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Lunar Client for Minecraft

Last modified on Sep 8, 2022 in Mods

mc head By Dalton Whalen



Oh, the beauty of 3rd party launchers. Ever since who knows when, Minecrafters have been using 3rd party launchers to play their favorite block game with extra features, better optimization, more settings, and much more. But why should you use a 3rd party client, and what does it really have over Vanilla, specifically? Today, we’re going to be going over one of these most popular 3rd party launchers surrounding PvP based gameplay and character customization, Lunar Client. Let’s begin.


Lunar what?:

What exactly is Lunar Client? Lunar Client, as described by its website, is a modpack for Minecraft 1.7, 1.8, 1.12, 1.15, and 1.16. It will most likely be ported to 1.17 as well. Offering countless features such as boosted framerates, cosmetics, optimizations, and more. Lunar Client is available on all operating systems (besides Chromebooks) along with being completely free. Let’s go over specifics on what Lunar Client offers.

  • Higher frame rates (in some cases, double!)
  • Client is usable on any server and is not considered cheating
  • Multiple mods based around efficiency and functionality (keystrokes, CPS counter, custom crosshair, cosmetics, auto gg)
  • Better UI (overall navigation of installations and server browsers)

Lunar Client also claims that all of its users experienced more matches on Tinder, however, there is no citation or evidence of this claim. Further investigation will be needed.

So, Lunar Client is essentially a better way to play Minecraft, assuming that you will actually use all of its features and included mechanics. I do recommend it for any of you that want to PvP seriously, as the mods it includes are genuinely awesome. Better performance also doesn’t hurt.



  1. Download install Lunar Client on the official website.
  2. Run the installer.
  3. Accept the terms and conditions, then wait.
  4. Profit!!!


The Launcher and its features:

Lunar Client is incredibly easy and simple to use. Compared to the Vanilla Minecraft launcher, it has a bunch of extra features and tabs tailored to the PvP community. On top of this, the presentation of the client is a sleek and minimalistic design that caters to those who appreciate easy access to necessary information and settings. Let’s go over each part and how it can best suit your needs.


Lunar Home

The Home of the launcher has a slew of instant access features that are very simple, but don’t have too much explanation. The main ‘Launch’ button obviously launches your game, but it also has an arrow that you can click on similar to the Vanilla launcher which is used to launch different versions of the game. Lunar Client only allows 1,7, 1.8, 1.12, 1.15, and 1.16.

In the middle of the screen, there are different emblems which represent popular PvP servers which can be automatically joined by clicking on them. The client will automatically download the necessary resources, and skip the main menu screen of Minecraft, putting you straight into the server. If you want to play on your favorite server as fast as possible, this is a very cool feature.

Lastly, on the bottom half of the Home page you are shown a feed of all the recent news posts from Lunar Client. This can include patch notes, updates, announcements, or just fun stuff.


The Servers tab is just an advanced version of the minimalistic server emblems from the Home page. It includes a small list of the most popular PvP servers, their IPs, playercounts, region, and gamemodes. You can then click on them to automatically play on that server.

Lunar Servers

Sadly, it doesn’t seem like there is any way to add your own server list to the launcher. You’ll still have your normal server list in Minecraft, but it would have been cool to be able to join any server you want from the client itself.


The Settings tab allows you to change all the settings that the normal Vanilla launcher can and then some. It even has a much more sleek and accessible design. With this, you can change how much ram you allocate to the game along with the resolution you play at. The Vanilla launcher can also do this, but it requires some fiddling around and file digging, which just is not enjoyable.

Lunar Settings

You can also change the launch directory in case if your Minecraft instance changes location. On top of this, you can choose if the launcher stays open or not after Minecraft opens, saving you even more FPS or just following your preferences.


The About tab is just an explanation of what Lunar Client, how it works, and who works on it. This page will provide you with the terms of service, your launcher version, and quick access to the Logs folder which can be really helpful!

About Lunar

This tab also has links to the Support area, an FaQ, and the official website.


That’s all I got for you today! Lunar Client is a pretty cool third party launcher, and a great alternative to Badlion Client. Tons of people appreciate the features and mechanics that are included in the client, as it is made by PvP players for PvP players. If you are a Skywars kiddie, I highly recommend this. With that said, I hope this guide helped you learn a thing or two, and have a great day!

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