Starbound Admin Commands
Last modified on Aug 10, 2023 in Starbound
By Dalton Whalen

As you travel the universe in Starbound, there are tons to gather and explore. Eventually, you may find yourself in need of using commands to modify the server. Whether this is to track down troublesome players or to give yourself lost items, there is plenty to try out. In addition to admin commands, there are also a few commands that anyone can use, which can be helpful to toggle PvP, find your location, and more. Learning to access commands can be tedious, but our Apex Hosting panel makes the necessary configurations needed. With this in mind, we have created this tutorial to help you get started.
Becoming an Admin
Before you can access admin commands, you must first set yourself as an admin on the server. For a full guide on how to create user accounts for Starbound, visit our guide here.
- Navigate to the Apex server panel, then stop the server.
- In the left-hand menu, enter the
Config Files
tab, followed byServer Config
. - Within the new editor, scroll down to the following section:
"serverUsers" : { },
- Highlight both lines, then replace it with the following:
"serverUsers" : { "UsernameHere" : { "admin" : false, "password" : "PasswordHere" } },
- Replace
here with your desired information. - Finally, ensure that
is set totrue
, then save and restart the server.
Note: When you go to join your server, you will now need to use the Server Account and Server Password fields. Simply enter the username and password you defined in the config file, then join the server. If you receive an error, ensure you are using the correct information.

Using Commands

Once you spawn in the server, press the “/” key to open the in-game chat, then continue to type out the command you wish to use. To use admin commands, use /admin
, which should provide a message informing you that admin privileges have been provided to you.
Available Commands
There are many commands that are available to the player, most of which are categorized into Player Commands and Admin Commands. Player Commands can be accessed by anyone, while only admins can access the latter.
Player Commands
Command | Description |
/help | Displays a list of commands or provides detailed info on a specific command. |
/reload | Reloads your client-side assets, which can be helpful when testing a mod. |
/whoami | Displays your local username and admin status. |
/serverwhoami | Displays your server username and admin status. |
/whereami | Displays the celestial coordinates for your current location. |
/pvp | Toggles Player Vs. Player for your character. |
/played | The total play time for the current character. |
/deaths | Shows the total amount of deaths on your current character. |
/suicide | Kills the current character, which will act no different from a normal death. |
/naked | Removes all gear, which can be helpful for equipping new items. |
/monochromelighting | Toggles monochrome lighting, which can also be achieved from the options menu. |
Admin Commands
Title | Title |
/bountyhunter | Completes early-game quests and warps the player to prepare them for bounty hunting. |
/warp | Teleports the user to a location on a planet or within an instanced area. |
/timewarp | Modifies the universe time forwards or backwards, which will update day/night cycles. |
/settileprotection | Set protection for a specific dungeonid to make them breakable or unbreakable. |
/setspawnpoint | Sets the default spawn point for all players who beam down to a world. |
/spawnitem | Spawns the specified item to your mouse cursor. |
/spawntreasure | Spawns the items from a specified treasure pool at the mouse cursor. |
/spawnmonster | Spawns a specified monster and level at the mouse cursor. |
/spawnnpc | Spawns an NPC of the specified species and type at the mouse cursor. |
/spawnvehicle | Spawns a specified vehicle to the mouse cursor. |
/spawnstagehand | Spawns a Standhand of the specified type. |
/clearstagehand | Despawns any Stagehands close to the mouse cursor. |
/spawnliquid | Spawns a specified liquid and quantity at the mouse cursor. |
/kick | Kicks a specified player from the server with an optional reason. |
/ban | Bans a character, IP address, or both from joining the server with an optional reason. |
/list | Displays all players currently logged into the server. |
/whereis | Displays the celestial coordinates of the specified player. |
/serverreload | Reloads the server-side assets, may cause lag as they are reparsed. |
/enablespawning | Enables automatic monster spawning on the current world. |
/disablespawning | Disables automatic monster spawning on the current world. |
/placedungeon | Place the specified dungeon into the world at a given location or mouse cursor. |
/setuniverseflag | Sets the current universe flag, triggering associated world changes. |
/resetuniverseflags | Clears all universe flags, but does not directly revert triggered effects. |
/addbiomeregion | Adds a specified biome at the cursor on terrestrial worlds. |
/expandbiomeregion | Expands the biome at the mouse cursor on terrestrial worlds. |
/updateplanettype | Changes the planet type and weather pools of the specified celestial object. |
/setenvironmentbiome | Changes the background parallax of the current layer. Fails terribly on non-terrestrial worlds. |
/setdungeonid | Sets the dungeonid of the tile at the mouse cursor. |
/warprandom | Warps to a random planet of the specified type. |
/unbanip | Removes the specified address from temporary and permanent ban lists. |
Common Issues
Insufficient privileges error:
Oftentimes, this error will appear if you do not have admin access on the server when using admin commands. In order to use these commands, ensure you first execute the /admin command from in-game. If you cannot use /admin, make sure you are logged into a user account with admin privileges set to true.
No such account or incorrect password:
If you are receiving this error when logging in, this often means you are using an incorrect username or password to log in. Return to the Server Config section of the panel, then double check the exact spelling of both the username and password. Once the correct information has been entered, you should be able to log in and play as intended.
Helpful Links
How to Add User Accounts for Starbound
How to Join a Starbound Server
Starbound Guides