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What Is The Knowledgebase

Last modified on Aug 4, 2021 in general

mc head By ApexHosting

Access Knowledgebase From Support Page

Here at Apex Minecraft Hosting, we firmly believe that customer support is one of the most important aspects of Minecraft server hosting. We stand by this belief by providing you the most relevant, up to date, and concise information which you can access from our Knowledgebase.

Our Knowledgebase offers the official word on various tutorials for managing your server all conveniently located under one page. You can access our Knowledgebase by navigating to our support page. From the following page, you can then browse or search for a tutorial using keywords. Once selected you will be given a video and text based guide for the respective topic.

Access Knowledgebase From Panel

In addition to accessing our Knowledgebase from the support page, you can also access it when logged into the control panel. Once logged in, the Knowledgebase content can be located on the left side menu. Now the difference here compared to the support page is that the content shown is relative to the area of the panel you are at. For example, when you first log in you are directed to the panel dashboard. On the left side menu you will see thumbnails for tutorials relative to the dashboard like Getting Started, Managing Your Server or How to Request Support. You can click these thumbnails for a quick video guide on the respective subject. With this approach, you have effortless access to the content you need for the given task so you can get back to what’s important.

But just in case your have trouble finding what you’re looking for, you can search our Knowledgebase directly from the panel via the input along the top navigation bar. When you enter in a search, its best to use keywords like plugin, world, or server. If you get any results, a thumbnail similar to what we saw on the left side menu will be presented with a video guide.

If a tutorial doesn’t exist for what you need please feel free to contact support and will help you out.

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