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Roughly Enough Items Minecraft Mod

in Mods

mc head By Nathan Young

REI Minecraft Mod


While playing on your Minecraft server, knowing crafting recipes and an item’s usage is critical information to continue progressing in the world. Whether players are unsure about making a shield or wondering how to use armor in the smithing table, resolving these concerns can be time consuming as it involves research. Fortunately, using the Roughly Enough Items (REI) Forge or Fabric modification in Minecraft introduces a new menu that contains every block, item, and material in-game. This allows you to freely learn crafting recipes, understanding their uses, or even grab anything you want via cheating features. Setting it up to play with friends is easily done on our panel, but may confuse newcomers to the hosting scene. Due to this, we’ve created this Apex Hosting tutorial to show you how to install and use REI on your Minecraft server.

How to Download

  1. Navigate to Roughly Enough Items on CurseForge, then click Files near the top.
    REI CurseForge
  2. Locate and select your desired Game Version for this modification.
  3. Afterward, press the Download button on the right-hand side of your screen.
    REI Mod Download
  4. Save this file somewhere easily accessible on your computer for later.
  5. Do the same for the following dependencies: Architectury API and Cloth Config API.


Important: If you’re using Fabric for this installation, then make sure to download the Fabric API modification in addition to the other dependencies. Otherwise, Forge users can simply continue with the installation. Without downloading these required mods, REI will not properly work on the server or launcher.


Client Installation

Before using the REI modification, you’ll need to install Fabric or Forge on the Minecraft launcher. This is required to make mods compatible with your game, making it necessary to complete. After this, review the steps below to begin installing REI and its dependencies.

  1. Startup your Minecraft launcher and click the Installations option near the top.
    Minecraft Installations
  2. Locate your previously installed Fabric or Forge profile, then press its Folder icon.
    Minecraft Fabric Profile
  3. Find and enter the mods directory in the newly opened window.
    Note: If you don’t see this, then create it before proceeding with the installation.
  4. Afterward, simply drag and drop the modification files into this folder.
    REI Client Installation
  5. Return to your modded profile and click Play to begin loading everything.


Server Installation (Optional)

Using REI in Minecraft doesn’t require it to be installed on the server, as it’s a client-sided modification. However, you have the option to configure it on the panel if you want. Just make sure that you selected Fabric or Forge in the Game File area so everything is compatible. When you’re ready, follow along below to start this process.

  1. Head towards your Apex server panel and press FTP File Access near the top left.
    Minecraft FTP
  2. Continue to type your Password in the text box, then click the Login button.
    Minecraft FTP Login
  3. Locate and enter the mods directory from the file list.
  4. Afterward, press the Upload button at the top left corner.
  5. Drag and drop the mod files into the respective area, then wait until they reach 100%.
    REI Server Installation
  6. Return to the main panel and Restart the server to start loading everything.


Getting Started

Roughly Enough Items Minecraft

After joining the server, players can immediately see the changes by opening their inventory. On the right-hand side, there’s a new menu filled with every single item in your world. This also includes modded materials, blocks, and equipment if you have other modifications installed. Roughly Enough Items is straightforward, as you can start clicking on any items in the menu to view their recipes. However, there are other options and settings to play around with to personalize your experience. In the following sections, we’ll break down everything you need to know about the REI mod to get started.

Using the Menu

Players can hover over an item, then press R on their keyboard to reveal its crafting recipe. Alternatively, simply clicking on it can do the same action unless there is nothing required to make it. If you need to view other materials, then use the arrow buttons at the top right corner to navigate between pages. Besides this, you have a search bar at the bottom to instantly find what you need.

REI Menu

There’s also a way to view an item’s usage, which is done by hovering over it and pressing U on your keyboard. Sometimes, players may want to make a list of prioritized materials for later. This is easily achieved by pressing A on your keyboard while over it on the menu. After doing it, the item will appear on the left-hand side of the screen.

Better Crafting

REI Crafting

Instead of manually placing resources into your crafting table, this modification allows you to quickly make tools, weapons, armor, and anything else almost automatically. This is done by clicking the workbench icon near the search bar, then hovering over your desired item and pressing CTRL + left-clicking it while having the crafting GUI opened. Afterward, it’ll take your resources and automatically fill out the recipe for you to craft.

This only works if you have the needed materials and ingredients in your inventory, so keep this in mind as you try this feature out.

In-game Customizations

If you’re wanting to enable cheats in the menu or simply tweak some keybind settings, customizing REI is required. This is done through clicking the gear icon, near the search bar. After doing this, you’ll be greeted with many different options to edit. This provides you with the means to toggle certain features, change the menu’s appearance, among many other aspects of the mod. This comes in handy when you’re wanting a personalized way to learn recipes and navigate through the items.

REI Settings


Cheating Mode

REI Cheats

Instead of using creative mode, players with operator permissions can use REI’s menu to obtain anything. However, this feature must be toggled through the customization area. Simply set Cheating to Yes and press Save & Quit to apply the changes. Additionally, you’ll be granted the power to change between gamemodes, set the world’s time, or alter the weather. This is accessible from the bottom left plus icon, but also requires those operator privileges to work properly.

These features may come in handy if you’re not wanting to manually switch modes everytime you need to grab extra food or switching from nighttime to daytime.

Alternative Mod

An alternative to the REI modification is Just Enough Items (JEI), allowing for extremely similar features. This is commonly used on Forge modpacks, but achieves the same goal as its counterpart. Having another mod for this may help you resolve some potential issues. For example, JEI allows you to have more control over settings and even offers addons to increase the quality of your in-game experience. This involves a bit more technical knowledge, but is always an option for your Minecraft server if REI isn’t suitable for you.

JEI CurseForge


Common Issues

The Mod Isn’t Working

Remember, Roughly Enough Items needs to have its dependencies installed on the launcher or server to work properly. These include Architectury API and Cloth Config API, but Fabric versions also require the Fabric API mod. Keep this in mind when installing everything, while also making sure the files get uploaded into the mods directory. This applies to both the server and client, which all need a restart after the installation process. After doing this, try to join with the correct IP Address:Port or Subdomain to see if that works. However, if the situation persists, then double check you’ve downloaded the correct game versions for each modification. For example, having Forge 1.19.4 while trying to use Fabric 1.19.3 wouldn’t work. This typically causes a crash on the launcher and server, which may prevent anyone from joining.

Unable to Use Cheating Mode

In cases where you or others are trying to use cheats with REI, make sure to have operator permissions. This is done by executing op [player] in the Console of your server panel. For instance, running the “op user1” command will make “user1” have op privileges in-game. Afterward, double check Cheating is set to Yes in the mod’s customization menu to begin using this feature. If the situation persists, then this could mean the mod itself isn’t working properly. Reinstalling it on both the server and client is advised, but mainly the client.

Useful Links

Roughly Enough Items on CurseForge
How to Allocate More Memory on Minecraft
How to Add Mods to a Minecraft Server
Modded Server Optimization Guide

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