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Posted: Nov 26, 2021 in Company News
By Noah
Greetings and welcome to the weekly news digest! Why don’t we just jump right in and talk a bit about the Minecraft 1.18 update. With Mojang Studios working countless hours to prepare the newest update, we are closing in on the official release in just 4 days, the excitement is surely building upon all of us. In the meantime, the team has pushed out the Minecraft: Java Edition 1.18 Pre-Release 8 with the purpose of resolving a few bugs and polishing up some of the major content.
In other news, Hytale Studios has provided us with a new update to the current development progress in Hytale. While they did not provide us with any official release date for the game, they did cover some great insight into the direction they are heading. To summarize it for you folk reading this article, we got some sneak peaks into a bit of the combat system, information about modding, new lands, and cross-compatibility. If you are as excited for this game as I am, give the full article a read here.
Ricky – Ricky just ordered a new guitar. I don’t know about you, but I am pumped to see it!
Daniel – Dian just beat Pokemon Brilliant Diamond.
Santiago – Santiago got Ring Fit Adventure and it was pretty fun.
Antonio – Antonio has been re-watching Breaking Bad. Been there, done that.
Elias – Elias has been binge watching Betty La Fea on Netflix
Seth – The big man himself got engaged! Congrats Seth, and best of luck!!
Tom – Tom had his booster shot this week and it had him feeling not too great. But that’s okay, because he was able to get his wedding venue booked!
Matt – Matt has been playing a lot of Pokemon Shining Pearl. They are also working on improving one of their other PC builds.
Aaron – Aaron has just about completed Pokemon Pearl on DS.
Well, that’s all folks! 1.18 is just a few steps away and we will all finally be able to enjoy the product of Mojangs hard work. I am also very excited that Hytale finally posted an update as I am super pumped to try the game out. With that being said, I hope all of you had a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving and make sure to check out our Cyber Weekend Sale!