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How to Add a Minecraft Server Icon

Last modified on Nov 3, 2023 in control panel

mc head By ApexHosting


Since Minecraft v1.7.2 server owners have been given the ability to further customize the look of the server in the multiplayer server list in-game. One very important feature that was added is the ability to customize the icon that will display next to their server. This is an ideal way to make servers more recognizable in the server list. With thousands of servers and the vast majority of players having extensive server lists, a server icon is very important in order to stand out and be recognizable.

While it may seem like a fairly simple concept there are a few things to keep in mind to make sure the icon is working properly on the server. In this guide, we will walk you through how you can prepare and upload the server icon to your Apex Minecraft server.

Prepare Your Icon

A server icon must follow three simple rules to be able to be used on a minecraft server.

Server Icon Example
  1. The icon must be 64×64 pixels in size
  2. The icon must be named server-icon
  3. The icon must be in .PNG format


How to check the picture size


  1. Right Click the image and select Properties.
  2. Select the Details tab on the top to view the dimensions.
Server Icon Properties


  1. Right Click the image and select Get Info.
  2. The dimensions will be listed under the More Info section.
Mac Server Icon


How to resize the icon

  1. Navigate to this website and click the Select Image button.
    Minecraft How to Resize Server Icon
  2. Locate and click on your desired server icon from your files.
  3. Proceed to change the Width and Height to 64 on the right-hand side.
  4. Afterward, uncheck the Maintain Aspect Ratio option.
    Minecraft Resize Server Icon
  5. When you’re finished, click Resize Image at the bottom and download the file.

Remember, the filename must be server-icon before you can upload it to the Minecraft server. Additionally, it also needs to be a PNG file type for this to work properly. Renaming can be done at any time on your computer, but changing formats involves selecting or typing .png when downloading the image. In some cases, users might see this at the end of their file – while others cannot. Checking the image’s properties as mentioned above is a foolproof way to confirm it’s PNG.

Upload to Your Server

Once you have a properly sized, named, and formatted image you will be able to then upload it to your server to let it start displaying in the server list.

  1. Head to your control panel and stop your server.
  2. To the left of the game panel, navigate the FTP File Access tab. Once in that tab please login using your panel password.
  3. Stop Server Open FTP Panel
  4. To the left of the panel, you will see an upload button. Click this and then drag your image into the uploader.
  5. Once you see the image reach 100% you will be able to then go back to the main panel page and start the server.
  6. FTP Panel Upload Button
    FTP File Upload

Assuming all three of the criteria are met you will then be able to see your newly uploaded icon in-game when you ping the server in the multiplayer server list.

Common Issues

Server/Server List Refresh

If you are not seeing the image display in your Minecraft server list you will want to be sure you have restarted the server after uploading as well as refresh the server list in-game. If it is still not showing you can also try re-adding the server to the list in-game. If it once again does not show then you most likely have encountered one of the following other issues.

Incorrect Name

Sometimes if you are renaming the file after it is already uploaded you might find that it is not correct. Since the file format, in this case .png, is included in the name on the panel you might forget to include it when renaming the file server-icon.

Incorrect Size

The image may not be displayed due to it being too large or too small. You can check the image dimensions on your PC in most cases by right-clicking and selecting Properties. Once this window is open you can then head to the details tab to see the image dimensions. Anything other than 64 pixels in width and height will not work on the server.

If the image is not the correct dimensions then you can use this resizing site to fix that.

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