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Posted: Feb 25, 2023 in Minecraft
By Nathan Young
Any player in Minecraft knows that details are important, especially for builders. Some of these subtle features can truly make the game feel alive, which brings us to our main focus: campfires. Finding yourself in the deep despair of a rainy night can be rough for anyone, even for the toughest of players. Luckily, using a campfire to lighten up the surroundings and providing a welcoming atmosphere can lessen the world’s spookiness. Besides this, it can serve as a way to cook your unprepared food to satisfy your raging hunger. There are other possibilities for campfires, including making chimneys or even a stove in your kitchen. Due to the simplistic, yet complex nature of this material, we’ll discuss everything about them. Let’s get started!
First things first, a campfire needs specific resources to be crafted. Within your world, locate and collect the following: 3x Sticks, 1x Coal, and 3x Wood Logs. After obtaining these ingredients, open your workbench and place the wood blocks at the bottom, the coal in its center slot, then surround it with sticks. This will return a campfire for you to grab and use! However, feel free to switch out the piece of coal with Soul Sand to create a blue flame instead of classic fiery colors. It depends on your preference though, especially if you’re intending to add details in your structures with campfires.
You’ve crafted a campfire, wonderful! Now it’s time to begin using it in your world. If you’re wanting to cook some fish or something similar, then simply right-click
on the fire while holding the item. This will place it down besides the wood to be thoroughly cooked and ready for consumption. Hang on a moment, it’ll take some time for the food to be prepared. Once everything is set, the item will leap out of the campfire onto the ground for you to pick up. Don’t worry, there’s other uses for this if you hate cooking.
If you’re wanting to see more smoke, then replace the bottom block underneath the campfire with Hay Bale. This, for whatever reason, will increase the fumes generated by the fire. It’ll come in handy if you’re trying to keep track of your base, as the height of its smoke is like a skyscraper. Otherwise, using it for a chimney in your house is also an option. The hay doesn’t have degeneration, so don’t stress about how much wheat you have available. Then again, this item can widely be grown in your world, so it shouldn’t be an issue to stock up a little bit.
Taking everything we’ve discussed above, you can begin making some really fascinating builds with campfires. For instance, you can extinguish its fire with water to use for a food shelf. Some insightful players may use pistons to rearrange blocks for a stove in their base. There are many different designs and elements you can try out with campfires, so the best advice anyone can give is…get creative! Otherwise, simply use it for its basic functionality like a normie.
There you have it, campfires in Minecraft! These wonderful blocks can add so much detail in your world, if used correctly. Although, the entire game’s premise is using your imagination to create awesome builds. With this in mind, use a campfire for anything you want. Whether you’re making a detailed house or simply cooking food as you hunt for fish, the possibilities are endless. We hope this blog helped you learn a little more about campfires in Minecraft. Have a good one, gamers!