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Posted: Jan 13, 2023 in Minecraft
By Kevin Lott
Hello everyone and welcome to our weekly news blog! Here at Apex, we like to bring you the latest in epic news whether it be Minecraft, Rust, or any other happenings in the gaming sphere. Let’s get started with our favorite, block game central.
Another week, another leak. Well, this time it’s not so much a leak but something that’s actually in the game already. For Bedrock, this means big things. For Java, hopefully, this means big things too. Snapshots have actually continued development, but only for Bedrock Edition. The most recent Bedrock snapshot had some minor changes with some bug fixes and sound changes, but there were actually some secret changes made that were not included in the changelog! I know, right?
Recently, the skeleton horse, zombie horse, and mule textures got updated in the latest Bedrock snapshot. Armor visuals also got some changes as well. The changes basically brought the saddles and chests up to snuff with the rest of the game. There was also some code relating to an ‘Edit World’ UI update, which will most likely have a similar aesthetic to the ‘Create a World’ UI which was updated before. But all of this stuff is boring, so what’s the good stuff? Well, if you happen to use the same emote exactly five times, you’ll see a unique chat message! It’s a little buggy, so some people haven’t been able to trigger it, but it does exist!
It’s a new year and the best month!
Dave – It’s almost my birthday, so I’m pretty excited. Probably gonna go to cracker barrel.
Kyle – Kyle is now using a standing desk and it is his cat’s favorite thing to try to stand on top of the PC since there’s room now. He needs to set the desk lower when he leaves the room now, lol.
Santiago – Stangiago has started Elden Ring. Good luck on your journey, tarnished!
Dalton – Dalton got a new phone. His old one would randomly decline calls, so fortunately this new one does not.
Ricky – Ricky also got a new phone, but also a new apple watch. Fancy!
So, 10 years. Not as old as block game, but still an incredibly impressive feat. Rust has celebrated its 10th birthday, and it has been an awesome journey. There are still big plans for Rust which the developers will be sharing details for in the coming months, but this is still awesome.
Over the course of 2022, Rust has made over 9,700 commits. Over 172 bugs have been fixed. Over 251 improvements have been made to the game. The game has been viewed on Twitch over 914 million times! Stats for days! These numbers and many more can be found on the official 2022 recap which the Rust developers put out on their changelog. Absolutely impressive stuff, Facepunch.
Welp, that’s the week! Minecraft added a few new easter eggs in secret, which was pretty cool. The devs claimed they just forgot to add it to the changelog, but we know what’s really up. The Apex team is doing good as always, with an odd amount of new phones being purchased. Rust is also celebrating a monumental achievement with its 10th anniversary. Congratulations! With all that being said, have a great day!