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Submitting Tickets

Last modified on Jun 9, 2022 in general

mc head By ApexHosting

To submit a ticket for support with your server or other service related matters simply navigate to the Submit Ticket and log in using your billing account details.

The following page lists several categories for you to choose from, select yours:

Support – For any support requests related to your server or our services as well as general inquiries pertaining to our services.

Sales – For any questions related to billing, payments, or pricing.

Cancellations – For a cancellation request of our services or any other inquiries related to a cancellation.

  1. After making your selection we can then fill out our request by first providing a subject. This should be a clear and concise explanation of our inquiry. I.e if you request to have a world installed we could title it World Installation.
  2. Next, if you have more than one server you can select which server the request is in relation to using Related Services. This option is more so for those with 2 or more servers; selecting the one you are referring to will save time when processing your request and ensure no accidental changes are made to another server.
  3. Now most importantly we provide information for our message that is relevant to the subject at hand, in this case, the installation of a world. I.e: “I would like to have the following world installed onto my server. http://somerandomworldlink.com


Once you have filled out all the necessary information, click submit. Your request will then be processed in the order it was received and completed as soon as possible.

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