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How to Manually Reset a Rust Server World

Last modified on Sep 2, 2022 in rust

mc head By Dalton Whalen


After playing on a Rust server for long enough, you may find the gameplay becomes monotonous as you collect the most powerful items and have the largest base. When this occurs, you may begin to desire a fresh start and return to the start of the world. In this case, resetting your Rust world will achieve this goal and force players to begin the journey to the top once again. Manually resetting a Rust server world can be confusing, so we have created this Apex Hosting guide to ease you through the steps.

How to Delete Player data

In some cases, you may want to remove player data specifically and keep the world intact. By removing player data, you will reset unlocked blueprints, inventory, positions in the world, and more.

  1. Navigate to the Apex Server Panel, then stop the server.
  2. Proceed to the FTP File Access on the left-hand side, then log in.
  3. Access the server folder, followed by your active world folder.
    Rust Reset World
  4. In this folder, remove all .db files that start with player.
    Rust Reset Players


How to Delete World Data

In other cases, you may find yourself in need of resetting the world itself. This is beneficial for removing all player-made structures and changes to the world itself.

  1. Navigate to the Apex Server Panel, then stop the server.
  2. Proceed to the FTP File Access on the left-hand side, then log in.
  3. Access the server folder, followed by your active world folder.
  4. Locate and delete the .map folder in this location.
    Rust Reset Map

If you wish to reset both player and world data, simply perform both of the above instructions. Once your steps are complete, return to the main panel page and restart the server for the changes to take effect.


Common Issues

The world did not reset:
Oftentimes, this occurs when the files were not properly deleted. First, ensure that the server is offline, then return and delete the .map folder once again. If you want the world to generate with a new seed, make sure to set a custom seed in the Customizations tab before restarting to generate a new map.

Players still have some of their items after resetting playerdata:
This often occurs when only the player data is reset. Since it only deletes inventory, any stored items or weapons will still be accessible to players from their placed storage. The only way to ensure that the stored items are also deleted is to reset the world, as all player-made structures are removed during that process.

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