Minecraft Gamerules
Last modified on Jul 26, 2022 in General
By Dalton Whalen
In Minecraft, there are many features that occur in the background. Some of these features, named game rules, can be toggled or changed. This can create eternal day, remove any item drops, and many many more. Whether they are used to add increased difficulty or ease to a survival world, or to make an adventure map more logical, there is a lot of variety that is available with these. There are plenty of game rules, but some are only available on certain platforms. Here at Apex Hosting, we have put together a list of game rules to check.
Available Game Rules:
All Minecraft game rules are formatted as /gamerule [Game Rule Name] [Value]
E.g. /gamerule announceAdvancements false
Gamerule | Description | Default Value | Java | Bedrock |
announceAdvancements | Whether or not advancements are announced in chat. | True | Yes | No |
commandBlockOutput | Whether command blocks notify admins when performing a command. | True | Yes | Yes |
commandBlocksEnabled | Whether or not command blocks are enabled in-game. | True | No | Yes |
disableElytraMovementCheck | Whether the server should skip checking player speed when a player is wearing an elytra. | False | Yes | No |
disableRaids | Whether or not raids are disabled. | False | Yes | No |
doDaylightCycle | Whether the day/night cycle moves forward. | True | Yes | Yes |
doEntityDrops | Whether entities other than mobs have drops. | True | Yes | Yes |
doFireTick | Whether fire will naturally spread and extinguish. | True | Yes | Yes |
doInsomnia | Whether phantoms will spawn. | True | Yes | Yes |
doImmediateRespawn | Players respawn immediately without a death screen. | False | Yes | Yes |
doLimitedCrafting | Whether players can only craft items when they have the unlocked recipe. | False | Yes | No |
doMobLoot | Whether or not mobs will drop items. | True | Yes | Yes |
doMobSpawning | Decides whether mobs will naturally spawn, not including monster spawners. | True | Yes | Yes |
doPatrolSpawning | Whether or not patrols can spawn. | True | Yes | No |
doTileDrops | Controls if blocks have drops. | True | Yes | Yes |
doTraderSpawning | Whether or not wandering traders will spawn. | True | Yes | No |
doWeatherCycle | Whether the weather cycle will change naturally. | True | Yes | Yes |
drowningDamage | Enables or disables drowning damage. | True | Yes | Yes |
fallDamage | Enables or disables fall damage. | True | Yes | Yes |
fireDamage | Enables or disables fire damage. | True | Yes | Yes |
forgiveDeadPlayers | Will stop angered mobs from being hostile when the target dies. | True | Yes | Yes |
freezeDamage | Enables or disables freezing damage from powder snow. | True | Yes | Yes |
functionCommandLimit | The maximum commands that can be executed through the “/function” command. | 10000 | No | Yes |
keepInventory | Whether or not players will keep their items and experience upon death. | False | Yes | Yes |
logAdminCommands | Controls whether admin commands are logged to the server. | True | Yes | No |
maxCommandChainLength | Maximum length of a command chain that can be executed in one tick. | 65536 | Yes | Yes |
maxEntityCramming | The max number of entities that can be crammed in a space before taking suffocation damage. | 24 | Yes | No |
mobGriefing | Whether mobs are able to change blocks and pick up items. This includes villager items and bartering. | True | Yes | Yes |
naturalRegeneration | Whether the player can naturally regenerate health without the use of items. | True | Yes | Yes |
playersSleepingPercentage | How many players are required to sleep through the night. | 100 | Yes | No |
pvp | Whether or not player vs. player is active. | True | No | Yes |
randomTickSpeed | How often a random block tick occurs, affecting growth and decay. 0 will disable the random ticks. | 3 (JE) 1 (BE) | Yes | Yes |
reducedDebugInfo | Whether or not the F3 menu, hitboxes, and chunk boundaries are shown. | False | Yes | No |
respawnblocksexplode | Prevents beds/respawn anchors from exploding in alternate dimensions. | True | No | Yes |
sendCommandFeedback | Whether player-executed commands appear in the chat. This also affects the command block output bar. | True | Yes | Yes |
showCoordinates | Whether or not the player’s coordinates are displayed. | True | No | Yes |
showDeathMessages | Whether player death messages are put into chat. This also affects pet death messages. | True | Yes | Yes |
showTags | Hides the “Can place on”, “Can destroy”, and lock information on an item. | True | No | Yes |
spawnRadius | The number of blocks away from the world spawn coordinate that a player will spawn at. | 10 (JE) 5 (BE) | Yes | Yes |
spectatorsGenerateChunks | Whether or not players in spectator mode can generate chunks when moving. | True | Yes | No |
tntExplodes | Whether or not TNT will explode. | True | No | Yes |
universalAnger | Controls if angered neutral mobs will attack any nearby player, rather than just the one who attacked it. | False | Yes | No |
With that, you now have access to all available game rules that are currently available in Minecraft. Whether you’re disabling command block output for a map or simply removing features to make it more difficult, you will have full access to control these any time in-game or through the server console. Use this power responsibly and remember to have fun!