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Posted: Feb 24, 2021 in Minecraft
Ever since 1.13, the Trident has been an awesome yet rare weapon for us Minecrafters. With no crafting recipe and no way to repair them, they’re more of a novelty than a real choice of fighting power. They do, however, have some cool unique enchantments, of which can be confusing to the untrained eye. Today, we’ll be looking at one of these enchantments, the power of Thor, also known as Channeling. Let us begin.
Ever since 1.13, the Trident has been an awesome yet rare weapon for us Minecrafters. With no crafting recipe and no way to repair them, they’re more of a novelty than a real choice of fighting power. They do, however, have some cool unique enchantments, of which can be confusing to the untrained eye. Today, we’ll be looking at one of these enchantments, the power of Thor, also known as Channeling. Let us begin.
Channeling is an enchantment unique to Tridents that allow you to summon lightning whenever you chuck a Trident and it lands on a mob. The lightning can only be summoned during thunderstorms and when the Trident strikes the mob. The mob must be exposed to open sky in order for the enchantment to work.
The only incompatibility with Channeling is that the Trident cannot be enchanted with Riptide and Channeling at the same time. They are mutually exclusive.
In the upcoming Caves and Cliffs update you will be able to use Channeling on Lighting Rods. Why you would want to do this, I am unaware.
Channeling does have certain situations and limitations where it will not function. If a mob is in water, lava, or cobwebs, lightning will not be summoned. If the mob is on snow, soul sand, honeyblocks, in a minecraft, or in a boat, lightning will also not be summoned. Don’t ask me, bro.
There are three ways you can obtain Channeling. (besides commands) You can enchant a Trident in an Enchanting Table, find an enchanted book, or a villager that is willing to trade it. The Enchanting Table will be your best bet, as you can keep rolling until you get it, instead of just looting chests and villages, as the chances of finding a book or villager willing to trade it are extremely low. If you do happen to find a book with the enchantment, just use an anvil to apply the book to Trident.
So, that’s all there is to know about Channeling! One of the more strange yet powerful enchantments, blessing you with the authority of the almighty Thor. It is awesome however, to be able to create Charged Creepers at will. I hope this guide helped you in some way, and maybe taught you something new. With that said, have a great day.