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Weekly News Digest – February 27th, 2021

Posted: Feb 27, 2021 in Company News

mc head By Kevin Lott

Minecraft News

Heyo! It’s Dave, and I got some great news! Since last week, I’ve got two awesome snapshots for you. 21w06a and 21w07a have been released, and they are game-changing! Minecraft will never be the same again, and whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing is up to you.

21w06a brings huge technical changes, added 128 blocks to the world height limit. This is being done by extending the underground by 64 blocks and the sky by 64 blocks, rather than doing it in one direction. Now, after y=0, you can go all the way down to y=-64. Cave generation has also been bumped up. It isn’t at the level that would be considered complete, but Mojang is hard at work. They’ll finish the technical side of things eventually.

21w07a ores

Next, 21w07a adds a new stone variant which we are likely to see a lot of. The textures of all ores have also been changed, and in my opinion, downgraded. I don’t know why this change was made, but with a new update comes new changes that we may not all agree with. I can at least say that the quality is there, I just prefer the old ones. Ore distribution has been revamped to accommodate for the new, deeper underground which is covered in grimstone. After y=0, expect to see a lot more grimstone than actual stone. Diamonds and Redstone are significantly more common down there, so happy mining. I should clarify that all of these snapshots are subject to change as Mojang sees fit before the official release of 1.17. If you want to check out the most recent snapshot for yourself, you can do so here.

Apex Hosting News

It’s all good these days, especially with the Apex crew

Cory: Snow is melting. Yes.

Nathan: Nathan has proclaimed the sky is blue. Further investigation needed.

Daniel: Snow is falling. Yes.

Erika: Erika made some awesome woodwork, and it looks great!

Aaron: Aaron got a new monitor! Hopefully, it allows him to see more clearly from now on.

Dave: Me? I’ve been out and about. Chillin’ like a villain. I have finally assembled my new setup, and it looks lovely.

Apex Hosting Changelog

– A few of our locations have been renamed to match the overall format (Israel > Tel Aviv, Israel, Singapore > Singapore, Singapore, France > Gravelines, France)

– The Knowledgebase categories on the main site now have fancy icons

– The Knowledgebase is now on the homepage

– New ‘Maps’ category has been added

Community Gulp

greendale library

This time around, I bring you quite the awesome creation from Reddit user battered-fish who has recreated Greendale’s Library Building and Study Room in Minecraft. They plan to continue their work by creating other parts of the landscape, and other parts of the world. The interior is completely designed and made with delicate care, all the more impressive because it was done in Pocket Edition! This was posted on r/community, and you could check out the original post here.


Welp, that’s another week done and dealt! Contrary to the last few weeks, Mojang is pumping out game changing snapshots left and right! The future of our favorite block game is going to be significantly different from what it was originally, and I can’t wait. The Apex crew along with me, it’s bound to be loads of fun. As for the Community Gulp, battered-fish created a pretty huge and detailed build, on Pocket Edition nonetheless! I was quite impressed. With that said, I hope you all have a great day.

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