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How to Control Warmup in CSGO

Last modified on Sep 2, 2022 in csgo

mc head By Nathan Young


Starting a new match in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive typically has warmups before the game begins. This is used to make sure all players get connected to the match and allows players to practice before the game starts. It usually lasts for 60 seconds, but the time can vary in specific gamemodes such as competitive or casual. For example, a competitive match’s warmup time is 300 seconds and might be frustrating. Controlling the warmup for your CSGO match is how you can forcibly end, start, and customize it. The exact processes to control warmup in CSGO may be confusing, so we created this Apex Hosting guide to walk you through the steps needed to start, end, and customize Counter-Strike’s warmup.

How to End or Start Warmup

When the warmup is enabled, you can either manually end or start it. If you want to start your CSGO match quickly, this is the most common method.

  1. Head to the Apex server panel, and click Console on the left hand menu.
  2. Once on the console page, enter one of the following commands to end or initiate the warmup.
    mp_warmup_end – Forcibly ends the warmup time to start the match.
    mp_warmup_start – Automatically starts the warmup for your match.
    End Command Console
  3. After that, the warmup should be stopped or commenced depending on the command you execute.


Enabling the Console

Using the Developer Console is required for some customizable features. Enabling this will grant server owners a higher level of control over the warmup.

  1. In CSGO’s main menu, locate and press Settings.
  2. After that, click the Game category near the top.
  3. Console Game Settings
  4. In the first section, locate the Enable Developer Console.
  5. Upon finding the setting, select the dropdown option and select Yes.
  6. Console Settings
  7. Now that the console is enabled, you may use the ~ key to open it.

If you need more information about enabling the console, go here.

How to Change Warmup Settings

Starting up every match in your server initiates warmup, which can be disabled. Players and server owners may find it easier to toggle warmup instead of executing a command every match. Other settings such as the number of players required to start the match is also configurable.

Toggling Warmup

You want to make sure that the Developer Console is enabled to execute these commands. The above section covers the steps needed for “Enabling the Console”.

  1. While in your server or match, press the console key to open it up.
  2. In the text box under the console, you can copy and paste either of these commands.
    mp_do_warmup_period 0 – The disabling of warmup in public CSGO matches.
    mp_do_warmup_offline 0 – Disables the warmup in private or bot CSGO matches.
    Toggle Command Console

    The value at the end of each command represents it being enabled or disabled.
    0 – Disable   1 – Enable

  3. After executing one of the commands, the warmup will be adjusted for your match.


How to Change Warmup Player Count

  1. Navigate to the Apex server panel and press Console to the left.
  2. In the text box on the console, you can copy and paste the following command:
    mp_endwarmup_player_count [Amount] – Sets the required amount of players to stop warmup.
    For example, mp_endwarmup_player_count 10 allows ten players to end warmup once connected.

  4. After doing that, you should be all good to go!



Counter-Strike: Global Offensive offers many settings for server control, so learning how to customize your matches helps tailor it to your style. In every game, there is a warmup feature that may disrupt gameplay. Players may find the prolonged wait times irritating, which server owners can resolve through warmup control. It can be done through the Apex server console or the CSGO developer console, so the methods do vary. If you want a fast-paced match with no pauses, then toggling the warmup will make gameplay efficient. Now that you know how to configure the in-game warmup, you can jump right into the action with your Counter-Strike server!

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