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Enabling Cheats on your Unturned Server

Last modified on Sep 2, 2022 in unturned

mc head By Dalton Whalen


When playing Unturned, you may eventually grow bored of normal survival gameplay and wish to have more freedom. Luckily, Unturned comes with several commands to adjust the gameplay through adjusting the settings and giving items. Whether you spawn in vehicles for yourself, give yourself new items to try out, and more, all of this is possible through cheat commands. Enabling Unturned cheats can be confusing if you are unfamiliar with the instructions, so we have created this Apex Hosting guide to ease you through the configuration process.

Changing the Config File

  1. Navigate to your Apex Server Panel, then stop the server.
  2. Proceed to Config Files on the left.
    Unturned Cheat Configs
  3. Locate and open the Commands.dat file.
    Unturned Cheat Commands
  4. On a blank line, add the following:
    Cheats Enabled

  5. Once complete, save the file, then restart when prompted.
    Unturned Cheat Enabled

Your server should now boot up with cheats enabled!

Common Issues

I can’t use any commands in-game:
If this occurs, it usually means that your account is not set to admin within the game. To solve this, navigate to SteamID I/O and search for your Steam account. Once found, copy the SteamID64 number, then return to the Commands.dat file. On a blank line, add “owner ###” and replace the ### with your ID number. Once complete, save, and restart once more.

I can use some commands, but the cheats aren’t working:
Oftentimes, if this occurs it means the Commands.dat is not set properly. Return to the Commands.dat file once more and check if the Cheats Enabled line is present. If not, add it back, case sensitive, then save and restart once more. After you confirm it is there and restart the server, the cheats should now be working.

Start Your Unturned Server

Get started with your own unturned server in 5 min and start trying out these great features.