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User Page Overview

Last modified on Feb 25, 2021 in control panel

mc head By ApexHosting

If you have a server and want to give others access to manage it without giving out your personal account details, you can assign their account access through the Users management page.

Users are registered control panel accounts that can be given access to any server within our panel depending on their role. If the user does not exist, they will need to create an account on the game panel here.

Granting Server Access

Select to the respective server in which you want to give access to, then from the servers detail page navigate to the Users option on the left side menu.

The following page list all current users with access to your server. Your first entry being yourself with the role of Owner. To add a new user navigate to the Username input box and enter the name of the registered account you want to add. If the name you enter does not appear as a result then that user does not exist or you misspelled the name. If the name does not exist, have your friend create an account on the game panel here.

When the name shows you will have a couple of options for that user. You can either assign them FTP access or give them a panel role. FTP access lets them access the server files with either read access or full access (read and write). Roles give added privileges from the panel and are as followed:

Can see basic information about a server like online status and number of players.

Can use chat, view available commands and use certain cheat functionality if enabled by the server owner

Can start servers, use the “admin say” command, see the server console, summon/kick/tp players, use the “give” command and download backups

Super Moderator
Can issue server commands, stop/restart the server and start backups

Has full control over all server functions such as managing players, editing configs, etc.

Can assign FTP access to other users. This role along with assigning “Full FTP Access” should be reserved for trusted individuals only.

Once you make the changes it will take effect immediately.

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