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Code at Checkout APEX25
Posted: Dec 12, 2018 in Company News
We have a new little gift available for some of you that have been asking for this holiday season and it’s finally here! Our brand new Singapore location is now available! We are very excited to continue to further expand to more regions with earlier this year the release of our Australia location and potentially even more in the future! We have full setup test server as well so if you would like to test your connection out feel free to join the server and play around for a bit!
Feel free to send in a support ticket if you’d like to be transferred to this new location here.
If you are looking to get a brand new server at the new Singapore location we are still offering our extremely limited time only holiday sale plans over here!
2018 has been a big year for us and 2019 is going to be even bigger! So stay on the lookout for some great new things!
Happy Holidays,
Team Apex