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Weekly News Digest – March 19th, 2021

Posted: Mar 19, 2021 in Company News

mc head By Kevin Lott

Minecraft News

Hello everyone! Another day, another dollar! I got some good news for you this week, along with an actual snapshot. Mojang releases 21w10a, a truly fabulous snapshot. 21w10a adds the Lush Caves as an underground biome, and they look awesome! Furthermore, Cracked Deepslate Bricks and Cracked Deepslate Tiles have been added along with their infested variants. An interesting addition is the Deepslate versions of Emerald, Copper and Coal that will not naturally spawn in the world, but can be used by mapmakers.


The Lush Caves have Moss that covers the floor and ceilings. Spore Blossoms grow from the ceiling and drip particles. Clay pools rest in the environment that grow out of them. Azalea Bushes and Flowering Azalea Bushes are contained in the brush while Azalea Trees have their roots in the Lush Caves. The caves are lit with Cave Vines that house glow berries. Overall, this new underground biome is absolutely amazing, and it looks very cool! You can check out the official snapshot here.

Apex Hosting News

Not much to say, honestly. Everyone’s just doing what they’re doing.

Daniel: Daniel has been waiting on multiple large packages which are all stuck in mail limbo. Quite sad, honestly.

Kyle: Kyle is receiving a Pokemon package today, so that’s cool!

Erika: Erika is knitting a blanket and is starting to paint her monitor pink… Good luck, I guess!

Lloyd: Lloyd has been playing a lot of Pixelmon with his friends, so that’s cool.

Nathan: Nathan is developing a network with his community.

David: I am here! Not doing much, but we should release a new guide for the popular Create mod which took me a heck of a long time. I’m sure you’ll all love it, though.

Apex Hosting Changelog

– The Proxy plan now has a description directly below it on the pricing page. This will hopefully help prevent clients purchasing these as normal servers.

– The sitemap on the main site has been reworked a bit to include some of our pages that were missing. https://apexminecrafthosting.com/sitemap/

– The Start/Stop/Restart/Force Stop buttons on the panel will now show a small description when you hover over them. This should clear up some confusion on what they all do.

– The Reset Server Files popup has been adjusted to tell clients that it also deletes their local server backups.

Community Gulp

PC Gamer just released an awesome video showing off a new texture pack which they claim makes the Nether “kawaii” and it looks really cool! A barren wasteland transforms into a pink hellscape, making all ghasts cute, adorable cuddly things while changing all the paintings to cutesy art. Minecraft has always been a game of many aesthetics, from realistic to cartoony, but this is beyond hilarious. My favorite part has to be the Cookie Monster Double Chest. In any case, I won’t be using this all the time.

pink nether

You can find the original article and video on the texture packs here, which link to the two related packs, ‘Minecraft but make it cute’ and ‘Kawaii World!


Welp, this was a fairly interesting week. For my 40th week with Apex, we get one of the most interesting biomes added to Minecraft along with tons of new items and blocks. Apex itself is done fine and dandy, having lots of fun playing Tekkit and Valheim. PC Gamer made a somewhat high effort article on the dopetastic cutesy art style of some awesome texture packs. With that said, I hope you got something out of this week’s blog. Have a great day!

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