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How to Join a Valheim Server

Last modified on Aug 10, 2023 in valheim

mc head By Dalton Whalen


Valheim is a survival-exploration game set in a procedurally generated Norse mythology world. You can craft weapons, construct bases, and slay the foes that oppose you. Whether you play by yourself or up to 9 other players, the dangerous world is eager to challenge you. From small enemies to epic boss fights, you will need to gear up and prepare yourself for this brutal survival world. Joining a Valheim server can be a bit confusing to those who are new to the game, so we have created this Apex Hosting guide to ease you through the process.

Joining with an IP

  1. Navigate to the Apex Server Panel and log in.
  2. Scroll down to the IP Address:Port section and copy the IP address.
    Valheim Join Panel
  3. Launch Valheim, then select Start Game.
  4. Create or select a character, then press Start.
  5. Navigate to the Join Game section, then press Join IP.
    Join IP
  6. Enter the copied IP address from earlier and press Connect.
    Join IP


Joining through Community Browser

  1. Launch Valheim, then select Start Game.
  2. Create or select a character, then press Start.
  3. Navigate to the Join Game section, then ensure you select Community.
  4. Click the desired server in the community section, then press Connect.


Common Issues

I receive a Failed to Connect error:
Oftentimes, this means that the game client is unable to reach the server. To remedy this, we recommend restarting the server to ensure it is properly online. After a minute or two, try to join once more. If issues are still occurring, try to copy the IP address directly from the panel and paste it in.

The server asks for a password:
Generally, all community-based servers require a password in order to join. However if you are asked for a password on your own server, it will need to be removed. To do this, navigate to the Apex Server panel. Proceed to the Customizations tab and ensure the password is blank. Once it is, restart the server and try to join again.

Start Your Valheim Server

Get started with your own valheim server in 5 min and start trying out these great features.