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How To Ban and Unban Players

Last modified on Dec 2, 2024 in control panel

mc head By ApexHosting

As an administrator or OP of your server you must manage all of the banned players. This is different than using a whitelist as a banned player will never have access to the server. We recommend that you use this only in the event of someone that you are sure you do not want on the server anymore.

As a server owner you will be faced with the task of managing your player base to ensure stable game play for the rest of your community. So in the event a player acts unruly, you can take swift action by issuing a ban on them. With console access or op ingame you can ban and unban players through the use of the ban and pardon commands.

Understanding the difference

When banning a player you have a couple options. You can either ban based on the name or IP of the player.

Player based bans are effective at preventing the respective player (the Minecraft account) from accessing the server, but does not stop the user (the physical person) from accessing it with an alternative account.

IP based bans will ban the user based on the player’s last known IP. This is effective at preventing alternative accounts from joining the server but fails if the user is using a dynamic IP.

With this in mind, it’s best to ban using both methods.

Player Ban

To ban a player from the console, enter in ban player, replacing player with the name of the player you wish to ban. With OP, enter in /ban player, replacing player with the name of the player you wish to ban.

#In Game Admin Command
/ban AshKetchum

#In Control Panel Console Command
ban AshKetchum


IP Ban

To ip ban a player from the console, enter in ban-ip player, replacing player with the name of the player you wish to ban based on their last known IP. With OP, enter in /ban-ip player, replacing player with the name of the player you wish to ban based on their last known IP.

#In Game Admin Command
/ban-ip AshKetchum

#In Control Panel Console Command
ban-ip AshKetchum


View Ban List

Player Bans

To view the player ban list from the console, type in banlist players.If you are in game with OP, type in /banlist players.

#In Game Admin Command
/banlist players

#In Control Panel Console Command
banlist players


IP Bans

To view the player ban list from the console, type in banlist ips. If you are in game with OP, type in /banlist ips.

#In Game Admin Command
/banlist ips

#In Control Panel Console Command
banlist ips



To unban a player you can use the pardon command either on the console or ingame.

To unban based on a player’s name, enter in the pardon command

#In Game Admin Command
/pardon AskKetchum

#In Control Panel Console Command
pardon AskKetchum


To unban based on a players IP, enter in pardon-ip

#In Game Admin Command
/pardon-ip AskKetchum

#In Control Panel Console Command
pardon-ip AskKetchum


In both cases the pardon will remove the player and or their IP from the banlist when used.

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