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Weekly News Digest – August 6th, 2020

Posted: Aug 6, 2020 in Company News

mc head By Kevin Lott

Minecraft Updates

I feel like a broken record here, but 1.16.2 is still not released. As I always say, it isn’t the end of the world. Like every week, Mojang generously publishes a gazillion bug fixes and some small changes in the form of Pre-release 2. Now, you don’t need shears to break Crimson and Warped roots. pizza deliveryThat’s all, among dozens of bug fixes and technical changes. In regards to actually getting the update, we’re in the endgame.

In other news, Realms Plus will be adding dozens of maps and skins to their monthly subscription service. The summer may be ending, but you and up to 10 friends can enjoy hundreds of adventure maps, skin packs, worlds, mini-games, and more all on the Minecraft Marketplace. Some new additions include 25 TNTs, Butterfly Kingdom, Pizza Delivery, and many more. Seems like loads of fun!

Apex Hosting News

This is the second week that we’re trying this, but hopefully, I can maintain it and make it commonplace. If one of my superiors has something to say about, a round of fisticuffs would be in order. Now, let’s see what the staff is up to, or at least the staff that tolerate my presence.

Sophia seemed confused when I inquired about her status. I’ve been brushed off, and I am hurt.

Eve is about to finish its Shrine deck in MTG Arena for “giggles.” It seems like it will be enjoying itself, which is nice. It also apparently raided every local grocery store in the hopes of finding the ideal Icelandic snack to try

Joseph is getting closer to a hardware delivery and setup for a project he is working on with Mick. May his workload be light and his journey easy.

Kyle has started his own Singleplayer world. No man is an island, but he seems to be managing just fine! He is also infuriated at his local Maillady due to her incompetence. Apparently, she isn’t able to deliver his neighbors’ mail because of the position Kyle’s car is parked in even though there is zero obstruction, along with the fact that the past mailman had no issue for over half a decade. I feel like this news is somewhat biased, but I have no reason to not believe him.

Dave (myself) is refining his BedWars skill. He is sure that he can absolutely whoop anyone at PvP now. Technoblade is a joke.

Anyone else that I haven’t listed this week was either hiding or didn’t want to tolerate me. Completely understandable, yet still disappointing.

Apex Hosting Changelog

Public Changes

-The Web FTP login error message will now contain a link to request a password reset.

-The checkout button during the upgrade process will now function even after using automatic translation.

-A tooltip question mark icon will now appear during checkout when Bedrock is selected to notify clients that console systems cannot officially connect to servers.

-The main website can now display more than 1 modpack on a single page, this will be useful for Forge, Spigot, Paper, etc.

Community Gulp

Terrible news strikes us on this sad day. The Twitch streamer Gisthekey, who was gone through a hardcore world of Minecraft for over 500 hours has mined his last block. His in-game character has fallen. Although I personally feel his death was deserved, due to the absolutely atrocious way he died, it still marks a sad death.
Here, you are looking at the moment that ended this man’s life. A named creeper that had been supercharged by Gisthekey himself with his trusty trident. He then jumped down into the hole that housed the creeper, and just stood there, staring at it. I was quite disappointed, but after playing for hundreds of hours on the same world making such progress, you really can’t blame him for screwing up once. A tragedy, indeed.


Finally, we arrive at the end once again. Another great week of news. From minor technical changes to new content updates on Realms, and the finality of a truly amazing streamers’ world. 1.16.2, like I always say, is going to release eventually. Although I don’t own a Realm myself, I’m sure that the maps and adventures will be loads of fun for others! And for Gisthekey… keep gaming, my man. With that said, you all have a wonderful day!

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