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Posted: May 21, 2021 in Company News
By Kevin Lott
Hello everyone, and welcome to another great week of news from your boy Dave. Mojang brings forth yet another snapshot in the form of snapshot 21w19a. The snapshot has focused on mainly technical changes.
Candles, Bundles, and Sculk Sensors are now accessible, but only by commands. This is due to the quality not being at the level they find acceptable. Anvil names have been extended from 35 characters to 50. Geodes are significantly rarer. Minecraft’s Java version has been updated to Java 16. Some block tags have been added and the /item command syntax has been changed. This on top of dozens of bugs being fixed concludes the snapshot.
Sam – Sam recognizes that I am late, which isn’t cool!
Daniel – Daniel has set up his big boy sound system in his room, and he’s also gotten his second covid shot! Congrats on doing the right thing. He’s also taken up archery again, and that’s really cool!
Cory – Cory got a new SSD with Windows 10, which is pretty hip.
Jake – Jake’s going to Arizona next week, have fun.
Lloyd – Lloyd is really enjoying living in Milwaukee. He’s taking his time unpacking and enjoying the city.
Kyle – Kyle’s birthday is today and his sister brought him some beef jerky. Happy birthday!
Erika – Erika braided her hair and started knitting a purple hat. She’ll buy pizza and a cake later today as well.
Ehryn – Erhyn has picked up cross-stitching again for the first time in 2 months. Neat! Also, welcome to the team!
Matt – Matt did a good handful of research into 3D printing and picked out one to buy. Good luck and happy printing!
– Reworked the header/footer on Billing site to be closer to the main website colors and styling.
– Fixed a responsiveness issue with the TrustPilot logo on the homepage
– Fixed an issue on the Multicraft panel that caused wide pages to overlay the sidebar when scrolling
– Added a globe icon to the currently selected server world in WebFTP so you can easily find it in a list of servers. This includes the _nether and _the_end folders from Spigot versions.
It’s been a hot minute since we’ve covered anything in regards to Minecraft Dungeons. In place of the Community Gulp, let’s catch up on all the changes and additions being made to the spin-off game.
For DLC, the latest upcoming content to Minecraft Dungeons is called Hidden Depths! Little is known about the update, but just like the other worlds added, it will most likely include new underwater-based levels, weapons, armor, and items. You can expect some free content, but be sure to snag the Season Pass if you’d like to play on the new levels for yourself.
In free news, Minecraft Dungeons turns one year old very soon! Starting on May 26th and running until June 8th, there will be an Anniversary Event that includes seasonal trials that will allow you to collect special in-game rewards. Minecraft’s Kelsey Howard goes on about how there is an event-exclusive cape that’s “just the icing on top!” This is sure to be something that brings back some of the players who may have initially stopped playing after finishing the game.
That’s this week done and dealt! Not much has happened, but enough to still justify my existence. Mojang released a more technical snapshot than content-focused, but it still improves the game so that’s fine by me. The Apex team was really attentive today, and I was able to get a lot of them to pitch in with their report. I decided to replace the Community Gulp with some news on Minecraft Dungeons for today, as it has been a while since we covered it. And to think it has already been a year since its release! In any case, I wish you all the best! Have a great day!