nathan Young

How to Get Rid of Water in Minecraft


While building on Minecraft, there’s bound to be some challenges. These include finding a suitable location in your world, gathering needed resources, and clearing up debris. However, there’s one unfortunate obstacle that many builders encounter in the game. Whether you’re on a Minecraft server or singleplayer world, removing water is almost always a tedious task. This is mainly caused by the continuous stream of liquid, meaning you have to remove all source blocks to get rid of it. Luckily, there’s plenty of solutions for this situation that you can take advantage of in Minecraft. For example, using built-in features or installing addons are options to help you build more efficiently. With this in mind, we’ve created this guide to showcase the most popular methods for getting rid of water in Minecraft.

Minecraft Water Removal

How to Remove Water from Minecraft

The removal of water in Minecraft can be done through a variety of methods, from mods to sponges. However, it boils down to the edition of the game you’re using for this process. For instance, Bedrock is more restricted than Java to get rid of water. Due to this, it may be more beneficial to create a crossplay server to allow both versions while maximizing your removal methods. Although, there’s a universal way to achieve this goal in your multiplayer or singleplayer world. Keep in mind some of these methods will be better than others, depending on your setup. An example of this would be using plugins on Paper servers to quickly delete nearby liquid source blocks. We’ll be breaking down each method for you to quickly gauge what’s the best way to remove water in the subsections below.

Method #1: Sponge Blocks

Starting off with the first method, using sponge blocks is a universal way to remove water in Minecraft. These are only found in Ocean Monuments and slaying Elder Guardian mobs, making them a bit troublesome to obtain. All water within its range will be instantly deleted upon placing down this block. However, you and other players alike will need several sponges to effectively remove all liquid.

Sponges in Minecraft

Once enough water is absorbed, the block must be dried out by “smelting” it in a furnace. This means they’re reusable and will help you clear out all liquids for your structures. If you’re having trouble locating sponges, consider enabling cheats to easily get them.

Method #2: Plugins & Mods

Remove Water Command Minecraft

Continuing with our second method, players can choose to install plugins or mods to quickly remove water in Minecraft. For example, WorldEdit can be used for Bukkit, Forge, or Fabric to achieve this goal by running the /removenear water command while close to liquids. This means you can use it as a plugin or mod to get rid of water, which will instantly delete its source blocks. Players with this can forget about sponges and instead forcibly remove liquids in their world.

However, this is technically considered cheating if you’re trying to remain legit or in a vanilla gameplay session. Keep in mind that there’s several other addons out there for you to possibly use for this task.

Method #3: Old Fashioned

If you’re wanting to avoid installing extra addons, using cheats, or sponges, then consider our third method. This is the classic way of getting rid of water in Minecraft, meaning you simply place blocks where the liquid’s source is located. Afterward, break it and the water will be gone. However, you have to do this for everything so none of it returns. This can be a bit tedious, but is another option for you to remove water.

How to Get Rid of Water in Minecraft

We don’t strongly recommend this method, but it’s nonetheless viable to do in Minecraft. Otherwise, you can try using mods, plugins, or sponges to achieve this task in your world.


Out of the three different methods, find the one that works best for your Minecraft server or singleplayer world. Whether you use mods or sponges, there’s always an option for you. Remember, Java and Bedrock editions have their own ways to accomplish this goal. It may be possible to install behavior packs to help you get rid of water, but it’s not encouraged since the universal method is available. Once successfully completing this, you and others should have an easier time building your structures. Regardless of which way you choose, we hope this tutorial helped you remove water in Minecraft.

Useful Links

How to Create a Crossplay Server in Minecraft
How to Find Sponges in Minecraft
Enabling Cheats on Minecraft
Installing and Using WorldEdit on Minecraft

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