This is the compilation of all Apex Hosting version changes released on November 17th. This includes bug fixes and adjustments for modpacks, gametypes, bedrock versions, and everything else in between.
First, the Mod Packs. FTB Inferno had a massive update which added numerous features and changes. FTB Plexiglass fixed a mod compatibility issue and fixed a recipe. Valehlsia 5 provided no changelog. New Game ModPack had no changelog provided. FTB StoneBlock 3 added a recipe and fixed some stuff. Life in the village 3 disabled some features and adjusted spawn rates. All the Magic Spellbound added mods. Better MC PLUS reverted Nourished Nether. DarkRPG added mods and swapped some mods. Omnifactory provided no changelog. Ragnamod VI provides no changelog as well. TNP Limitless 5 added a recipe for Ink Sacks and made some changes in mod updates. All the mods 7 to the Sky removed some mods and added others. All the mods 8 added mods and updated its forge version.
Next, the Proxy. Waterfall improved/fixed affects spawning API.
Further on, the Mod Based and Bedrock. Forge 1.18.2 improves logging of missing or unsupported dependencies. Nukkit had numerous changes including fixing player data properties being sent twice and client-side issues.
Almost done here, the Plugin Based. Paper 1.19.2 fixed/improved Affects Spawning API.
Lastly, Vanilla. Snapshot 22w45a changed how Vexes look and tweaked the music added in The Wild update. Shulker Boxes will also now pop off blocks which are attached to the opened faces, like torches.
Mod Packs:
FTB Inferno updated to 1.3.0
– Added failsafes to several witherstorm fight phases to prevent getting stuck for failing portal timers
– Avaritia bow no longer works in the witherstorm bowels
– Witherstorm bowels gate no longer summons withers, now summons a symbiont insteead, should make getting/replacing command tools easier now.
– Sword of the cosmos now does true damage in the overworld and witherstorm fights, bypassing reflective, shielding and adaptive modifiers
– Witherstorm heads are no longer adaptive
– Sickened Zombies and creepers no longer have the magnetic property
– All sickened mobs are now t0 champions with 4 predefined affixes
– Ender dragon was removed from the annihilation gate due to its ai being weird outside of the end
– Added some more portals checks to ensure they keep spawning on a world reload or failed portal
– Added scripted failsafs to the bowels fight to prevent the mod from occasionally softlocking the fight in phase 14
– Made the enemies in the final fight less HP sponges
– Explosions no longer work in the witherstorm bowels
– Added a rare easter egg on death
– removed tip for roof mushrooms as they now spawn in your starting structure
– Added some quests for Apotheosis
– Added an easter egg on playing for a certain amount of time
– reverted FTB Quests to an older version due to the latest version breaking the nbt checking on several quests
– Updated the Hematophageous bee quest to request life essence combs now
– Gene sample quest no longer requires a sample, the machine will complete it
– Updated the text of several quests
– Moved some quests
FTB Plexiglass Mountain updated to 1.2.2
– Fixed REI compatibility with AE2 by updating the mod #1653.
– Patched dupe bug with Re-chiseled.
– Fixed an oddity with Slag being in two furnace recipes #1695.
– Removed the “No Night Vision Flashing” mod due to a bug with Oculus (shaders) Asek3/Oculus#118. This is a non-breaking change to help shader compatibility.
Valhelsia 5 updated to 5.0.6
– no changelog provided
New Game ModPack updated to New Game Modpack (Great) v13 - 1.19.2
– no changelog provided
FTB StoneBlock 3 updated from 1.2.0 to 1.3.0
– Added recipe for Sponge. #1847
– Tweaked Mother Silverfish’s Attack Damage, Speed and how often it spawns baby’s.
– Lowered time out of Homing Arrow on Mother Silverfish from 10Sec to 3Sec.
– Increased amount of arrows before time out of Homing Arrow on Mother Silverfish from 50 to 80.
– Made Liquid eggs from Chickens more useful. #1848
– Fixed Signalum unification. #1854
– Added upgrade recipe for RS Wireless Grid to RS Wireless Crafting Grid. #1860
– Added EMC to Limestone. #1873
Life in the village 3 updated from 1.3 to 1.4
– disabled Alexmobs Leafcutter
– adjusted healing campfire
– nomadic tents are now fireproof
– adjusted Towns spawn rate
– increased abandoned colony spawn rate
– disabled ability to put chickens on head
– disabled butterflies with no texture
All the Magic Spellbound - (ATMS) updated from 2.2.7 to 2.3.0
– mods added
Better MC [PLUS] 1.16.5 updated from 40 to 41
– Reverted Nourished Nether
DarkRPG updated from 4.6.2 to 4.7.3
– Swapped Better Sound Muffler with Bad Wither No Cookie
– Swapped WTHIT with Jade due to player crashes reported on WTHIT
– Added Kitsune Origin
– Added Grounded Origins
– Added YDM’s Spellswords
Omnifactory updated from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2
– no changelog provided
Ragnamod VI updated from 6.1.8 to 6.1.9
– no changelog
TNP Limitless 5 updated from 2.26.2 to 2.27.0
– Added a recipe for Ink Sac.
– Some changes in mod updates, as always.
All the mods 7 to the Sky updated from 1.1.4 to 1.1.5
– Added forgotten gears to machines
– added forge:ores blocktag to forbidden and arcanus arcane crystal ore
– Removed duplicate magmatic dynamo quest
– Removed duplicate coal generator quest
– Laserio- fixed energy transfer with flux networks
– removed simplebackups from the serverfiles
All the mods 8 updated from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1
– Added Observable
– Added Health Overlay
– Added ME Requester
– Added Energy Meter
– Updated All the Mods
– Forge Version is 43.1.47
WaterFall updated from 506 to 507
– Fix/improve Affects Spawning API
Mod Based:
Forge 1.18.2 updated from 40.1.84 to 40.1.85
– Improve logging of missing or unsupported dependencies
Nukkit updated from 1025 to 1027
– Fix player data properties being sent twice
– Client side issues caused by normal data flags not being sent with extended flags
– Item Net ID should be 1 if the item is not air
– Accuracy of player movements
– Maximum chat message size was too low
– Backward compatibility with PowerNukkit port of Wode’s AntiXRay plugin
Plugin Based:
Paper 1.19.2 updated from 263 to 271
– Fix/improve Affects Spawning API
Vanilla Snapshot updated from 22w44a to 22w45a
– The Vex now has a new look
– The Wild update music has been tweaked to be slightly less loud
– When opening, Shulker Boxes will pop off blocks which are attached to opened faces (such as Torches)
– Blocks that require support cannot be placed on these open faces while the Shulker Box is open
– “Teleport to Team Member” option in spectator menu now only shows up for teams with viable target players
– Added Operator Items Tab option in the Controls menu which is off by default
– Creative Inventory changes
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