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YUNG’s Better Ocean Monuments

Last modified on Jun 24, 2024 in Mods

mc head By Nathan Young

Those who enjoy sailing on the oceans in Minecraft may want to amplify their experience. This can take many forms, with mods being a popular method for players. One such is YUNG’s Better Ocean Monuments for Forge or Fabric, allowing a brand new monument to be generated in the world. This structure is extremely large and worth your effort, as there is much to loot. Examples include gold blocks, tridents, and more! If the Minecraft Vanilla ocean monuments are too small or aren’t enough for you, then consider setting up this mod on your own dedicated server to play with friends. Players will always encounter an amplified version of this structure, resulting in an improved gameplay experience. In this Apex Hosting guide, we’ll begin to learn how to install YUNG’s Better Ocean Monuments mod for Minecraft Forge or Fabric to kickstart your adventure.

How to Download

  1. Go to Forge or Fabric versions of YUNG’s Better Ocean Monuments, then click Files.
    YUNG's Better Ocean Monument CurseForge
  2. Locate your desired Game Version and press the three vertical dots on the right.
  3. Proceed to click Download File, then save it on your desktop for later.
    Yung's Better Ocean Monument Download


Required Dependencies

Repeat the above steps with the following mods, according to your version.


Client Installation

Supporting mods in Minecraft requires you to install Forge or Fabric, depending on your desired setup. Once you’ve done this, YUNG’s Better Ocean Monuments will become available to explore. The following instructions will show you how to install this mod in Minecraft.

  1. Open your Minecraft launcher, then click the Folder icon for your modded profile.
    Minecraft Forge
  2. Locate the mods directory and move all downloaded files into this area.
    Minecraft Mods Folder

    *If you don’t have this folder, create it before adding the files inside.

  3. Return to the launcher, then click Play on your modded profile to load it up.


Server Setup

Those who seek to play with friends on their modded Minecraft server will need to purchase one if you haven’t already. Afterward, you can easily change the Game File to Forge or Fabric – depending on your setup to support the YUNG’s Better Ocean Monuments mod. The following instructions show you how to install this on your Minecraft server.

  1. Head towards your Apex server panel, then click FTP File Access near the top.
    Minecraft FTP Server
  2. Login with your credentials and enter the mods directory from the list.
    Minecraft Mods Server Folder
  3. Continue to click Upload, then drag and drop the files accordingly.
    YUNG's Better Ocean Monument Server
  4. Wait for these files to reach 100%, then generate a new world from the main panel.
  5. Once that’s completed, join the server to confirm everything works.


Mod Showcase

YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments

Exploring the oceans on your own Minecraft server opens the door of possibilities with the YUNG’s Better Ocean Monuments mod for Forge or Fabric. The only downside is that this structure is extremely challenging to find without cheats or operator permissions. Unfortunately, this cannot be changed – meaning you and others must find it in-game. Rather than searching for hours, using the /locate command with correct permissions is another method. Regardless of how you discover this new and improved ocean monument in Minecraft, there are many features to keep in mind.

Larger Monument Design

One of the many aspects of the YUNG’s Better Ocean Monuments mod for Forge or Fabric is the size of its amplified structure. When players encounter such a behemoth, they’ll be shocked! There are many entrances into the monument, with a wide variety of features surrounding them. There are sea lantern posts leading players to the main entry, with an assortment of guardians swimming around. Avoid getting damaged by these hostile mobs, as they pack a punch.

Larger Monument Design


New Monument Rooms

New Monument Rooms

While inside of the new monument structure in Minecraft, there will be an endless amount of rooms – well not infinite. These range from small to large rooms, with entries leading to other areas. One such example is finding drip stone hanging from the ceiling and growing from the ground. It’s easy to get lost in this monument, so make sure to navigate properly. Otherwise, you might succumb to the guardians and/or lose too much air.

Other locations inside of the monument include large structures with its center offering players a trident. Alternatively, there might be an elder guardian instead. Swarms of these creatures will roam these rooms, especially when you’re deep inside of the buildings. Mining might be impossible due to the guardian’s effect, so ensure you know where the exit is to escape death. Beyond this, you and other players alike will find different rooms full of sponges and more.

New Monument Rooms


Extra Monument Mobs

Extra Monument Mobs

As previously mentioned above, there are tons of guardians in these monuments. This is amplified with the YUNG’s Better Ocean Monument mod, as the structure is 3x larger! In other words, almost everywhere you swim inside or outside, there will be swarms of guardians that will hunt you down. Rest assured, there is still a normal amount of elder guardians in these monuments. However, reaching them is a challenge due to the number of other mobs in the area.


Better Monument Loot

In some of the rooms found in ocean monuments, there will be hidden gold blocks behind certain blocks. Reaching them requires the mining fatigue effect to be removed, which is possible by slaying the elder guardians. Doing this is your best bet to loot the monument, but can take time – so grab friends along the way! Additionally, nearby wet sponges can be found too. These blocks are exclusively found here, so grab them while you can.

Better Monument Loot


Modded Minecraft Server Hosting

Hosting your own Minecraft Forge or Fabric servers opens the door for all sorts of new features. One of them is YUNG’s Better Ocean Monuments, improving these mysterious structures for players. Getting friends to begin searching for these and looting them is an adventure unlike any other! You must manage your air and strategically slay the elder guardian to begin mining for gold. However, there are other items too – such as tridents, sponges, and even heart of the seas. Start today and embark on this oceanic journey on your own modded Minecraft server!

FAQ – YUNG’s Better Ocean Monuments

What versions are for YUNG’s Better Mineshafts?

This mod is available for both Forge and Fabric 1.18.2 to 1.20.4, with planned updates ahead.

Are there dependencies for YUNG’s Better Mineshafts?

Yes! Forge versions require the YUNG’s API mod, while Fabric needs YUNG’s API, Fabric API, and Cloth Config API. Without installing these dependencies, finding improved ocean monuments is impossible in Minecraft.

Why can’t I find any new mineshafts from the mod?

This problem can be solved by generating a new world or exploring far enough to load newer chunks. New maps are the easiest way to get started, but searching far and wide is also possible.

Useful Links

YUNG’s Better Ocean Monuments for Forge
YUNG’s Better Ocean Monuments for Fabric
How to Install Forge on Minecraft
How to Install Fabric on Minecraft

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