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Minecraft Java And Bedrock Crossplay Server Hosting with GeyserMC

Last modified on Sep 17, 2024 in Plugins

mc head By Nathan Young

One of the best features of Minecraft is the ability to join servers and play with others. This is especially true when teaming up with friends, but problems may arise if some play on Java Edition while others play on Bedrock. By default, servers are not cross-platform, which prevents both versions from joining the same server. Thankfully GeyserMC, a Minecraft plugin, is here to solve this dilemma. The plugin can be installed on Minecraft Java servers and can be configured to allow any Bedrock players to join and play like any other server. In addition to this, installed plugins will be available to these players, allowing everyone to have the same experiences. There are two ways to configure GeyserMC, so we have created this Apex Hosting guide to help you get started.

Automatic Server Installation

Our server panels allow you to quickly and effortlessly install Geyser via an automatic installation. This feature is ideal, as no configuration is required! The following steps detail this process.

  1. Access your Apex server panel, then stop the server.
  2. In the left-hand menu, enter the Customizations tab.
    GeyserMC Customizations
  3. Open the dropdown menu next to the Geyser Installer area and select Bukkit.
    GeyserMC Auto-Installer
  4. When prompted, choose Queue Installation, then restart the server.


GeyserMC Console

This will automatically configure GeyserMC to run using your existing IP and Port. You can confirm it has worked by checking the server console and look for a message from the plugin.


Manual Server Installation

In cases where a manual installation is required to set up Geyser, follow these steps. Keep in mind that configuration is required, so make sure to review the “How to Setup GeyserMC” section afterwards.

Geyser + Floodgate Download

  1. Visit the GeyserMC download page.
  2. Locate and click the Geyser-Spigot.jar link.
    GeyserMC Download Geyser
  3. Save the .jar to a safe location for later.
  4. Additionally, visit the Floodgate download page.
  5. Download and save the floodgate-spigot.jar like before.


Manual Server Setup

  1. Navigate to your Apex panel page, then stop the server.
  2. Scroll down to the Game File section and open the dropdown.
    GeyserMC Server Version
  3. Ensure you are running a plugin-compatible version, such as PaperMC or Spigot.
  4. Afterwards, enter the FTP File Access page in the left-hand menu and log in.
  5. Enter the plugins folder, then press the Upload button in the top-left.
    GeyserMC Plugins Folder
  6. Drag + drop the .jar files into the right-hand side.
  7. Once uploaded to 100%, return to the main panel page.
    GeyserMC Upload
  8. Restart the server to load the default files for GeyserMC.


How to Setup GeyserMC

If you’ve manually installed the GeyserMC plugin on your Minecraft server, then editing its config files is required. For those who opt-in with our automatic program – you’re finished since no configuration is necessary. However, servers using 1.19.1 and above will need to enable a specific option for Bedrock players to join, as shown in the “1.19.1+ Installations” section. Besides this, if you are running an older version, installing the ViaVersion plugin will allow you to meet this requirement.

In cases where you want Xbox players to easily join your Minecraft Geyser server, review the “Geyser Extension for Xbox” section. This shows you a third-party extension that allows the server to appear in the friends list area in-game, making it easier to connect.


1.19.1+ Installations

For 1.19.1 versions and newer, an additional setting is required to allow Bedrock players to join.

  1. From the main panel, enter the Config Files in the left menu.
  2. Here, locate and click the Server Settings option.
  3. Scroll down to find the Enforce secure profile setting.
    GeyserMC Enforce Secure Profile
  4. Switch the setting to Disabled, then press Save at the bottom.
  5. Restart the server when prompted to load these changes.


Accessing the Configuration

  1. From the Apex panel, stop the server.
  2. Return to the FTP File Access like before and log in.
  3. Navigate through the /plugins/Geyser-Spigot/ directories.
    GeyserMC Navigation
  4. Locate the config.yml file, then press Edit to the far-right to open the editor.


