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How to Set a Password on a Terraria Server

Last modified on Sep 2, 2022 in terraria

mc head By Dalton Whalen


When playing a Terraria server, you may find yourself in need of restricted player access. This can be used to ensure only your invited players can join, temporarily prevent other players from joining, and more. Luckily, all Terraria dedicated servers come with the ability to change the server password, so only players with the password are able to join. Locating the password configuration can be a bit confusing, so we have created this Apex Hosting guide to ease you through the process.

Setting a Server Password

  1. Navigate to your Apex Server Panel, then stop the server.
  2. Navigate to the Customizations tab on the left-hand side.
    Terraria Password Custom
  3. Locate the Server Password text field.
  4. Change the password to whatever you desire.
    Terraria Password Field
  5. Once complete, return to the main panel page and start the server.

The Terraria server should now start up with your chosen password!

Common Issues

Players can still join:
There are a few reasons that this may occur. Firstly, return to the Customizations tab and ensure that the password is correctly entered. If the password is set, return to the main panel page and restart the server once more. This should ensure the server starts up with the password for use.

I am unable to join with my chosen password:
If the server asks you for a password when joining but it isn’t working, try to set the password to something else. We recommend trying to generate a password without any spaces, as they may cause issues. Once you have created a new password without any spaces, restart the server and try again.

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