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Minecraft Vanilla Tweaks: The most subtle of changes

Posted: Dec 12, 2022 in Minecraft

mc head By Kevin Lott


We all love Vanilla Minecraft, but have you ever had a gut feeling for something more? Have you ever felt that you had a great idea for just a small change that should be made to the game? Tiny tweaks change game mechanics in the most subtle ways that make the game slightly better, whether it be improving quality of life, performance, or creative consistency. Today, we’re going to go over Vanilla Tweaks and everything it includes. Let’s begin.

About Vanilla Tweaks

Vanilla Tweaks is about tweaking parts of the vanilla game that make the game slightly better. The most subtle changes to improve the default game experience. The collection of tweaks was designed by a team of developers who decided on and developed these tweaks. This collection of sorts is separated into three categories: Resource Packs, Data Packs, and Crafting Tweaks.

Vanilla Tweaks

What makes Vanilla Tweaks incredibly unique is that you can pick and choose exactly which tweaks you would like to include in your download of the content using the Vanilla Tweaks’ website’s easy-to-use user interface. Just select the different tweaks and when you’ve created a collection that’s to your liking you can play away!

Better Particles

Resource Packs – Starting from Minecraft version 1.11. Resource Packs can alter textures, sounds, and models. For example, change your crosshair or select a new menu background. Some examples of the changes made in the Vanilla Tweaks resource packs include Hay Bales unbundled, Elytra wings that look like Vex/Phantom wings, the Golden Helmet texture being changed into a crown, renaming ‘Stem’ to ‘Log’, and much more.

The changes in the resource packs extend from aesthetic, terrain, lower/sides, variation, connected textures, peace & quiet, utility, unobtrusive, 3D, HUD, GUI, Options Backgrounds, Menu Panoramas, Retro, Fun, Colorful Slime, Parity, and Fixes.

Data Packs – Starting from Minecraft version 1.13. They can run commands in-game, control loot tables, change crafting recipes and alter achievements. Some examples of the changes made in the Vanilla Tweaks data packs include having leaves decay much faster than normal, getting a notification ping when your weapon durability reaches 10%, having player heads drop when they die, and even allowing armored elytra.

Double Shulker

The changes in the data packs extend to Survival, Items, Mobs, Teleportation, Utilities, Hermitcraft, and Experimental.

Horse Armor

Crafting Tweaks – Starting from Minecraft version 1.13. Crafting Tweaks are a separate category of datapacks, but they’re technically still a datapack. They’re just separated for the sake of your convenience. They can change or add crafting recipes and add functionality. These crafting recipes are meant to remove the tedium from many different crafting recipes which are inconvenient to the player. Some examples of these crafting tweaks include turning Droppers into Dispensers, Rotten Flesh into Leather, being able to craft Horse Armor, being able to Craft Name Tags, and much more.

Vanilla Tweaks Crafting Tweaks include Quality of Life, More Blocks, Craftables, and Unpackables.

If you need assistance downloading the resource packs from VanillaTweaks, check out our guide here. If you need assistance downloading the data packs or crafting tweaks from VanillaTweaks, check out this guide here.


That’s all there is to VanillaTweaks! VanillaTweaks is probably the best collection of Vanilla+ changes that have ever been made to Minecraft, and the modularity of the downloading process is an incredibly unique way of cutting down fat! I love the customizability. I’m also particularly fond of the craftable horse armor, as I hate looking for that stuff in the Nether. In any case, I hope you all have a wonderful day!

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