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How to Join a Satisfactory Server

Last modified on Sep 2, 2022 in satisfactory

mc head By Dalton Whalen


Satisfactory is a first-person factory building game that places you on an alien planet in order to gain resources and create a variety of parts. From exploring spider-infested caves to deserts filled with fireball-spitters, the creatures and items are yours to exploit. Build massive factories that span across waters and high in the sky using conveyor belts, trucks, trains, and even drones for item transport. With dedicated Satisfactory servers, team up with other players in order to create the largest factories and harvest the world that is rightfully yours. Joining a Satisfactory server can be confusing for unfamiliar players, so we have created this Apex Hosting guide to ease you through the setup process.

Obtaining the Connection Address

  1. Navigate to the Apex Server Panel, then log in.
  2. Scroll down to the IP Address:Port section.
    IP Address
  3. Copy the full IP:Port number from the panel and paste it somewhere safe.
  4. Separate the IP and Port based on the location of the colon.
  5. e.g. 111.222.333:12345 is

    IP: 111.222.333
    Port: 12345

  6. Once the IP and 5-digit port are separated, you are ready to proceed.


Joining a Satisfactory Server

  1. Launch Satisfactory and proceed to the main menu.
  2. Open the Server Manager menu, then press Add Server.
    Add Server
  3. Enter the server IP address before the colon in the top text field.
  4. In the Port text field, enter the 5-digit port after the colon, then press Confirm.
  5. You can now press Join Game to join the existing server.


First-Time Setup

If the server has not been joined before, you will be asked to claim it and perform the first time setup.

  1. When prompted, enter the desired server name.
    Join name
  2. Next, entire and confirm the password for any admin users.
    Admin Pass
  3. Afterwards, select your desired starting area from the available 4 locations.
  4. Then, enter a session name and optionally check the Join box.
  5. Finally, press Create Game to generate the server world.
  6. You can now press Join Game to join the existing server.


Common Issues

That address does not seem to be valid error:
When this occurs, it often means that the entered address does not work and the server cannot be reached. Ensure the server is online at the time of entering the IP to prevent this issue from occurring. Additionally, ensure that the IP address and port are entered in their respective fields, otherwise they will not work.

Your connection to the host has been lost error:
This error often means there are some form of connection issues when connecting to the server. There are many reasons why this can occur, but first ensure that the server is fully online and loaded up before joining. Additionally, if you are running any mods on singleplayer, attempt to disable them before joining, as they can prevent you from joining servers.

This server appears to be offline error:
When this error occurs, it often means that the server was previously online and functional, but it is currently offline. Oftentimes, this means that the server has just restarted or may be in the process of starting up. To ensure it is started, visit the Apex Server Panel, then start the user using the power options. Within a few minutes depending on the world size, you should be able to join once again.

Helpful Links

Apex Server Panel
Satisfactory Steam Page

Start Your Satisfactory Server

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