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Weekly News Digest #80 – December 17th, 2021

Posted: Dec 17, 2021 in Company News

mc head By Kevin Lott


Hello and welcome to our weekly news blog! Urgent news strikes us here at Apex as Mojang alerts the Java Edition community of a security breach which could lead to your computer being compromised. I talked about this a little in last week’s blog, but rest assured Apex has already taken precautionary measures by updating every server and client as soon as a fix to the issue was available.

Alex and Steve

But details! From how Mojang explains it as there being an exploit within Log4j. The issue has since been patched out on all vanilla versions of the game, so as long as you update your clients and servers, there should be nothing to worry about! We don’t know how this vulnerability would have effected us, but let’s just hope that the Mojang team work hard at preventing issues like this from happening again.

Apex Haul


Nitrado Acquires Apex Hosting – Apex Hosting has been acquired by another awesome server hosting company, Nitrado!

ARK Lost Island DLC – Check out the latest update for ARK: Survival Evolved!

New Apex Videos

How to install and play Pixelmon Reforged – Learn How to install and play Pixelmon Reforged with Apex Hosting

There are some strange things going on at Dr. Evils, Evil lab! 😱🧪 – This is one of our original animations, which showcases a mad scientist which leaves his dangerous experimental potion on the wrong shelf. A contained creeper then escapes and drinks it to reveal it has transformed him into a grotesque mutant! Scary!

Team News

That’s all there is to it.

Sam – Sam acknowledges that I was late. Yeah…

Erika – Erika baked cookies, made bread, and made wings for the first time.

Daniel – Daniel is getting back into Dead By Daylight.

Community Gulp

In typical Minecraft community fashion, I am ever impressed with the builds and creations that players are able to create. Today I want to show you an awesome build by Reddit user wolfbiom which he posted on the Minecraft subreddit.

Minecraft red panda

The build showcases a strikingly realistic red panda climbing a branch. I was captivated by the detail of the belly, the ears, the bushy tail, and the perfect accuracy to a real red panda. A very well made build indeed!


That’s the week! Minecraft, or rather Mojang informs us about a security breach which has basically been handled. We don’t have anything to worry about anymore. The Apex team is doing great as well. I wasn’t able to get a lot of them to tell me about their day, but I was pretty late so I don’t blame them. Lastly, the Minecraft community houses an experienced zoologist as wolfbiom shows off his awesome red panda. In any case, I hope you enjoyed reading our weekly blog, and have a great day!

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