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How to Add More Traits and Points in Project Zomboid

Last modified on Apr 18, 2023 in Zomboid

mc head By Nathan Young


Loading a new world in Project Zomboid seems daunting, especially to newcomers due to the different available character traits. These can increase your movement speed, intelligence, and other useful abilities to survive the longest. Unfortunately, players are limited to how many they can choose due to the game’s design. This prevents overpowered builds, as the main point of Project Zomboid is surviving in harsh environments. However, there are methods to obtain all or more traits than normal. These can be applied to both your solo and server characters, making it a sought after feature. Although, the exact processes are complicated and technical to implement. With this in mind, we’ve created this Apex Hosting tutorial to show you how to add more traits and points in Project Zomboid.

Trait Selection

Project Zomboid Trait Selection

Many players might already understand this, but selecting traits for a brand new character is an essential part of Project Zomboid. This system allows you to gain advantages over the undead through unique enhancements. Without this, surviving in the wasteland becomes significantly more difficult for all players. If you’re wanting more trait options to choose from or extra points to use, then review the sections below to set that up. For example, you can have a lot of traits with limited points and/or an unlimited amount to spend on everything. Regardless of your intentions, these features are within your grasp.

Adding More Traits

If you’re wanting to add more traits to pick from in a solo world, then you’ll be required to install a few modifications. These are on Project Zomboid’s Workshop page for anyone to download. The following steps describe how to obtain and enable the mods in the game.

  1. Navigate to More Traits on the Workshop, then click Subscribe.
    Project Zomboid More Traits Mod
  2. Do the same for these required mods: KillCount, MoodleFramework, and Mod Options.
  3. Afterward, startup Project Zomboid and enter the Mods area from the main menu.
  4. Proceed to Enable all the subscribed mods from above.
    Project Zomboid Enable Mods
  5. Once finished, continue to create a new Solo world with your desired map.
  6. In the Available Traits list, choose anything you want and start playing.
    Project Zomboid Traits

    Note: If successful, there should be significantly more traits compared to normal.


Server Setup

The process for installing these mods on your server is simplified with our panel, as it only requires certain values to become enabled. Once everything is configured, players will have to join and download the modifications before creating their character. Follow the instructions below to begin setting this up, but you may also review our guide for more information.

  1. Navigate to each mod’s Workshop page, then copy their Workshop and Mod IDs.
    Project Zomboid Workshop Mod IDs

    Note: This is usually placed at the bottom of each mod’s description.

  2. Head towards your Apex server panel, then navigate to the Config Files section.
    Project Zomboid Config Files
  3. Once there, locate and click the World Config option.
  4. Afterward, find the Mods setting and enter each Mod ID, separated with a semicolon (;).
    Project Zomboid Server Mods
  5. Proceed to input their Workshop IDs for the WorkshopItems option, with similar format.
    Project Zomboid Server Workshop Items
  6. Scroll down to the bottom and press the Save button, then Restart the server.


Remember, every Workshop and Mod ID for every subscribed modification must be entered in the server. In other words, you cannot miss one since that’d cause in-game problems to arise. Additionally, the mod developer(s) mentioned that “Due to false-flags for anti-cheat, it is recommended to disable anti-cheat…”. This goes for all servers wanting to use the More Traits modification, which can be done in the Customizations and World Config area of the panel. If you decide to not do this, proceed at your own risk.


Adding Extra Points

Instead of adding entirely new solo traits to use, you can add more points to spend on existing ones. Although, this can be combined with the mods to create an entirely custom experience. The following steps show how to do this, but requires tweaking game files to accomplish.

  1. If your game is running, close it down before proceeding.
  2. Navigate to your Steam Library, then locate Project Zomboid.
  3. Right-click on it and hover over Manage, then select Browse Local Files.
    Project Zomboid Local Files
  4. In the newly opened window, find and enter the media folder.
  5. Once there, continue to the following directory: lua\client\OptionScreens.
    Project Zomboid OptionScreens
  6. Afterward, open the CharacterCreationProfession.lua file with a file editor.
    Note: An example would be Notepad++ or an equivalent application.
  7. Inside of this file, locate and edit the value for self.pointToSpend = 0;.
    Project Zomboid Add More Trait Points

    Note: Changing this value adds that amount to the default (8) points.

  8. Save the changes and start a new character to enjoy more traits.


Server Configuration

If you want everyone on the server to have the ability to choose more default traits, then adding extra points in the settings is required. This is quickly done in our panel editor, which you can follow down below. As a side note, this also works nicely with the above modifications too.

  1. Head towards the Config Files area from your server panel.
  2. Locate the [worldName]_SandboxVars.lua file option, then select it.
    Project Zomboid SandboxVars
  3. Inside of this, search for the CharacterFreePoints setting.
  4. Proceed to edit the “0” value to anything you like, then click Save at the top.
    Project Zomboid Server Add More Trait Points
  5. Once completed, Restart the server from the main panel to apply the changes.


Common Issues

Unable to Use Mods on Server

The most common problem with enabling mods on Project Zomboid servers is typing the IDs incorrectly. This occurs when the format is broken, which must be ID1;ID2; and so on. Additionally, if you’re entering an incorrect Workshop or Mod value, then it wouldn’t work. With this in mind, double-check that you’ve used all correct values and formats for each section. However, make sure to Save the changes and Restart the server so they can apply.

Cannot Use Extra Trait Points

Whether you’re in a solo or server world, confirm that you’ve changed the respective setting in the file. Singleplayer must have the self.pointToSpend option changed accordingly in the CharacterCreationProfession.lua file. Similarly, servers need to edit the CharacterFreePoints setting properly in the [worldName]_SandboxVars.lua file. However, after doing either one, you must Save all the changes and see if that works. Remember, ensure your game is closed before making any edits and the server gets restarted to apply them.

Useful Links

More Traits on Steam’s Workshop
Installing Workshop Mods to Project Zomboid Servers
How to Join a Project Zomboid Server
Becoming a Project Zomboid Server Admin

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