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Scary Minecraft Mods

Posted: May 2, 2024 in Minecraft

mc head By Nathan Young

There is a growing number of players in Minecraft wanting to make spooky servers to play with friends. In recent years, many new horror games have released and boosted this genre’s popularity. Many developers have taken notice of this and decided to create scary mods for Minecraft. These range from introducing horrific mobs that stalk you to terrifying aesthetics for uneasy gameplay. Do you want to host your own Minecraft server with scary mods? If so, you’re in the right place – but there are hundreds of options to try out. Let’s begin to showcase some of our top picks for scary mods in Minecraft to help decide which one is best for you.

Best Scary Mods for Minecraft

Minecraft Scary Mods

Whether you want the classic feeling of being watched by Herobrine or something completely different, there’s bound to be a scary mod just waiting for you. The possibilities are endless, as Minecraft allows players to change almost anything. With this said, some of the mods we’ll showcase can be incredibly spooky. We highly recommend playing with friends, as you might get too scared without them. This also provides more entertainment since having multiple users can amplify the experience. Which scary mods are best for you? Jump right in and learn more about them to get started!

Cave Dweller

One of the newer mods on our list, Cave Dweller, is simple and terrifying at the same time. There is only one monster added to the game, which stalks you while in caves. Strange ambient noises can be heard as you mine for diamonds, be on the lookout for anything that looks suspicious. If caught red-handed by the creature, a chase will begin! Horrific screams will turn your stomach as you run away from it. This scary mod makes it uneasy to collect basic resources in cave systems.

Cave Dweller




For those that run out of torches easily, avoid trying the Grue mod for Minecraft. This downright terrifying creature is the main feature, only appearing in dark areas near players. Anything below light level 2 will trigger its spawn event, only staring at its target until it unleashes a powerful attack. You won’t be able to defeat it, unless you brighten up the surrounding area – causing the monster to combust in smoke. Always have a light source in your inventory at all times, you never know.



Want a classic horror experience in Minecraft? Install the Herobrine mod, introducing a wide variety of scary features to make your skin crawl. Whether you randomly encounter a leafless forest or have the uncanny feeling that you’re being watched, expect to be scared at any given time. You might even see Herobrine himself far in the distance, gazing at you with his piercing white eyes. There are also new blocks and items to try out, which amplifies the whole ordeal.



Zombie Awareness

Zombie Awareness

Scary or hard? Why not both! The Zombie Awareness mod makes all zombies that much more challenging to defeat. They’re attracted to blood scents, sounds, and even lights. Zombies might even group into large hordes that wander around the world, searching for their next victim. Additionally, they’re stronger and faster than before – resulting in fierce fights to the death. These features and others create a spooky vibe in Minecraft, especially when combining other mods.


Horror Elements

Designing a spooky map in Minecraft can be extremely difficult, as there aren’t many blocks or decorations to invoke fear. That’s where Horror Elements comes into play, offering you tons of new materials for the best scary builds. This is a perfect addition to other mods, as you can have corpses and blood stains to amplify the atmosphere of your server. Imagine having terrifying creatures lurking at night with these decorations plastered around the map. Scary!

Horror Elements


Hardcore Darkness

Hardcore Darkness

One of the greatest fears almost held by every person is the unknown, with darkness being a prime example. Minecraft is no stranger to areas being pitch black – but it never usually is completely dark. The Hardcore Darkness mod reworks the lighting system to resolve this issue. Players in-game will absolutely need torches to help them see at night or in caves. Combine this mod with others and you have a recipe for chaos. The unknown of what’s out there will keep you at bay unless friends tag along to ease your mind.


Other Spooky Mods


Those are just our top picks, but there are hundreds of more scary mods for Minecraft online to explore. Examples include Slenderman or BigFoot, adding extra dangers in your world. Others might involve adding new decorations, altering the atmosphere, or creating new fears you didn’t know existed. If you want to search for more of these scary mods, then find them on CurseForge for the best results. There are other sites and services available for the same goal, but might be riskier – proceed at your own discretion.

How to Install Mods on Minecraft

Setting up mods for your Minecraft server or singleplayer world is a straightforward process. However, there are some differences between them. We strongly recommend checking out our guides linked below to learn more about each one to get started with scary mods in Minecraft.


Hosting Your Own Scary Minecraft Server

Having a multiplayer world full of horrors is a great way to stay up late with friends. Always double-check behind you, run away from terrifying monsters, and lighten up areas to ease your conscience. Depending on what scary mods you install, the gameplay will change. Find the best ones suited to your needs, then embark on a spooky adventure in Minecraft. We hope this article helped you out – have a good one!

Start Your Minecraft Server

Get started with your own minecraft server in 5 min and start trying out these great features.