Changing the IP and Port Settings

  1. Locate the Bedrock section of the config file:
  2. Change the address to match your server’s IP address.
  3. Adjust the port to a random port, such as your server’s existing one.
    GeyserMC Config Bedrock
  4. Proceed to find the Remote section of the file!
  5. Keep the address set to auto, then change the port to your 5-digit server port.
    GeyserMC Config Remote
  6. Finally, switch the auth-type to floodgate.
  7. Once this is complete, press Save, then restart the server.


Geyser Extension for Xbox

For those who want to allow Xbox and Windows 10 Edition players of Minecraft to easily join their Geyser server, consider using the MCXboxBroadcast extension. This third-party tool makes it so your server is linked with a Microsoft account, allowing anyone to follow that account to join in the “Friends” tab in-game. We’ll showcase the best method to set this up, but there’s a standalone version that might offer better results – depending on what you prefer.

  1. Navigate to MCXboxBroadcast on GitHub and find the latest release.
  2. Afterwards, click the MCXboxBroadcastExtension.jar option to download.
    Geyser MCXboxBroadcast Extension
  3. Save this on your computer, then upload the extension in the following directory on your server: …/plugins/Geyser-Spigot/extensions
    *This uses the FTP area on your panel, more information can be found here.
  4. Restart the server and open the console, then look for the authentication message.
    MCXboxBroadcast Setup
  5. Link any Microsoft account with the provided code and link.
  6. Continue to follow this account on Xbox LIVE.
  7. Launch Minecraft and check the Friends tab to see the server appear!

    *Using the Standalone version of this extension may offer better results.


Joining Through Bedrock

Whether you use the automatic or manual method to install GeyserMC + Floodgate, Bedrock players are able to join the Minecraft server. Keep in mind that methods are different depending on if they’re using Xbox, PlayStation, or other consoles. Consider reviewing the following tutorials if players on these devices need to connect:

How to Join a Minecraft Bedrock Edition Server on PS4 or PS5
How to Join a Bedrock Edition Server on Xbox/Switch

  1. Start Minecraft Bedrock, then navigate to the Servers section and add a new server.
  2. Enter the IP and Port adjusted in the Bedrock section from earlier.
    GeyserMC Connect
  3. Once done, you can attempt to join the server.
  4. If successful, you will join the server and can play alongside Java Edition players.
    GeyserMC In-Game



Following these steps, Bedrock and Java Edition players will be able to play together on the same server. This is great for playing with your friends or just to allow more people to join. In addition to this, Geyser runs on a plugin-compatible Minecraft version, meaning Bedrock players should also be able to make use of any other installed plugins such as EssentialsX. After game updates are released, it may become necessary to update the GeyserMC and/or Floodgate files on the server. This can easily be done by repeating the steps and replacing the old .jar files with the newer ones. With this newfound knowledge you are ready to team up with or against players from a variety of platforms to continue your Minecraft adventures.

Common Issues

Failed to Bind Error

Oftentimes, this error will appear if the IP and Port is incorrectly configured or already taken. Return to the config.yml file and make sure the IP matches your server’s, not including the port at the end. If you are using a random port for the Bedrock settings, try to use a different port number or consider using your server’s default 5-digit port. Once this has been adjusted, save the file and restart to try again.

Error Received While Connecting to Server

In some cases, Bedrock players may receive an error when attempting to join. The two most common errors often relate to necessary configuration settings. If the error says you require a Java profile, make sure that the “auth-type” is set to Floodgate. Alternatively if it mentions secure profiles, double check that the Enforce Secure Profile setting is disabled. Once either of these fixes are performed, restart the server and try to connect again.

Bedrock Player Skins Aren’t Appearing

A majority of the time, Bedrock skins will not appear properly to Java players. Custom Bedrock skins do not work on Java servers and some updates remove classic skin functionality as well. To add skins for these players, consider using a plugin such as SkinsRestorer.

Helpful Links

GeyserMC Download Page
Floodgate Download Page
How to Install ViaVersion
How to Install SkinsRestorer

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