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How To Edit Server Config Files

Last modified on Feb 25, 2021 in control panel

mc head By ApexHosting

You can edit server files using either the Config Files option or directly via FTP. The Config Files option allows you to make quick edits to the majority of server configuration files using a simple text based editor and for some of the core configuration files such as the server.properties, you can use a nifty interface.

Editing Minecraft Server Config Files

The Config Files are comprised of any file from your server the panel can read as editable, making it an easy way to quickly configure files without having to access them via FTP.

Though most of the files you encounter are editable, some will not and can only be accessed via FTP. For those you can edit, it will either be done using a text based editor or interface.

  1. To access your config files, select the respective server and navigate over to the left side menu and select Config Files.
  2. You will then be presented with a list of configuration files the panel deems editable.
  3. To edit the file, simply click its Name.
  4. For the majority of files you will be presented with a text based editor while some of the more core files like Server Settings (server.properties) you will have an interface.
  5. Once satisfied, click the save button to commit the changes to the server and then restart it if necessary for them to take effect.


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