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How to Setup Rust RCON

Last modified on May 13, 2022 in Rust

mc head By Dalton Whalen



When owning any Rust server, having console access to see what is occurring is very important, so you can see exactly what players are doing and if any errors are present. With Apex Hosting, we provide a console on our panel that allows you to input console commands, but some players prefer a Remote Console to get more features. With the RustAdmin RCON tool, you are able to view players, access the console, and configure the server from one application. Today we will show you how to get started!


  1. Navigate to your Apex Server Panel, then stop the server.
  2. On the left-hand side, access the “Customizations” tab.
  3. Under “RCON Password”, input a new, secure password.
  4. When complete, return to the main panel page, then start the server.



  1. Navigate to the RustAdmin website.
  2. Press the “RustAdmin Free” button.
  3. Press the “Download” button further down the page.
  4. If a screen opens, press the next “Download” button, then save the .zip file somewhere safe.


Connecting Through Rcon:

  1. Locate the .zip from earlier, then extract it using your preferred unzip tool.
  2. Locate the RustAdmin.exe file, then open it to launch the program.
  3. In the tool, access “Configuration” at the top of the page, then find the “Server” section.
  4. You will need to fill in the details from your server, found on the panel page.
    IP – Your server IP, excluding the port.
    Server port – The 5 digit port at the end of your server IP.
    Rcon port – The same server port as the previous.
    Password – The secure password that you set earlier.

  6. Once entered, press “Save” at the bottom and name the configuration.
  7. You can now go to Server > Connect at the top of the page.

If this is successful, you should see a green “Connected” message at the very bottom of the screen.


Overview of the RustAdmin Tool:

There are quite a few features of the RustAdmin tool, so we will cover some of the important ones.



One of the first changes you may prefer is changing the style of the program if light mode is a bit too much. At the top of the program, click on Style, choose a new color, then restart the program.



In the console tab at the top, there are 3 options that appear to the left. To view the actual console, press the “console” button on the left. You can now send commands using the bottom text windows.



The players tab will allow you to see each of the players who are currently on, or have been on your server. If you connect a Steam API key in configuration, you can receive more data such as total playtime.

Powered users:


The Powered Users section allows you to give players moderator abilities to handle players. You can select permissions for a specific SteamID such as banning, muting, and more.



Where all of the interesting settings can be tweaked. There are many present, so we will cover a few basic ones.

This is used to connect to Rcon specifically. However you can also enable the auto connect boxes to connect to your server upon opening the app.

This can be used for various chat settings in-game, such as getting notified if a player says the word “admin”.

Steam API Key:
This is used to get various player details from people who join. You can find the API key by logging into Steam here.

Accessible on the left-hand side of the Configuration tab, this allows you to set up various anticheat rules to remove troublesome players or those who have a number of bans in the past.


With that, you will now have access to the RustAdmin RCON tool! The free version has a lot of features, so we recommend taking the time to explore them all. If you feel inclined, you are also able to donate to the RustAdmin creators through the application, or subscribe to the RustAdmin ONLINE premium version for features that will benefit large servers. Whether you’re using the RCON tool for monitoring or for configuring some gameplay, it will be heavily beneficial!

Common Issues:

The Rcon program doesn’t connect at all:
If this occurs, it usually means the connection isn’t being made to your server. This can happen for a variety of reasons, but double check that the server is online and that your connection details are correct.

It is connected, but nothing appears:
If you see the Rcon is connected, but the console itself isn’t working, ensure that the Rcon port is set correctly in Configuration. Sometimes if the port is only slightly wrong, it will claim it’s connected, but won’t work fully.

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