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Posted: Sep 10, 2018 in Company News
We went through thousands of applicants we loved reading all of your amazing essays and stories. It was really captivating seeing all of your passion and you all have bright futures moving forward into the next steps of your careers and education. There was one individual that really stood out to us with his consistent contributions to the Minecraft community. From modding servers, to building them, to making maps, learning to code, and language translating for popular servers our winner hustles hard. Reading his essay inspired while reinforcing our dedications to learning and being a part of the community. We hope you see in him what we do.
So… without further ado…
We’d like to formally congratulate him as our Third Annual Minecraft Scholarship Winner!
Here below you can read his fantastic essay about where he came from and the great work he has done for the Minecraft community.
My experience in Minecraft dates back to 6th grade in middle school. Over 6 years ago. Even though I started off in a singleplayer world building dirt houses and dying to mobs, I soon began to experience the amazing benefits of playing such a simplistic and immersive game. The organization and patience skills that I learned from playing in those singleplayer worlds would never match up with the helpful tools I would gain when I began to play multiplayer with my friends.
Playing multiplayer on Minecraft or on any game is always an experience that only you can make the best of. Just like in real life, hanging out with the right people and acting the right way is always very important. There was times in my life where I was on both ends of the spectrum while playing Minecraft, but I still learned a lot about being in a group and working with people of various personalities. Eventually, I became involved at a staff position for the Overcast Network on the events team. It taught me valuable experience of working in a job environment without it being an official job. I learned to work in a group of people and it further prepared me to work with different personalities. Of course, Minecraft can be a different experience for everyone.
It is important to look past Minecraft’s simplistic design and goals to see a more broad and meaningful purpose. Firstly, the game teaches you to be resourceful and makes remembering things important, especially in more modded aspects of the game where things get more complex. The game also teaches you to be alert and knowledgeable of the different patterns and occurring themes within it. Being able to craft a certain item within the game may at first glance seem irrelevant to something like your education, but it has a meaningful purpose. It teaches you a more fun way of remembering things which you can apply to studying for a test or just remembering a vocabulary list. In addition, being active in the multiplayer community opened me up to some different opportunities, such as coding xml and mapmaking. These were very important to my career development because it taught me a lot of valuable skills especially with working on things related to computer science as well as things that were important to developing my character. I eventually got involved with mapmaking for the network until the server shutdown.
After the server shutdown I moved onto other things within the game, such as playing Tekkit Classic and Tekkit Legends as well as those big name servers that constantly have mini-games in it. I decided to continue my pursuit of working for a server by applying for a translation position on hypixel, which I rarely was able to contribute to but tried to nonetheless. This allowed me to once again be able learn new things and apply Minecraft to my other career objectives. This once against taught me a valuable lesson in my career management skills, as it showed me how a company such as hypixel designs its server as well as how they manage things such as translations. To this day, I can still contribute to hypixel’s translation system, despite being involved with the German community which constantly has translations already being completed. Although Minecraft is a simple block game, it has given me so much more than that in my life. By now, I have moved past the game to begin focusing on college, but I still play it occasionally with many of the friends I gained from it in the past.
– LArrowHead
We here at Apex Minecraft Hosting would all like to thank you for your enthralling essays and passion for Minecraft. We look forward to reading next year’s essays to which we are already accepting essays here.
Fourth Annual Scholarship Winner!
Apex Scholarship Winner 2017
2016 Minecraft Scholarship Winner